• 长着一对招风

    His ears stick out.


  • 老师教导不闻。

    He turned a deaf ear to the instruction given by his teacher.


  • 它们不是蝙蝠

    They are not bat ears.


  • 根据的体型蝠这样蝙蝠可以4

    Based on its body size, a bat-like the greater mouse-eared bat would be expected to live four years.


  • 功能

    The function of the ear is to listen.


  • 先生大名,小弟献丑真是班门弄斧了

    Your great name long since reached my ears like thunder. I am ashamed to show off my incompetence in the presence of an expert like yourself.


  • 作为近亲,蓬松毛皮加上纤细狭长的手指称为是世界上奇异的动物之一

    A close relative to the lemur, the aye-aye's shaggy fur, huge ears, and long, thin fingers make it one of the world's strangest animals.


  • 留声机厅里,顾客通过录音台机器另一台,不同演讲录音音乐片段

    In the phonograph parlors, customers listened to recordings through individual ear tubes, moving from one machine to the next to hear different recorded speeches or pieces of music.


  • 作为交换,向客户保证高于市场价格收购每一动物牛崽提供与欧盟类似直达客户电子身份识别系统

    In exchange, he guarantees an above-market price for each animal and a calf-to-customer electronic ear tag ID system like that used in the European Union.


  • 面红衣冠不整地来了

    She arrived flushed and dishevelled.


  • 很快就会他们俯首帖

    She'll have them eating out of her hand in no time.


  • 吵闹声不绝于无法集中精神

    I can't concentrate with all that noise going on.


  • 很多不绝于呼声都支持总理

    A lot of the chanting was in support of the deputy prime minister.


  • 想起那事便面红赤。

    He blushed scarlet at the thought.


  • 迎来是不绝于呼喊叛徒!叛徒!”。

    He was greeted by the chant of "Judas! Judas!"


  • 只长野兔出现车灯光圈里时突然刹了车

    He braked suddenly as a jackrabbit darted into the bright cones of light.


  • 里•霍36生日举行了年度娱乐界最盛大名流派对。

    He threw one of the biggest showbiz bashes of the year as a 36th birthday party for Jerry Hall.


  • 吵闹声不绝于很难精神集中。

    I find it hard to keep my concentration with such a noise going on.


  • 她们可怕咆哮尖叫淹没了甫斯音乐,把音乐成了碎片。

    They drown out Orpheus' music with the hideous roar of their howlings and their screamings and they tear him limb from limb.


  • 然而这种病毒可能感染狸,这是本土一种濒危有袋类动物。

    There is, however, a chance that the virus will infect the bilby, an endangered native marsupial.


  • 我们欢乐颂《沉思颂》回顾一下伟大诗人甫斯职业生涯

    Let's have a review of the career of the great poet Orpheus as we can get it in L'Allegro and Il Penseroso.


  • 甫斯一位诗人试图妻子欧律阴间他用歌声迷惑了Pluto

    Orpheus was the poet who had attempted to bring his wife, Eurydice, back from the underworld, and he did that by charming Pluto with his song.


  • 这种细菌——存在泥土水中,而粪便——造成游泳主要原因,症状是发痒疼痛红肿

    This germ—which is present in soil and water, not fecesis responsible for "swimmers ear", an itchy or painful inflammation of the ear.


  • 如果你们过《欢乐颂《沉思颂》,就会知道伟大神话诗人甫斯弥尔顿来说一直是个意味深长形象

    If you've read L'Allegro and Il Penseroso, you know that the image of the great mythological poet Orpheus is always a loaded one for Milton.


  • 唯一失宠方法扎突出的成形术),下降了17%。

    One of the only procedures to lose favor was the pinning back of prominent ears (otoplasty), down 17%.


  • 国家这头头的所有以色列人都承认撒母耶和华先知

    All Israel from Dan to Beersheba recognized that Samuel was a prophet of the LORD.


  • 知道这拉拢我,好俯首贴效劳。

    I knew he was trying to wheedle me into being at his beck and call.


  • 相对于头部而言过大

    Macrotia means ears are proportionately oversized to the person's head.


  • 赫拉克勒斯杀死巨人阿尔库俄纽斯费里翁

    Heracles killed the Giants Alcyoneus and Porphyrion.


  • 新西兰森林美妙声音便是垂鸦纯净、银铃般的叫声。

    One of the most beautiful sounds of the New Zealand forest is the clear, bell-like call of the Kokako.


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