• 毕晓普这个问题简单地描述一个优先事项问题,可以通过鼓励人们优先考虑其他生活目标计划而非网上花费时间来解决问题

    Bishop describes the problem as simply a matter of priorities, which can be solved by encouraging people to prioritize other life goals and plans in place of time spent online.


  • 一切唯一清楚旅游消费者通过他们的努力将会获得更好服务使搜索-计划-浏览-购买-分享经验”成为一个愉快令人沮丧的过程。

    What is clear in all this, is that travel consumers will soon be better served in their efforts to make the search - plan - shop - buy - share experience an enjoyable rather than a frustrating one.


  • 正如我们展望一年我们公司计划比较倾向偏向平稳环境而非有所增长。

    As we look into next year, our plan for our company is that it is more of a flat environment than a growth environment.


  • 通常会导致业务需求通过涉及调配具体系统战术IT活动实现战略企业级的计划

    This often results in business needs being implemented through tactical it initiatives involving the procurement of specific systems rather than strategic enterprise-level planning.


  • 不过报道苹果在本届世界开发者大会(安排今年6月6号到10号举办)上计划关注点放在软件而非硬件上。

    But reports have said that Apple plans to focus specifically on software, not hardware, at its Worldwide Developers Conference, scheduled from June 6-10 this year.


  • 感到姆的生活受到了那些的摧残,他们计划灌输人类特征使他成为一个似是而非的'人'。

    I felt that Nim's life had been blighted by people projecting on to him human qualities and trying to make him something that he wasn't.


  • 他们寻求全日制工作兼职,要增加薪水,并且享有多雇主养老金计划

    They were looking for the creation of full-time jobs rather than part-time, increased wages, and the retention of their multi-employer pension plan.


  • 这些笼统的、实际上有些投机冒险的讨论的内容在于是否具有可能性提出具体计划

    The discussions, general and mostly speculative in nature, were about possibilities rather than concrete plans.


  • 我们计划一步构建一个基于IR指令操作ast节点解释器

    But, the first steps we are planning to take is to build an interpreter that is based off the new ir instruction operations rather than AST nodes.


  • 可以更深入地钻研如何查询,即在查询开始处加上EXPLAIN,它返回查询计划结果清单2

    You can delve deeper into how a query is written by prepending EXPLAIN to the query, which will return the query plan instead of the result set, as show in Listing 2.


  • 计划下周于推出能看电影看电视视频播放器, 推出的应当是影碟,而非影碟机吧?

    plans to announce next week a single videodisc that can play films and television programs in both Blu-ray and HD-DVD


  • 在讲话中警告说,但对于那些认为更好做法是扼杀而非改进这项计划的人来说不会他们浪费时间

    But, he warned, according to a prepared text, 'I will not waste time with those who have made the calculation that it's better politics to kill this plan than improve it... if.


  • 另外像OnLiveand Otoy则计划玩家通过网络串流而非使用游戏机设备的方式来游戏机平台的游戏

    OnLive and Otoy, for their part, plan to let users play console games without consoles, by streaming them over the internet.


  • 我们即将国内引进排放上限和交易计划但是上限针对能源使用量,而非排放量。“兰密。”

    "We are going to introduce a domestic cap-and-trade programme, but the cap will be on energy intensity, not carbon," said Ramesh.


  • 情况如果还得不到改观美军类似单独军事行动被列入常规计划而非偶然为特殊情况。

    If things do not change, the sort of independent military operation carried out by US soldiers will become less the exception than the rule.


  • 综合上述情况使阿富汗走上正轨可能抱负计划

    In these circumstances, turning Kandahar round can seem less like a plan than an aspiration.


  • 篇文章强调计划书的写作研究思路开展

    This paper focuses on proposal writing rather than on the development of research ideas.


  • 很多商业计划部门注重未来计划财务细目着眼于更广泛前景,结果使自己成了裁减的对象

    Many of them had made themselves easy targets by concentrating too much on the financial minutiae of future plans rather than looking at the broader picture.


  • 可惜这个不大不小计划资金从何来,不为人知。随着工作展开成本的激增,一“愿景像是科幻而非科学

    It was, unfortunately, unclear how this modest proposal would be paid for and, as work began and costs spiralled, thevisionseemed more science fiction than science.


  • 目前,世界银行正在制定一系列计划提高其工作效率,使其回应借款客户需求更加重视外部工作内部工作。

    The Bank is undertaking a series of initiatives to work faster, be more responsive to client needs, and become more externallyrather than internallyfocused.


  • 如果计划日落一次谈话只有存储脑海里硬盘,你才能强烈地感受和体验它的滋味。

    If you decide a sunset or a conversation is going to live only in your mind instead of on your hard drive, you'll probably savor it more richly.


  • 美洲区域以及东南亚西太平洋区域正在按预定计划实现这些具体目标地中海欧洲区域不能按预定计划实现这些具体目标。

    The region of the Americas and the South-East Asia and Western Pacific regions are on track to reach these targets; the African, Eastern Mediterranean and European regions are not.


  • 这些动荡表明借钱只能近水之渴而非长久之计,在质疑之声卷土重来之前市场因为欧盟援救希腊推出的一揽子计划仅仅欢欣鼓舞了

    Such turmoil is a sign that debt is not the instant solution it was made out to be. The market cheer that greeted the EU package for Greece lasted just one day before the doubts resurfaced.


  • 这些动荡表明借钱只能近水之渴而非长久之计,在质疑之声卷土重来之前市场因为欧盟援救希腊推出的一揽子计划仅仅欢欣鼓舞了

    Such turmoil is a sign that debt is not the instant solution it was made out to be. The market cheer that greeted the EU package for Greece lasted just one day before the doubts resurfaced.


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