• 行为障碍占了其中的一半精神压力焦虑抑郁等情绪障碍占了三分之一这些情绪障碍往往自残的形式表现出来。

    Half of these are behavioural disorders, while one third are emotional disorders such as stress, anxiety and depression, which often become outwardly apparent through self-harm.


  • 精神错乱人们分为

    People with mental disorders, divided into people with.


  • 好看愉快精神重要的。

    Good looking is pleasant while spiritual beauty is more important.


  • 这位老太太因为儿子死了而精神错乱

    The old lady went insane from her son's death.


  • 在鼓捣什么呢?”问道担心是不是压力太大而精神崩溃了。

    "What the hell are you doing?" she asked, wondering if the stress had finally gotten to him.


  • 事实上,自然精神设定起来的,精神自身自然为前提

    The truth, indeed, is that Nature is posited by Spirit, and Spirit itself in turn, USES Nature as its presupposition.


  • 认为大学追求自由真理精神家园精神交往重要实现路径

    He believes that university is the spiritual home to pursue freedom and truth, and spiritual interaction is the most important path to achieve.


  • 悖谬对比中,现实被空壳化精神则被实体化情感表达成为视觉形象本身

    In the opposite contrast, the reality is hollowed, while the spirit is materialized, and the emotion itself is expressed as a visual image.


  • 比喻仍然不是恰当因为物质领域东西仍然具有很强互通性精神层面的东西排他性强。

    This analogy is still not very appropriate, because the material things that still has a strong field of interoperability, but spiritual things are more exclusive.


  • 汤姆大功即将告成高兴,埃德由于上午练习精神大爽。那些小小不然的烦恼似乎都驱除净。

    Tom was enjoying such an advance towards the end, Edmund was in spirits from the morning's rehearsal, and little vexations seemed smoothed away.


  • 永远不会忘记非洲酷刑受害者,一名当时没有年轻男子,他因故乡经历而精神错乱。

    I shall never forget the African torture victim, a young man no older than I was at the time, who had become mentally ill after all he had endured in his homeland.


  • 我们也承认,可感觉到感性东西并不是精神的,而精神内在核心思想并且只有精神才能认识精神

    But the merely felt and sensible, we admit, is not the spiritual; its heart of hearts is in thought; and only spirit can know spirit.


  • 广义上说,文化物质文化和精神文化。物质文化是具体的,可见的,精神文化则比较蕴蓄、比较抽象

    In the broad sense, there are two types of culture, that is, material culture and spiritual culture. Material culture is concrete and observable, while spiritual culture implicit and abstract.


  • 教授介绍癌症产生源于多种因素没有一个致癌因素单独引发癌症,精神作用对于癌症的危害,不能忽视

    Professor branch, said the emergence of cancer from a variety of factors, there is no single cause can be a factor in causing cancer, but the spirit of the role in cancer risks can not be ignored.


  • 精神王国中的所有创造性以及心灵一步提升,都源于灵魂苦难,苦难的原因则是精神停滞精神荒凉

    But all creativeness in the realm of the spirit as well as every psychic advance of man arises from the suffering of the soul and the cause of suffering is spiritual stagnation or spiritual sterility.


  • 影响人际关系主要的一方面,你不得不做出积极决定并且充满活力,精神方面很可能带来意想不到的结果

    And this is in you that the effects will be most resounding; you will have to make decisions energetic, immediate, while having with spirit the consequences they can involve.


  • 的:如果一个人多的场合,你极有可能因为这件那件事精神不集中——你办法的眼睛所有时间永远黏着

    What You Can Do: If you're in a busy place, you're bound to both be distracted at one point or another — you can't have your eyes glued to him at all times.


  • 许多人因可识别的药品精神障碍遭受痛苦。

    Many suffered from a definable alcohol, drug, or mental disorder.


  • 身体因为过度劳累失去平衡时,我们会浪费大量精神身体资源试图恢复平衡,然后才能继续前进。

    When the body is out of alignment from overworking, we waste a vast amount of mental and physical resources trying to return to balance before we can move forward.


  • 有人认为正规教育往往遏制学生思维精神不是解放它们

    Some people believe that formal education tends to restrain students' minds and spirits rather than set them free.


  • 停了下来涨红了脸然后继续低沉悲伤地说:“来折磨了,我精神错乱了。”

    He stopped, blushed, then continued low and sadly, "Ah, my malady persecuteth me again, and my mind wandereth."


  • 我们整个节目精神不是宗教为导向

    Our whole programme is spiritually oriented but not religious.


  • 少数富有献身精神医生启蒙一行业奋斗多年

    A few dedicated doctors have fought for years to enlighten the profession.


  • 他们因勤俭节约开创精神受到了应得的表扬

    They were rightly praised for their thrift and enterprise.


  • 被判谋杀罪基于精神失常减轻了刑事责任

    He was found not guilty of murder on the grounds of diminished responsibility.


  • 道家一理想基础上制定无为”的管理精神

    On the basis of this ideal, the Taoist school formulated the management spirit of wuwei erzhi (to govern without exertion).


  • 道家一理想基础上制定无为”的管理精神

    On the basis of this ideal, the Taoist school formulated the management spirit of wuwei erzhi (to govern without exertion).


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