• 不想刺眼人造中拜托出来,沐浴阳光中。

    Who doesn't want to be bathed in the sun's rays and be relieved from the harsh incandescence of artificial light?


  • 假如全球经济风暴肆虐不久即烟消云散那么越南透过这些聚集乌云而沐浴阳光

    The global economic storm-clouds now gathering could have a silver lining for Vietnam, provided the tempest is not too harsh or prolonged.


  • 它们沐浴阳光开花的,不是围裙里的。”爷爷说。

    "They are made to bloom in the sun and not to be shut up in an apron," said the grandfather.


  • 此次霍乱起源于阿蒂博尼及其运河运河附近居民来说有许多用途饮用沐浴衣物实物的。

    The source of the outbreak appears to have been the Artibonite river and its canals. People use the canal water to drink, bathe, launder clothes and wash food.


  • 可能癌症汤锅里继续沐浴永久地治愈自己身上的癌症。

    You can't permanently cure cancer in your own body while continuing to bathe in cancer soup.


  • 健康的人们除了海边漫步,还能在栈桥尽头的小屋里阅读沐浴

    The healthy, besides sea-walking, were offered reading rooms and showers at the shore end.


  • 试着赠予别人一次体验不是沐浴香皂光盘礼券之类常规礼物

    Instead of the usual gift of bath soaps, CD's, or gift vouchers, try giving somebody an experience.


  • 意大利沿海地区色彩斑斓房子依山它们朝面大海沐浴暖暖的阳光

    On the Italian coast, colored houses build down the hillside, soaking up the sun as they face the sea.


  • 一轮热和交替不同状态的处理沐浴者在肥皂泡遮眼睛的情况下方便调整水温不会使自己烫伤受凉。

    Different-shaped handles, square for hot and round for cold, would permit the soapy-eyed bather to adjust water temperature without alternately scalding or freezing himself.


  • 现在有了数据处理食物救济,沐浴设施饮用水服务,以及运输工作

    Today there's data processing, food services, showers, potable water services, transportation.


  • 奥巴马沐浴全球祝福之下。

    Obama himself basked in a worldwide sun shower of good will.


  • 孔子沐浴,告于哀公曰:“陈恒,请讨之。”

    Confucius bathed, went to court and informed the duke Ai, saying, "Chen Heng has slain his sovereign.


  • 可以通过沐浴仪式来移除减少或者随着时间流逝消失。

    It can be removed or reduced through rituals of ablutions or just the passage of time or other sorts of ritual observances.


  • 以利打发一个使者,对乃缦约旦河中沐浴就必复原得洁净

    Elisha sent a messenger to say to him, 'Go, wash yourself seven times in the Jordan, and your flesh will be restored and you will be cleansed.'


  • 整个晚上观众沐浴循环纸张制造“纸”中,角色们则讨论着气候变化否定论(注2)指责观众们的不绿色行为

    Throughout the evening, theatre-goers are lashed with rain made of paper (recycled), while characters discuss climate-change “denial” and rebuke the audience for its un-green habits.


  • P&G努力销售号称美国第一个本土男性专用沐浴产品HighEndurance—你看针对女性以及P&G针对男性的产品正在推进。

    P&G is working harder to sell High Endurance, which it claims is America's first body wash for men. New Gillette products for women and new P&G products for men are on the way.


  • 无论是一杯还是一点点果汁都要记住这样不会因为需要一杯饮料打扰自己放松沐浴

    Whether it's a glass of wine or a little bit of juice, remember to grab enough so you don't have to interrupt your relaxing bath to get another drink.


  • 那一年,九月下午我们对夫妇各自慢悠悠划着独木舟沿着缅因州萨科顺流下,沐浴夏末金色阳光之中,无比惬意。

    We paddled down Maine's Saco River that September afternoon, five couples in canoes, basking in the summer's last golden sunlight.


  • 法国绿粘土拥有提升生物体必需所有矿物质水晶皮肤沐浴中吸收矿物质。

    French green clay hosts all minerals necessary to ascending biology, and crystalline skin can absorb the minerals in the act of bathing.


  • 年轻猎人无意中见到阿耳忒弥斯沐浴变为鹿,自己的群咬

    A young hunter who, having inadvertently observed Artemis while she was bathing, was turned by her into a stag and killed by his own dogs.


  • 我们看到泥土吸收了闪闪晨露皱缩起来,不难想象,精灵在沐浴天神得到所爱的土地女神的垂青垂泪。

    When we see the earth draped with these shimmering drops, it is easy to imagine fairies bathing in the water, or a sky god weeping from a longing to be closer to his beloved earth goddess.


  • 尤其是沐浴早已熟悉光线里,由于太自信略显僵硬时候

    In particular, bathed in light and shadow have long been familiar, she is not confident, because when the slightly stiff.


  • 沐浴充足阳光中,这栋住宅魅力不言喻。

    Bathed in an abundance of natural light, the house is far more glamorous than your typical underground bunker.


  • 埃及遗留下来断壁残垣,表明当时就有专用浴室修复古建筑遗址说明古希腊人认为沐浴很重要

    Architectural remains from ancient Egypt indicate the existence of special bathrooms, and both vase paintings and restored ruins show that the Greeks of classical antiquity thought the bath important.


  • 其中一个小孩站立着并吹着短笛坐在云端小孩更像是吹笛子的小孩的心灵写照,沐浴自己躯壳

    One of them is standing playing a flute. The other is sitting on top of the cloud, depicting the flute player's mood, basking in his own physical body.


  • 用于沐浴露护肤品可使皮肤滑爽油腻,皮肤不绷。

    While applying in bathe lotion, skin becomes slippery rather than greasy and drawing tight.


  • 飞扬尘土归于平静以后发现他成功拯救自己人民自己沐浴一个世界的阳光下,亦真亦幻,无法回到现实世界。

    When the dust settled, he saw that he had saved his people but found himself blinking at the sun of a different world, with no way to return.


  • 飞扬尘土归于平静以后发现他成功拯救自己人民自己沐浴一个世界的阳光下,亦真亦幻,无法回到现实世界。

    When the dust settled, he saw that he had saved his people but found himself blinking at the sun of a different world, with no way to return.


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