• 花销知道,是可以控制住的,因为在我的整个职业生涯中,我一直在与过度花销作斗争。

    And spending, I know, can be brought under control because I have fought against excessive spending my entire career.


  • 男人通常会一些小玩意,并用信贷支付这些花销不顾及它们的价钱。

    Men tend to spend their money on gadgets and rely on credit to cover the costs, it found.


  • 2003年,医疗机制仅仅开始覆盖药物方面的花销覆盖面有着众多缺陷

    Medicare only started to cover spending on drugs in 2003, and the coverage had various defects.


  • 高房价同时通过财富效应间接发挥作用随着资产增加消费者花销增加。

    They also have an indirect impact via the wealth effect, as consumers increase their spending in response to improvement in their balance-sheets (see article).


  • 表现为自私懒惰无法自我成长努力,并且表现为不自我节制花销过度,饮食过度沉溺娱乐

    Self Indulgence - an aspect of selfishness and laziness, inability to work at self growth, and an aspect to self-excess, over spending, over eating, focus on pleasure.


  • 我们中的一些人相信选举更加关心持续失业率不是花销怎么说都可以

    Some of us believe that the elections were less about spending than they were about persistent high unemployment, but whatever.


  • 但是,我们消费者最终或许会花掉所有收入尽管是因为我们要适应广泛花销领域发生

    Our consumer will, in the end, always spend all of her income, although this happens because we adopt a very broad notion of spending.


  • 理论上这样系统节约加热屋子冷却机器的花销,使得计算机房在保持低温下,办公室工作人员享受电脑带来的温暖

    In theory, such a system would save on heating and cooling bills by exposing computers to low-temperature offices while exposing office workers to the warmth of the computers.


  • 子女健身上的开支两个时期内均有增加礼品花销衰退期间减少16%。

    Money spent on children and fitness increased during both periods, while gifts declined by 16% during the recession.


  • 包括食品水电煤气等生活必需品价格上涨,使大学毕业生们不得不精打细算每一花销,以保持收支平衡。

    The rising prices of daily necessities, including food, water, gas and electricity, are also making grads pinch every penny to make ends meet.


  • 一个接收到作为父母会花销也会有好处信息小组并没有表现合理化上问题上的增长情况。

    The other group, which received information regarding the costs and benefits of parenthood, did not show an increase in rationalization.


  • 家长们花费138.38英镑婴儿推车上,首次购买汽车安全座椅平均花销为70.03英镑,此外把婴儿高脚餐椅的价钱51.96英镑。

    Close to? 138.38 will go on a pushchair, an average of? 70.03 for the first car seat and around? 51.96 on a high chair.


  • 他们在肯尼亚西部里的一个模范村落里进行了试验,那里着的三分之二部落人民每天花销不到1美元,初期试验结果让人惊喜不已。

    The early results of Kenya's prototype village, in Sauri in western Kenya, where two-thirds of the people, Luos, live on less than $1 a day, are astonishing.


  • 外面避免不了各种各样的花销留在家里不但可以观看免费娱乐节目,增进家人的感情——多棒啊

    Instead, stay home, and find free entertainment. It's also a great way to bond with your family.


  • DeRoux谈到外部因素似乎可以解释为什么美国人高居为最大花销最多小费游客德国法国游客被列为最抠门的。

    De Roux says external factors similarly account for why Americans wound up as the biggest-spending and best-tipping tourists, while Germans and the French were among the worst penny-pinchers.


  • 说道为了应对修理核电厂产生巨大花销以及支付索赔金这些问题,公司计划进行包括削减领导层薪水在内的重组。

    To address the massive costs of repairing the nuclear plants and paying compensation claims, he said, the company plans a restructuring that includes cutting executive salaries.


  • 解决恋爱花销问题主动的做法去挣钱不仅仅是省钱

    However, a more proactive way to solve the problem would be making money, not just saving money.


  • 2012年的大选也会减少对于曾经所谓全球反恐战争”的关注更多的放在华盛顿僵局上,以及失业问题、花销激增债台高筑上。

    The 2012 election will focus less on the thing once called "the global war on terror" and more on gridlock in Washington, lost jobs, soaring spending and towering debt.


  • 更多因为卫生保健昂贵花费甚至不敢尝试去开始经营,卫生保健的花销迫使小型企业降低利润削减工作机会甚至为了省钱购买必需品关门

    And many more are discouraged from even trying because of the crushing costs of health care – costs that have forced too many small businesses to cut benefits, shed jobs, or shut their doors for good.


  • 淘宝用于物流花销仅占一般美国公司物流开支的六分之一。

    The cost of shipping parcels is now a mere one-sixth of what firms in America have to pay.


  • 若众筹项目成功,举办活动所需最小筹资额将得到保证,假如目标没有达成,也不会让他们损失任何花销

    The minimum funds required to run the event are under-written by the success of the crowd funding campaign, and falling short costs them nothing should the target not be achieved.


  • 只是行业电视广告以及其他左右辩论奔走的全部花销一小部分。

    And this is just a fraction of the two sectors' total spend on television advertising and other efforts to influence the debate.


  • 小费可以更好地文化角度不是人们花销的角度来理解。

    Tipping is better explained by culture than by the money people spend.


  • 刘易斯远远能够满足自己花销

    Lewis is still gonna be more than capable of making ends meet.


  • 这个起步于街道小贩的88老人发家于酒店事业,之后健康因为白内障手术去约15万)其他好的缘由上略有花销

    The 88-year-old began as a street hawker, and made his fortune in hotels before spending it on health (funding 150,000 cataract removals) and other good causes.


  • 这个起步于街道小贩的88老人发家于酒店事业,之后健康因为白内障手术去约15万)其他好的缘由上略有花销

    The 88-year-old began as a street hawker, and made his fortune in hotels before spending it on health (funding 150,000 cataract removals) and other good causes.


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