• 毕竟相信我们成为最后冠军赛季载入史册

    After all, I believe we will be the last winner and this season will be a great season, which will be remembered long in the history.


  • 去年26岁阿德曾表达过加盟曼联的医院,赛季表现十分稳定

    Last year Adler, 26, spoke of his ambition to join United and his consistent performances this season should keep him in United's mind.


  • 知道这不容易毕竟曼联还处在领先的地位,本赛季比赛已经所剩无几了。

    We know it won't be easy because United have more points than us and there are not now many games left.


  • 卡佩罗更偏向于让劳尔范尼首发赛季目前罗纳尔多了53分钟上场时间。

    Don Fabio has granted him only 53 minutes worth of action so far this term, preferring to start with Raul and Ruud Van Nistelrooy.


  • 队友马修·威尔森之前希腊比赛经历赛季以来他也能一直获得积分。

    Team-mate Matthew Wilson also has previous experience of competing in Greece and has been a regular point-scorer in 2011.


  • 珀金斯地位中防守保罗·加索尔本赛季最佳防守球员加内特将会包夹加索尔,有可能凯尔特人主要协防球员。

    Perkins will attempt to contain Pau Gasol in the low post, while Garnett, who was the Defensive Player of the Year, will double on the Spaniard and will most likely be Boston's main help defender.


  • 拉沙德·刘易斯NBA已经第七个年头了,参加全明星周末的活动,赛季他第一次出现在全明星赛,不过在此前他用行动证明了自己已经进入了明星的行列。

    This is his seventh year in the NBA, and he just made his third trip to the circus that is the NBA All-Star Weekend. But this was his debut appearance on the main stage.


  • 一些著名的俱乐部卖出超过一百万件球衣巴萨赛季球衣的预计销量打破这记录

    Major clubs can sell more than 1m shirts a year, and Barcelona had said this season's design looked set to break records.


  • 是的已经5个冠军了,湖人也是赛季的夺冠热门,可以去赢得第6个冠军。

    Yes, he's got five, and the Lakers stand as a favorite to get him his sixth this season.


  • 赛季仅仅踢了场正式比赛随着梅克斯塔伊沃到来,赛季格里留给这位边后卫的空间进一步压缩。

    He started just three games last term and with the arrivals of Philippe Mexes and Taye Taiwo space in Massimiliano Allegri's side had become further limited this season.


  • 赛季仅仅踢了正式比赛,随着梅克斯塔伊沃到来,赛季格里留给这位边后卫的空间进一步压缩。

    He started just three games last term, and with the arrivals of Philippe Mexes and Taye Taiwo, space in Massimiliano Allegri's side had become further limited this season.


  • 但是明天在英超赛场上曼联遭遇切尔西的阻击,周三则会在拉福德碰到拜仁慕尼黑比赛直接决定曼联赛季的命运。

    United, however, will suffer, starting tomorrow against Chelsea and continuing to Wednesday's Old Trafford return with Bayern Munich, matches that could shape their season.


  • 意大利在马雷斯卡切万顿的进球帮助塞维利亚2球击败对手,西班牙人赛季第一场失败积分滑落第8

    Italian Enzo Maresca and Ernesto Chevanton were on target to help Sevilla move two points off the lead, while Espanyol slip to eighth after their first defeat of the season.


  • 休斯敦赛季赛程将从湖人勇士的2客场比赛开始,之后1030日将对掘金进行首场的主场比赛。

    Houston's schedule starts with road games against the Lakers and Golden State before the Oct. 30 home opener against Denver.


  • 经验老道荷兰门将曼联赛季取得成功基石,他认为冠军的荣誉属于每一个不是单个明星

    The veteran Dutch goalkeeper, a cornerstone of United's success so far this season, insisted the title triumph was down to a collective effort rather than individual exploits.


  • 基德已经33岁了,已经开始接近强弩之末,卡特赛季结束后就极有可能选择成为自由人。

    But Kidd is 33 and exiting his prime, and Carter can opt out of his contract after this season.


  • 周二英格兰新闻发布会上,兰帕德谈起为了提高自己努力以及赛季如何在斯坦福桥展示出极佳的状态。

    Speaking at England's press conference today (Tuesday), the player has been discussing his endeavour to improve every year, and how playing for the Blues this season has been honing his talents.


  • 曼联赛季开赛以来都踢得好。目前他们处于积分榜榜首,大家都希望能争夺榜首位置

    United have started the season very well. They're sitting top of the table at the moment and that's where everybody wants to be.


  • 防守阿森纳赛季主要问题人们已经快要忘记阿森纳最好中后卫托马丝的存在了,因为他基缺阵本赛季大部分时间

    Defence has been a massive problem this season but it's easy to forget Arsenal have been without their best centre-back, Thomas Vermaelen, for the majority of the campaign.


  • 据透露,蓝军观看赛季奥林匹亚克斯的比赛,乌拉圭人的表现甚是抢眼。

    The Blues are thought to have sent a representative to watch Olympiakos earlier this season and the Uruguayan caught their eye.


  • 足球曲棍球球员变得更加敌对侵略性赛季仍然如此在淡季,没有增加侵略性游泳选手

    The football and hockey players became more hostile and aggressive during the season and remained so during the off-season, whereas there was no increase in aggressiveness among the swimmers.


  • 吉拉迪诺赛季开始一直成为米兰部分球迷嘘目标,迪达则是因为上周末锡耶纳的比赛时低级失误。

    Gilardino has been targeted by Milan's boo-boys since the start of the season, while Dida was also the subject of whistles after his clanger against Siena on the weekend.


  • 内维尔1993年就成为了曼联球员,在国家队有85场比赛经验。本赛季结束时他的合同也将到期现在曼联尚未提供续约合同。

    Neville, a United player since 1993 and holder of 85 England caps, is out of contract at the end of the season and has yet to be offered a new deal at Old Trafford.


  • 赛季只有2个联赛进球迪福在长期伤病之后还没有任何联赛进球入账。

    Peter Crouch has struck only two league goals this season while Jermain Defoe has yet to find the net in the league during a campaign interrupted by injury.


  • 现年25岁的马努曼联本赛季南非进行季热身赛其中员,他也曼联一线队位置进行奋斗。

    Manucho, 25, was scheduled to play in United's tour of South Africa and make a bid for a place in the first team.


  • 赛季微妙一个赛季因为他们进入欧洲冠军联赛战斗

    This season is one of the most delicate in that they are fighting for their Champions League place.


  • 本赛季7.92.2个助攻已经因为膝盖半月板撕裂缺阵了15场比赛

    Farmar, who is averaging 7.9 points and 2.2 assists a game, has sat out 15 games because of torn cartilage in his left knee.


  • 最终尼克斯队以93: 79打败了奇才队。奇才队费城参加赛季他们最后一比赛,乔丹希望这次比赛能为的职业生涯划个完美的句号。

    The Knicks won the contest 93-79, but Jordan will be hoping to end his career on a winning note when the Wizards travel to Philadelphia for their last game of the season.


  • 最终尼克斯队以93: 79打败了奇才队。奇才队费城参加赛季他们最后一比赛,乔丹希望这次比赛能为的职业生涯划个完美的句号。

    The Knicks won the contest 93-79, but Jordan will be hoping to end his career on a winning note when the Wizards travel to Philadelphia for their last game of the season.


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