• 赫本1948年开始用表演帮忙支付账单——母亲是个贵族但是已经开始做女用工作赫本,尽管受到舞蹈培训,但是因为她太高不能成为芭蕾剧中的主要演员。

    Hepburn turned to acting in 1948 to help pay the billsher mother, an aristocrat, was already doing menial work, and Hepburn, though trained in dance, was too tall to be a prima ballerina.


  • 赫本曾经遭遇过流产包括1959年拍摄电影过程马上坠落导致流产。

    Hepburn had suffered two miscarriages before, including one in 1959 after she'd fallen off a horse during a movie and broken her back.


  • 赫纳夫德建议人们使用旧一些的来装笔记本电脑避免显眼引起窃贼注意。

    Miss Hannaford advised people to use an older bag to avoid carrying their laptop in a conspicuous one.


  • 赫本1953年因为罗马假日获得奥斯卡最佳演员,图为获奖后被记者环绕

    Audrey Hepburn is surrounded by reporters as she holds the Best Actress Oscar she won for 1953's "Roman Holiday."


  • 但是赫本特雷西扮演的父母的却必须得面对现实,因为这个小伙子黑人当时异族通婚不为人所接受。

    But parents Hepburn and Tracy must deal with the fact he is black at a time when interracial marriages were frowned on.


  • 寄明信片的第二赫本富有实业家詹姆斯汉森订了后来因担心和未婚夫长久分隔两地取消了婚约。

    The following year Hepburn got engaged to wealthy industrialist James Hanson, but later called the marriage off fearing the two would spend too much time apart.


  • 一部生平为题材音乐剧百老汇上演,此剧由于凯瑟琳·赫本增加了声望,去掉了很多真实戏剧性事件。

    A musical version of her life, enhanced by Katharine Hepburn but stripped of most of the real drama, put Coco on Broadway.


  • 拉赫松一开始将三部曲定名为《痛恨女性男人们》(Men Who HateWomen)(首部曲的瑞典版依然保留着该书名,葛丁表示这是拉赫松一再坚持的结果),首部曲每个章节的开头针对女性犯罪统计资料作为序言,出现第三本书中的碑文也亚马逊战士有关,等等线索不一足。

    All the sections of the first book are prefaced with statistics on crimes against women. The epigraphs in the third book all have to do with female warriors—the Amazons, and so on.


  • 赫本舞蹈室练习,这张照片大约拍摄于1955年。曾经受过训练的芭蕾舞者,青少年时荷兰反抗德国侵略表演

    Hepburn practices in a dance studio, circa 1955. She was a trained ballerina, and as a teen had performed at events raising money for the Dutch Resistance.


  • 之前,无论是古希腊哲学家还是阿拉伯哲学家,基本上局限神学问题范畴内,伊本·赫勒敦认为研究人们生存这个世界

    Erenow, no matter what is ancient Greece philosopher, or is Arabic philosopher, basically confined to category of theological problems. Ibn Khaldun consider to study this existent world to people.


  • 部分旅游者一样,我们多少懂得一些电影于是罗马的天,因为寻找奥黛丽·赫本影子多了许多乐趣

    But fortunately like other tourists, we know a little about movie. It brings us so much fun following the steps of Audrey Hepburn in the movie Rome Holiday.


  • 并不是因为自己是奥黛丽·赫本这件事的,她是以名女性的身份,母亲的身份,以一个曾经目睹人类被置于危险境地的的身份来做这件事。

    She didn't do it as Audrey Hepburn, she did it as a woman, as a mother, as somebody who saw the human family in 10 jeopardy.


  • 俏丽的短发人们命名为“赫 本流行甚至剧中穿的衣服年轻姑娘盛行起来。

    Her hair is pretty people named "Miss Hepburn head" and popular, and even in the clothing and a young girl in place.


  • 娜塔莉波曼,被称为廿一世纪奥黛丽赫本因为擅长饰演比实际年龄成熟角色博得佳评

    Natalie Portman, nicknamed the Audrey Hepburn of the 21st century, has gained a lot of respect for her ability to play characters that are 1)mature for their age.


  • 扮演这个外向女孩儿扮演的最难角色。” 谈到这部影片时,赫本曾这样过。

    Playing the extroverted girl was the hardest thing I ever did, " she said of the movie."


  • 14世纪阿拉伯思想家伊本。赫勒敦说过,坠落中的文明可以因为模仿那些成功的文明国家不至于土崩瓦解

    The fourteenth-century Arab thinker Ibn Khaldun said that civilizations in decline were able to keep from disintegrating by imitating their victors.


  • 14世纪阿拉伯思想家伊本。赫勒敦说过,坠落中的文明可以因为模仿那些成功的文明国家不至于土崩瓦解

    The fourteenth-century Arab thinker Ibn Khaldun said that civilizations in decline were able to keep from disintegrating by imitating their victors.


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