• 是个霸道女孩子每天都开心,她喜欢的一样

    And Fang Fang, she is a very high-handed girl, very happy day, and she and my favorite is the same.


  • 随着侵害处理程度加深,1,6-亚甲基轮烯9种物质含量增加樟醇等8种物质含量则下降

    With the increase of the stress, the contents of 9 aromatic constituents like 1,6-methylene annulene increased, whereas those of 8 constituents as linalool decreased.


  • 而芳福尔深入做了一番研究之后, 他惊奇地发现,记忆力并不人们平常索认为那样聪明愚钝相关,相反,记忆力的好坏就像高尔夫、足球或吃豆人游戏一样,需要技巧和训练的。

    Contrary to popular belief, memory is not a matter of smart or stupid. Instead, it is more like golf, foosball or Ms. Pac-Man: a matter of technique and practice.


  • 林丹同时谢杏关系被大家所关注此次的羽毛球女单比赛中获得银牌

    Lin also attracts attention because of his relationship with Xie Xingfang, who won the silver medal in women's singles for badminton.


  • 林丹同时谢杏关系被大家所关注此次羽毛球女单比赛中获得银牌

    Lin also attracts attention because of his relationship with Xie Xingfang, who won the silver medal in the women's singles for badminton.


  • 于是坟场属于大家不属于任何私人、使穷人千古埋没的公土里。

    So Fantine was buried in the free corner of the cemetery which belongs to anybody and everybody, and where the poor are lost.


  • 阮莳丈夫木工他坚称妻子故事属实,不会因为妻子的美貌逝去改变对妻子

    Nguyen's husband, carpenter Thanh Tuyen, insists the story is true and his love has not faded for his once-beautiful wife.


  • 朱却试图自己作品中再现其中的部分工艺

    Zhu and Lin are trying in their own works, some of the reproduction process.


  • 郁琴孩子们充足的时间总是催促他们做事似乎只是家庭生活非常微小细节却是一个潜在的、容易被家长们忽略的严重问题。

    Not giving children enough time and hurrying them to do thing seems to be a very tiny detail within family life, but it is potentially a huge problem which can easily be ignored by parents, said Yu.


  • 分析家,维急于出售资产可能卖掉的目标之一将是旗下西吉电信公司,商伏德风集团可能有意收购这家公司。

    Analysts said, in a haste to sell off its assets, Vivendi is mostly likely to sell its telecommunications arm Cegetel, which Britain's Vodafone group may be interested in acquiring.


  • 氮化合物易于制备黑暗稳定、光照下产生高活性反应中间体等优点被广泛应用于光亲合标记研究中。

    Aryl azides are by far the most frequently used photoaffinity probes because they can be easily synthesized, as well as being chemically stable in the dark and highly reactive upon photoirradiation.


  • 结果表明,MCM - 22分子筛强酸有利于构化不利于异构化。

    The results indicated that the strong acid sites of MCM-22 zeolite benefit the aromatization reaction in opposite to the isomerization process.


  • 彭其新出版散文集背篓秋色》以敏锐眼力洞察人生,以真诚的投入体验人生,用焕发人性之美诗性之美的故乡情结浇灌绽放出永不凋谢的情感花朵。

    The newly-published collection of his works, The Basket and Autumn Scenery shows his insight into life, his sincere experience of life and his feelings towards his hometown.


  • 例如霸王别姬梅兰》都讲述的是关于京剧的故事,《荆轲秦王》也是基于关于历史事件的。

    For example, both Farewell My Concubine and Forever Enthralled tell stories about Peking Opera, while the Emperor and the Assassin is based on historical events.


  • 不过3中,罚球87砍下14显示了自己可以压制李楠首发理由

    But Zhu Fangyu had 14 points, hitting all 3 shots and 7 of 8 free throws, showing why he will start ahead of Li Nan.


  • 其结果表明MAE黑液中的有机物具有一定的氧化作用,能使木质素中的氧化打开

    Result showed that organic substances in black liquor were oxidized by MAE through opening the aromatic rings of lignin.


  • 古城绕圣济会修道院,15世纪中期十字教堂巍然屹立这里典型的木结构北欧城市

    Built around a Franciscan monastery, where the mid-15th-century Holy Cross Church still stands, it is an outstanding example of an old Nordic city constructed in wood.


  • 针对国内研制中长期存在匀度不良导致性能不佳的问题,重点研究了开发过程关键技术助剂peo的应用。

    But there is a long -standing problem of bad uniformity in the course of production, which may result in the decline of properties of aramid paper.


  • 如今嘉兴粽子因滋味鲜美携带方便食用方便备受广大旅游者厚爱东方快餐之称

    " Today, Jiaxing 5 Fang Zhai dumplings taste of their delicious and easy to carry, convenient to eat vast number of tourists attracted the love, the "oriental fast food, " said.


  • 如今嘉兴粽子因滋味鲜美携带方便食用方便备受广大旅游者厚爱东方快餐之称

    " Today, Jiaxing 5 Fang Zhai dumplings taste of their delicious and easy to carry, convenient to eat vast number of tourists attracted the love, the "oriental fast food, " said.


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