• 人因她们不约同地参与百老汇音乐剧相识

    The trio are brought together by a Broadway musical, in which they are each differently involved.


  • 是个设计工程师中学毕业班老师两人都错过恋爱最佳季节后来经人介绍而相识

    He is engaged in the design engineer, she was a secondary school graduating class of any class teachers, both missed the best season of love, and later introduced acquaintance.


  • 是个设计工程师中学毕业班的班主任老师两人都错过恋爱最佳季节,后来经人介绍相识

    He is a make design engineer, she is a high school graduating class, the teacher in charge of both missed the best season of love, when it was introduced and acquaintances.


  • 由于第一机器人主持的婚礼,所以它广泛关注,然对于对因机器相识夫妇来说,这样的婚礼真是再合适不过了。

    The event is being billed as the first ever wedding presided over by a robot, a fitting marriage for the couple who met through the machines.


  • 你好,拥有一个快乐温馨的旅途共同心愿你我因旅游相识相知相念! ! ! !我们出发吧跟我来。! ! !

    Hello: have a happy time in travel is our common wish, wish we make friends in travel and forever! Let 's go; come on...!


  • 现年36岁古德温和32岁的达拉斯这部ABC电视台的集中分别饰演白雪公主白马王子他们也因此相识上个月喜结连理

    Goodwin, 36, and Dallas, 32, met while playing Snow White and Prince Charming on the ABC drama. They were married last month.


  • 1999年,这位身高226的中锋叶莉初次相识当时上海东方大鲨鱼俱乐部男篮打球,身高1米9的叶莉则在这个俱乐部的女篮效力。

    The 2.26 metre centre first met Ye in 1999 when he was playing for the Shanghai Sharks men's team and the 1.9 metre Ye was with the club's women's team.


  • 不消相识人数,是年龄增加的,一个人年龄越大,走过地方,过的职务越多,相识理该越增加

    Needless to say, the number of acquaintances grows with one’s age, as the elder one gets and the more positions one has taken, the more people he will meet.


  • 很多侦探事务所表示由于越来越多通过网络相识家庭成员很少参与,所以婚前对追求者调查需求才会大大增加

    Agencies say they've seen a huge rise in pre-matrimonial investigations to check a suitor's background, because more people are meeting online and families are less involved.


  • 爱情一种美妙令人惊奇的事情那些我们怎样认识,我们是这样告诉他们的:我们的相识就是碰上就无法分开的那种。

    Love is a wonderful and surprising thing and, as we tell people who ask how we met, we just kind of bumped and stuck.


  • 看起来在男女选择情人不是年轻情人考虑非常相识

    It seems that there are very few gender differences in the considerations regarding the advantages of taking an old rather than a young lover.


  • 它的一个场景,甚至于每一,都充满久远令人不安的味道,这味道又似曾相识;就好象会一部集合了这一切元素的更好电影埋藏在我的内心深处,等待我帮助它冲破牢笼。

    Every scene - every frame - comes tainted with the nagging, lingering whiff of deja vu; a sense that there is an altogether better movie nestled deep inside, waiting to burst forth.


  • 千千万万行人擦肩明白那个时刻,那个地点相识

    And hundreds of thousands of pedestrians pass by, but will not know at that moment, that place with his acquaintance.


  • 他们1941年相识的,那时沃纳大夫作为美国退伍军人管理局医生派驻在新奥尔良。

    They met in 1941, when Dr. Werner was stationed in New Orleans as a physician for the Veterans Administration.


  • 茫茫人海中网络无形我们相遇相知相识敏感的,份东西都难得的,每一份东西求之

    In the boundless huge crowd, we meet bosom friend invisible network meet, and my heart is sensitive, each a thing of rare, and each of the things for the not to come.


  • 沉默之音接触到语言时,相识因此自知

    When the voice of the Silent touches my words. I know him and therefore I know myself.


  • 尼雅是个可鄙该毁灭的器皿,或无人喜悦的家具吗?为什么后裔抛弃,被投掷自己相识地方去?

    Is this man Jechonias an earthen and a broken vessel? Is he a vessel wherein there is no pleasure? Why are they cast out, he and his seed, and are cast into a land which they know not?


  • 相识那些人全然厌倦灵的事物不会执行真理得以斯文、高尚、超拔

    Your acquaintances who are utterly averse to spiritual things, are not refined, ennobled, and elevated by the practice of the truth.


  • 是否在那些失去至亲孩子们落泪为那些相识的人们祈祷

    Did you weep for the children who lost their dear loved ones, and pray for the ones who don't know?


  • 两个彼此陌生的,由偶然或者必然的原因一起,由相识相爱结为一体,无论天意也好,人意也罢,总是有缘。

    For one reason or another, they get to know each other, fall in love and build a family. Be it heavenly or human, the arrangement is a welcome one.


  • 他们相识从开始到结束只有几个但是安妮为此承受的痛苦却不是几个月就能消逝的。

    A few months had seen the beginning and the end of their acquaintance; but, not with a few months ended Anne's share of suffering from it.


  • 一个相识评判彼此的机会

    It gives your chance to meet people not really judge them.


  • 命运安排我们不期相识,是我们美丽的相遇从此人生,揭下了那的空白,人缘份帷幕拉开,同时了,不解

    The fate of the arrangements for us to meet by chance, met, we met the most beautiful, then my life, a blank page, the human fate, the curtain opened, but also on the line, not understand the end.


  • 相识你们中国……(商品)有潜力买主该商品正属我们营业策划领域

    We are given to understand that you are potential buyers of Chinese …, which comes within the frame of our business activities.


  • 有些事真的令人难以置信,卡特一起周游世界3个月我们互不相识

    Carter and I saw the world together, which is amazing when you think that only three months ago we were complete strangers.


  • 但是可以或许相识的,做为一小我类存正在大概会因为祭阅动做怨,但是无尽的背着那些包袱也是没有明智的。

    Although it is understandable that as a human being you may regret your own ACTS, it is not wise to be endlessly weighed down by them.


  • 但是可以或许相识的,做为一小我类存正在大概会因为祭阅动做怨,但是无尽的背着那些包袱也是没有明智的。

    Although it is understandable that as a human being you may regret your own ACTS, it is not wise to be endlessly weighed down by them.


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