• 国际足联技术指导奥希耶克作为和红宝石队教练赢得了2007年联赛冠军。

    Former FIFA technical director Osieck won the 2007 AFC Champions League as coach of Japan's Urawa Red Diamonds.


  • 应该是小心的,”庞地耶克附近街头讨生活近两年的史考

    "I think she did an oops," said Secaur, who has lived on the streets around Pontiac for nearly two years.


  • 资讯设计师汤姆谈到透过大脑三个领域帮助我们了解文字影像感觉连结

    Information designer Tom Wujec talks through three areas of the brain that help us understand words, images, feelings, connections.


  • 美国版《时尚先生》的写手安德路·路耶克哈佛这项研究不能成为形象借口

    Andrew Luecke, a writer for the lifestyle magazine Esquire, said Harvard's research should not be used as an excuse for not caring about one's style and grooming.


  • 查脱户耶克的居民生活在石器时代晚期,不仅会制造细致的磨制石器,也已经驯化谷类

    These late stone Age settlers had finely polished stone tools, and they had domesticated cereals and sheep.


  • 匈牙利布达佩斯以西29公里(18英里)叫做厄特耶克匈牙利村庄郊外一个葡萄园包围广大开阔地带

    On the outskirts of the Hungarian village of Etyek, 29 km (18 miles) west of Budapest, there is a sprawling open area surrounded by vineyards.


  • ·米帖脱斯告戒人们:“不要感叹自己缺少什么能够放下自己手里拥有东西的人,才是一个真正有智慧。”

    Ye Kemi quote off Adams cautioned the people: "Do not lament their lack of what could have something to lay down their own hands who is a truly wise man."


  • 国际足联技术指导奥希耶克德国赢得1990年世界杯弗朗茨贝肯鲍尔助手作为红宝石队教练赢得了2007年联赛冠军。

    Former FIFA technical director Osieck was also Franz Beckenbauer's assistant when Germany lifted the 1990 FIFA World Cup and won the 2007 AFC Champions League as coach of Japan's Urawa Red Diamonds.


  • 科勒曼与他合作伙伴——英格兰萨利睡眠中心 詹 迪耶克比起老人平均睡眠7.5小时这个数字,年轻实验对象们平均每天睡9小时。

    Younger subjects slept for an average of 9 hours compared to 7.5 for older people, said Klerman and her colleague Derk-Jan Dijk of the Surrey Sleep Research Centre in England.


  • 发掘工作领导人、拉姆巴耶克Brüning国家考古博物馆负责人CarlosWesterLaTorre表示考古学家一个世纪以来一直“试图解释这个传说中的秘密。”

    Archaeologists have been "trying to decode the legend's mystery" for a century, said dig leader Carlos Wester La Torre, director of the Brüning National Archaeological Museum in Lambayeque.


  • 帕特里·今年早些时候认识作家之一选择蝴蝶实际上是因为拥有一间小小的出版社:蓝蝶图书

    Patrick Boyer is one of the authors I met earlier this year and the reason he chose butterfly is because he actually has a small publishing house called Blue butterfly Books.


  • 接受《苏格兰人》的采访时说:“沃故事让人惊叹如果我们在苏格兰纪念物纪念他好了。”

    "The story is totally amazing and it would be good if we could have some memorial in Scotland, to celebrate the bear's life," she told the Scotsman newspaper.


  • 美国宇航局发言人约翰姆布雷表示但是碎片继续扩散,有可能迫使空间站某种情况下采取避撞操作

    The debris will continue to spread, however, and potentially could force the station to make an avoidance maneuver at some point, said NASA spokesman John Yembrick.


  • ·格尔就是在这里突破音障的,第一航天飞机也是在这里建造降落的。

    Chuck Yeager broke the sound barrier right here and the first space shuttles were built and landed here.


  • 于是乎英国媒体决定重演战争辉煌,随之阿根廷队长果·马拉多纳成了头版头条主角

    So the British media decided to restage the glorious Falklands War instead, with the Argentinian captain Diego Maradona cast in the role of the headlines.


  • 美国地质研究所的姆波利·海平面上升沉淀物搅珊瑚苦难当头。

    Corals may also have trouble coping as sea level rises and stirs up sediments, said Kimberley Yates of the U.S. Geological Survey.


  • 明年夏天举办奥林匹运动会茨先生作为反恐领导人奥运会安全做准备工作关键作用。

    Next summer it will host the Olympic games; Mr Yates, as head of counter-terrorism, was a key figure in preparing for them.


  • 1947年,·格尔火箭动力的X - 1第一次突破了音障,让我们吃惊的是,仅仅23年后我们休闲旅行中已经可以享受超音速飞行

    Chuck Yeager first broke the sound barrier in his rocket-powered X-1 in 1947, so it's staggering to think that just 23 years later, we stood poised to take our leisure travel supersonic as well.


  • 目前担任·诺德队教练伯特马尔韦将接任荷兰国家队教练的职位。

    Bert van Marwijk, currently in charge of Feyenoord, takes over the REINS as the Dutch manager.


  • 默默无闻干着苦力活时,基廷却在声名卓著的纽约弗朗&埃尔公司平步青云。

    While Roark toils in obscurity, Keating rises through the ranks of theprestigious New York firm Francon &Heyer.


  • 现在已经一种时尚了,”高中生突然间胡萝卜非常流行,“‘天哪,快看,是胡萝卜。”’

    "Right now, it is a fad," says Warwick. He says that suddenly carrots seem very popular.


  • 多年来这个演员前女友萨纳·格雷格里的丑陋的家庭争执即将我们淡忘的时候,《海狸看起来怪异

    In 10 years, when the actor's ugly domestic disputes with ex-lover Oksana Grigorieva will have faded from our minds, the Beaver may just seem profoundly odd.


  • 福特法国大使艾里·舍瓦里EricChevallier)趁当局疏于防范之际本周末访哈马城之后,这次的抗议活动主要是面向国内观众的表演。

    The protests mainly played to a domestic audience after visits by Mr Ford and the French ambassador, Eric Chevallier, to Hama at the weekend caught the regime off guard.


  • 2010年11月加利福尼亚观看一场足球比赛时,《爱如》中的忧郁吸血鬼Bill的扮演者史蒂芬·莫拥着女儿里莱来站直身子。

    True Blood's sensitive vampire lends his support to his rough-and-tumble daughter Lilac –just look at those knees!– during the 9-year-old's soccer match in Venice, Calif., in November 2010.


  • 便是可能成为伯南副手旧金山联邦储备银行行长珍妮特•伦(JanetYellen)。

    That was Janet Yellen, president of the San Francisco Fed, who is likely to be Mr Bernanke’s new vice-chairman.


  • 演员:本尼特·康伯巴奇,西拉·亨兹科林·弗斯,大卫·丹,加里·奥德曼约翰·赫特,凯西·贝尔,·斯特朗,西蒙·迈伯尼托比·琼斯汤姆·哈迪

    Cast: Benedict Cumberbatch, Ciaran Hinds, Colin Firth, David Dencik, Gary Oldman, John Hurt, Kathy Burke, Mark Strong, Simon McBurney, Toby Jones, Tom hardy.


  • 演员:本尼特·康伯巴奇,西拉·亨兹科林·弗斯,大卫·丹,加里·奥德曼约翰·赫特,凯西·贝尔,·斯特朗,西蒙·迈伯尼托比·琼斯汤姆·哈迪

    Cast: Benedict Cumberbatch, Ciaran Hinds, Colin Firth, David Dencik, Gary Oldman, John Hurt, Kathy Burke, Mark Strong, Simon McBurney, Toby Jones, Tom hardy.


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