• 必须饮酒作诗聊以自娱然而也许不得不感谢悲惨政治生涯否则我们将会失去笔诗歌的巨大财富

    He had to attain fun by drinking wine and writing poems. However, maybe we have to thank his miserable political life, or we will lose a great fortune in poetry.


  • 大多数村民农地产出聊以为生。

    Most of the villagers survive off tiny plots of cropland.


  • 就要在一起,只有微笑聊以蔚籍

    I look at you and me and I smile.


  • 婴儿说话聊以自娱。

    She diverted herself with talking to her baby.


  • 银行可以聊以慰籍他们最后借款人

    The consolation for Banks is that they, too, have buyers of last resort.


  • 午饭休息时间顾客谈天闲聊以消磨时间

    During a lunch break, he and the buyer passed the time with some chitchat.


  • 这部电影如此致于电影院睡着了。

    (so... that) the film was so boring that I fell asleep in the cinema.


  • 而且,她们无权使用从前聊以谋生经营土地财产

    They also do not have decision-making authority over the use of the land or property on which they once lived or worked through either subsistence or commercial farming.


  • 他们亲自奏刀创作,寄情写意,聊以自娱,馈赠亲友

    They create them personally for self-entertainment, or as presents for relatives.


  • 唯一杰拉德聊以慰藉的伦敦球队过去18个月的变化。

    One consolation for Gerrard is the turnaround seen in north London over the last 18 months.


  • 我们很难想象每天能以面条聊以充饥的郭先生能够气力任何体力活。

    It was already hard for us to imagine a man who fed himself almost solely on plain noodle every day would be strong enough to handle any physical labor.


  • 一些大学生缺少学习动力目标于是谈情说爱,聊以消磨时光寻求快乐

    Some college students lack of study power and aim, so turn to love to spend time search for happiness.


  • 篇博客,参加舞蹈或者和你欧洲朋友几个月里有没有可能见面

    Take one dance class. Perhaps speak to a friend in Europe about a potential meet over the next few months.


  • 聊以慰藉是的,可以通过观看最爱电视节目放松自己你最爱的演员牵引至剧情。

    The consolation that you can get is to relax yourself by watching your favorite TV shows, being led by your favorite actors.


  • 江淹看来,写不是为了博取功名,也不是为了留下文名,仅仅是自娱自乐,聊以心而已

    In Jiangyan 's opinion, the goal of composing poems wasn' t for winning an official rank, not for leaving behind his fame, but for pleasing his heart.


  • 这个说法提醒人们,状况像是疾病可能症状包括抑郁多动症孤独。 。

    The suggestion is that this is more like an illness, with symptoms which might include depression, hyperactivity, boredom and loneliness.


  • 这个年龄段男人很少会与年轻女子相爱成婚幻想:这种我们年老聊以慰藉的。

    One was about forty: a period of mental vigour at which men seldom cherish the delusion of being married for love by girls: that dream is reserved for the of our declining years.


  • 临时建筑类直接受到不景气的影响,一点夸张浪费的情境营造,一点朴实温暖的真实,聊以堪慰。

    Interim Architecture got a direct hit from the recession, now with less opulence or mood setters, and more unpretentious cozy practicality.


  • 一贯幽默感,仁波切,由于使用一个偏僻语言制作片子或许变得无商业上失败

    With his usual sense of good humour, Rinpoche says that, produced in an obscure foreign language, the film could be boring and a commercial failure.


  • 调查人员分析了多达两万份长达30左右的日常对话样本,将它们归类细小事件及相对严肃的交谈

    Researchers analyzed 20, 000, 30-second samplings of daily conversations, and organized them into trivial chatter or more serious discussion.


  • 聊以你们问问对方的儿子是不是病着或者这个假日怎么度过的?记性时,闲聊简单。

    Recall your past conversations with the same person. Ask if their son is still ill or how the holiday went. Making small talk is easier when your memory is good.


  • 联合国工业发展组织说,这样改变使数十亿处于底层从中获益这些每天不到1美元的生活费聊以度日。

    The U.N. agency says such changes would benefit what it terms the "bottom billion" - the people who are subsisting on less than one dollar a day.


  • 通常他们落后四个小时里仍然清醒着,而且除了用以驱赶野生动物冬天聊以取暖微弱火光之外,他们别其他光源

    Usually they stayed awake three to four hours past sunset, with no light exposure other than the faint glow of a small fire that would keep animals away and provide a bit of warmth in the winter.


  • 在此基础上加上一点聊以说明不是概念群的一个相似处都我们所称机智,而只是那些使读者产生愉悦惊奇感相似处。

    I shall only add to it, by way of explanation, that every resemblance of ideas is not that which we call wit, unless it be such an one that gives delight and surprise to the reader.


  • 由于多种媒介相互融通如评论打分产品推荐社会网络媒体、即、即点击客户忠诚度系统,使得提供的服务越来越丰富了。

    Services are getting richer, too, with features that include rich media capabilities, reviews and ratings, product recommendations, social media, click to call or chat and loyalty systems.


  • 一个大约四十岁,正值精力旺盛时期这个年龄段的男人很少会有被与年轻女子相爱成婚幻想这种到我们年老聊以慰藉的。

    One was about forty: a period of mental vigour at which men seldom cherish the delusion of being married for love by girls: that dream is reserved for the solace of our declining years.


  • 零售商,他可以决定啤酒库存量多少。这不仅仅基于过去的销售记录可以基于天气预报社会媒体聚会体育比赛时间表

    A retailer, for instance, might decide how much beer to stock based not just on previous sales records, but also on weather forecasts, party chatter on social media and schedules for sports matches.


  • 零售商,他可以决定啤酒库存量多少。这不仅仅基于过去的销售记录可以基于天气预报社会媒体聚会体育比赛时间表

    A retailer, for instance, might decide how much beer to stock based not just on previous sales records, but also on weather forecasts, party chatter on social media and schedules for sports matches.


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