• 上帝常常通过我们没有塑造好的服侍方式考验我们心态。如果看到一个沟里的人,期待出来不是,“没有得到怜悯服侍恩赐啊。”

    God often tests our hearts by asking us to serve in ways we're not shaped.If you see a man fall into a ditch, God expects you to help him out, not say, "I don't have the gift of mercy or service."


  • 丰田章一郎在谈到公司管理团队我们不是并非十全十美。

    'we are not gods, we are not infallible,' says Shoichiro Toyoda, speaking of the company's management team.


  • 色诺芬尼如果能够绘画的话,牛描绘形象无疑牛,马描绘的形象无疑像马。

    If oxen and horses had hands and could paint, Xenophanes said, oxen would no doubt paint the forms of gods like oxen and horses would paint them like horses.


  • 请留意先照顾教会家庭不是教会需要放在你工作清单的最后一项。

    Notice that God says the needs of your church family are to be given preference, not put at the bottom of your "things to do" list.


  • 先知哈巴以为如期动工,感到意志消沉时,这样:“……实现日期还没有。”但是时候就要到了,所指示给你的很快就经实现。

    When Habakkuk became depressed because he didn't think God was acting quickly enough, God had this to say: "These things I plan won't happen right away."


  • 言语明白至高者意旨看见全能者象,眼目睁开仆倒的人

    He hath said, which heard the words of God, and knew the knowledge of the most High, which saw the vision of the Almighty, falling into a trance, but having his eyes open.


  • 言语得见全能者异象眼目睁开仆倒的人

    He hath said, which heard the words of God, which saw the vision of the Almighty, falling into a trance, but having his eyes open.


  • 罗迪克:“抱歉,桑已经竭尽所能去抵挡了。”

    Roddick said: "Sorry Pete, I tried to hold him off."


  • 如果痛苦失望中,我们能感觉的同在求告:“愿祢的意旨成全。”

    And if, through pain and loss, I feel God so near in His majesty that I bend low before Him and pray, "Thy will be done," (Mt.26:42).


  • 言语明白至高者意旨,看见全能者象,眼目睁开仆倒

    The oracle of one who hears the words of God, who has knowledge from the Most High, who sees a vision from the Almighty, who falls prostrate, and whose eyes are opened.


  • 言语得见全能者象,眼目睁开仆倒

    the oracle of one who hears the words of God, who sees a vision from the Almighty, who falls prostrate, and whose eyes are opened


  • 过——不是的,——你保证完整、完全、精确的记录我们的对话,不做任何删改。你可能受诱惑想要删改它们的是我。

    God: "you saidI did not say, you said — that you were pledged to making this a full and."


  • 段话前面子民愤怒在这里告诉他们不要害怕因为已经了他们的罪。

    In the sentences before they passage, God says that he has been very angry with His people, but now he tells them not to be afraid because he has redeemed them.


  • 只有信心能看到深处:“秘密。”

    Faith looks deeper and says, "This is God's secret."


  • 你是否承诺所作证供乃指实话全部属实,只有实话?

    Do you promise to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you God?


  • 中国人一向主张人造”,西方普遍认为创造的。

    Chinese have always advocated, "said man-made liquor," while the West is generally considered the wine is created by God.


  • 看顾这些不断嘱咐我们看顾这些人。

    God says he watches out for people like these, and he keeps telling us to watch out for them in his name.


  • 有人这样:“为了爱,

    Some people would say: "To love and love is God;"


  • 埃及记第8章第22节一切叫法老知道天下法老骄傲使他不能相信和顺服

    Let's read it in Exodus 8:22…God said He was doing all these things so that Pharaoh"may know that I am the LORD in the midst of the earth."


  • 上帝常常通过我们没有塑造好的服侍方式考验我们心态。如果看到一个沟里的人,期待出来不是,“没有得到怜悯服侍恩赐啊。”

    God often tests our hearts by asking us to serve in ways we're not shaped. If you see a man fall into a ditch, God expects you to help him out, not say, "I don't have the gift of mercy or service."


  • 地球所有国都亚伯拉罕家族得福(创世记12:3)。

    God said that all nations of the earth would be blessed in Abraham's family. (Genesis 12:3).


  • 讲员继续:“我们一切,都是源于作的,我们信心需要渗透在我们生活每一个环节上。”

    Then the speaker said, "All that we do flows from God and toward God. God and faith need to permeate every aspect of our lives."


  • 萨满教“三界”在《江格尔》里体现了文化”;萨满教行为巫术)则反映了《江格尔》从“文化”人本文化”过渡状态。

    Shamanism' s theory of"the three world"embodies"the divine culture"in Jianger while the controlling act( witchcraft) reflects the transition of Jiangerfrom"the divine culture"to"human culture".


  • 萨满教“三界”在《江格尔》里体现了文化”;萨满教行为巫术)则反映了《江格尔》从“文化”人本文化”过渡状态。

    Shamanism' s theory of"the three world"embodies"the divine culture"in Jianger while the controlling act( witchcraft) reflects the transition of Jiangerfrom"the divine culture"to"human culture".


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