• 事实上不少原因明显的原因摄影师超级超级喜欢一个动作。

    There's actually a few reasons, but the most obvious is that it's a pose photographers really, really like to capture.


  • Philosoher Kahlil Gibran受苦能凸显出坚强灵魂明显的标志就是那些留下的伤痕

    Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls, the most massive characters are seared scars.


  • 研究小组发现这些骨骼质量几乎没有明显增强骨折部位——脊骨下部大腿骨上部骨骼质量也未得到改善。

    The team found few significant increases in bone mass and none in the two bones which are most vulnerable to fracture - the lower spine and upper part of the thigh.


  • 但是,有一项费用经常大部分病人忽视奇怪,这项其实非常明显布莱·克斯通医生说:“昂贵的费用就是如果手术失败了。”

    But the expense that most frequently blindsides patients is, oddly, perhaps the most obvious. "the most expensive thing is if the surgery is unsuccessful," Dr. Blackstone said.


  • 明显使用判断力不是死板教条的规则确定什么是看上去整齐的,也要重视外观清晰

    Obviously, use judgement rather than hard-and-fast rules for what looks neatest, but value clarity in appearance.


  • 明显的是它们等候区时,变得更加有爱不是富有攻击性。

    Most notably, they became more affectionate rather than more aggressive when in the holding areas.


  • 这样弊端在于,他们总是听从明显想法考虑那些创造性的、复杂有争议的选择

    The downside is that they will likely follow the most obvious idea and not consider creative, complex or controversial choices.


  • 冰川消失明显后果会是由于冰川滑入海洋导致海平面上升随着无病海域吸收太阳能增加全球变暖

    The most obvious consequence of ice loss will be rising sea levels from glaciers sliding into the ocean, and increased global warming as ice-free waters absorb solar energy.


  • 差别对待则父母明显给予某个孩子更多更多时间一起,进一步,他慈爱温和个严厉。”

    Differential treatment is when parents "obviously give more to one child, spend more time with him or her, and most importantly, are kinder to one child and show more discipline to the other."


  • 出于第一原因提出这样问题可能认为明显就是简单的,不用考虑安全影响

    Those who ask for the first reason might be thinking along the lines of what would be easiest or most obvious to use, without having thought through the security implications.


  • 明显,因假期结束引起负面情绪长达规律地作息让人们感到疲劳没有生气

    On top of that, negative emotions associated with the holiday season being over and two weeks of irregular sleeping patterns could lead workers to feel tired and lacklustre.


  • 明显变化就是款手机的显示屏下方三个按键不是只有一个

    The most obvious change is that it now has three buttons below its display, rather than just one.


  • 未来内容明显的,我们在未来可以利用东西不是马上注意到

    This will be mostly noticeable in future content, as it is one of those things we can use in the future rather than something you will notice immediately.


  • 一再做重复期待会不同结果,完全发疯明显征兆

    Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results is the most obvious sign of madness.


  • 明显区别在于商业秘密向外界公布机密受到保护的。

    Probably one of the most significant differences is that a trade secret is protected without disclosure of the secret.


  • 非常容易激动猫咪完全平静下来从前受过虐待野生音乐反应明显

    Very excitable cats are completely calmed and formerly abused or feral cats tend to respond the best.


  • 因为星云对射电波散射很小,所以明显优点就是能够全面真实勾画出星云气体分布的外貌。

    The most obvious advantage is that 'because of their inability to scatter appreciably, nebular radio waves completely and genuinely delineate the distribution of nebular gas.


  • 埋伏营销”使非赞助商某体育活动中因貌似赞助商大赚笔,明显体现是温哥华冬奥会2010南非世界杯赛上。

    Ambush Marketing—Cashing in at an event by taking on the appearance of a sponsor of the event. Most obviously displayed at the Vancouver Winter Olympics and South Africa's World Cup 2010.


  • 使我们注意到,在实际上没有出现情况下问有什么出现这个问题不是一个事实问题,只是这些事实作明显排列的问题。

    This leads us to remark that the question of what would occur under circumstances which do not actually arise is not a question of fact, but only of the most perspicuous arrangement of them.


  • 肉桂俱乐部所有者交谈时,他们明显一个疑问就是'那么希望工作更辛苦收入少?

    When I spoke to the owners of the Cinnamon Club, one of their most obvious questions was 'So you want to work harder to earn less money?


  • 结果核内压力牵引力增加不断下降,牵引力为200n髓核内压力下降明显

    Results: the intracervical pressure was continually decreased along with the increase of tractive force. When the tractive force was 200n (20kg), the decrease of pressure was most apparent.


  • 明显特征就是运送人员设备低地球轨道上的单调令人厌烦任务委托给私营部门

    Its most striking feature is to delegate the humdrum task of ferrying people and equipment to low-Earth orbit to the private sector.


  • 日式庭院设计中展现利用简单材料,赋予环境非凡魅力,热带与亚热带景观明显的特色或许是在于植物的表现与配置。

    While Japanese style courtyards employing simple materials to create enchanting spaces, landscapes of these two latitudes utilize plants to maximum.


  • 明显的是我们拥有这个星球上伟大的球员

    It's also very clear we have in our presence the greatest basketball player on the planet.


  • 文学主张明显特点建立人文主义基础上的二元人性论 ,艺术至上主义却时隐时现地贯穿于他批评活动的始终。

    The most evident feature of his literary stand was the dualistic theory of human nature based on the theory of New Humanism.


  • 明显策略,富有成效沟通值得借鉴的是夫妇往往相互指责不是进行富有成效交谈

    The most obvious strategy, productive communication, bears repeating since couples often assign blame instead of engaging in fruitful conversations.


  • 建筑施工阶段环境造成影响直接也是最明显一个阶段

    The construction phase has a most direct impact to the environment and most obvious stage.


  • 词汇作为语言基本单位最明显承载文化信息,反映人类社会文化生活工具

    Words, as the basic unit of a language, are heavily loaded with culture, and are also a tool to reflect the social life of human beings.


  • 动脉硬化典型症状适于青少年时期,多发生于重要动脉症状明显诊断手段不易查出

    Atherosclerosis typically begins in early adolescence, and is usually found in most major arteries, yet is asymptomatic and not detected by most diagnostic methods during life.


  • 动脉硬化典型症状适于青少年时期,多发生于重要动脉症状明显诊断手段不易查出

    Atherosclerosis typically begins in early adolescence, and is usually found in most major arteries, yet is asymptomatic and not detected by most diagnostic methods during life.


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