• 还是经常会想起一直心里而我相信也一直在他心中。

    Yet I think of him often and he is always in my heart as I feel I am in his.


  • 时间在一点一滴的流逝,就像百米赛需要作出选择:是继续追寻的梦想还是挽救生命

    So the clock was ticking, the meter was running, and I had a choice to make; pursue my own needs, or save his life.


  • 不时还是这样困惑就是捡起垃圾的那一个

    I still have trouble with that sometimes, and I'm the one picking it up!


  • 尽管中,祖母还是躲了起来

    Although she was sick, Grandma yelled at her, while I hid.


  • 有时候还是,她总在尝试做点什么来而我呢,因为某种原因,并不认为自己需要帮助

    However, I would get upset when she would do things to try and help because for some reason I thought I didn't need any help.


  • 很多年以来,以为上帝只是的身上堆满了愧疚而我也很确定地以为很失望,并且不管祈求多少祂的原谅还是感觉羞愧

    For many years I believed that God was the one who was heaping shame on me. I was certain he was disappointed with me, and no matter how many times I asked for forgiveness, I still had shame.


  • 选择就是个技术熟练开发人员还是成为一名经理从来没有成为一名经理——至少成为一名拥有MBA学位立志成为业内领军人经理。

    The choice was to be a journeyman developer or become a manager, and I've never wanted to be a manager — at least not a manager who went for an MBA and had ambitions to be a captain of industry.


  • 可能还是要带走那个班尼兔的杯子毕竟,这个杯子跟28前夫一起的时间只有的一半。

    I might just keep the broken bunny-rabbit mug, though, as it has been with me for 28 years - exactly twice as long as my (ex -) husband.


  • 一直觉得,等到承受自己重量力气之后,再让那样做比较好,则会在下面帮助她握住某个地方但是方法还是无可争议了。

    I've always felt like it's better to wait until she can carry most of her own weight with her hands, while I gently spot her from below, but there's no real right or wrong way.


  • 无论是任务列表还是日程表不起作用,因此大多数时候一整天就是混乱总是无法完成重要事情

    Neither to-do lists nor calendars work for me, so usually my day is a disorganized mess, and I don’t get important stuff done.


  • 那些来接受心理辅导病人,还是“做”些什么,不是单纯“陪”着他们,不断震惊于两心所带来治疗力量,这种力量产生全身心陪伴个人的身边,默默地给予理解和支持。

    With therapy clients I am still pulled by the need to do more than be, yet repeatedly struck by the healing power of connection created by being fully there in the quiet understanding of another.


  • 不得不三次提醒老妇人不是儿子,即便如此,主管还是通过审核,办了一张价值5000美元的信用卡,那个被奖励75美元。

    She was immediately approved for a $5000 MasterCard she absolutely didn't want or need, and I made an extra $75 that month in incentives.


  • 旅行那些里,最棒事情之一就是萨瓦群岛学会了潜水,在那之前的好些年一直都避免尝试这件事,然而我最后还是鼓起勇气学习了潜水,从那以后就迷上了。

    In all my years of travel, one of the best things I have done is learn to scuba dive in the Yasawa Islands. I had been avoiding it for years.


  • 最近遇到古生物气象学家也告诉,在四千万以前南极洲还是一派温暖宜人、枝繁叶茂的景象。

    I recently met a paleoclimatologist who explained that until a mere 40 million years ago Antarctica was warm and leafy.


  • ,不不走,不扶不起,又总是偏离轨道最终面对期望还是选择了那个花枝招展世界

    While I was a person who needed to be pulled and guided, was easy to deviate from the track, and eventually between your expectations and the alluring and gorgeous world, I chose the latter.


  • 时间告诉什么改变我还是同一个

    Time tells me what I am. I change and I am the same.


  • 当时也单纯,就按照老板的吩咐,使筋疲力尽生活除了工作还是工作。

    And I was dumb enough to follow, which left me exhausted and with no life outside of work.


  • 别人讨厌睡觉的时候开着不在意就算灯亮还是一样进入梦乡

    When people hate keeping lights on during sleep, but I do not care, even if the lights on I still like to sleep.


  • 显出厌烦样子茫茫的大沙漠上盲目地水井荒唐。然还是开始去寻找了。

    I made a gesture of weariness. It is absurd to look for a well, at random, in the immensity of the desert. But nevertheless we started walking.


  • 还是个小孩子时候,就梦想非洲因为非常喜爱人猿泰山嫉妒幸运的珍妮认为是个没用角色,的比她好的

    When I was small and dreaming of going to Africa, because I was in love with Tarzan, I was jealous of Tarzan's Jane, I thought she was a wimp, and I'd have made a much better mate for Tarzan myself.


  • 对于表现听到的除了赞美还是赞美!

    I'd just like to say that I've heard nothing but good things about her performance!


  • 其中设计变压器设备规划班上排名第一花费时间还是大部分同学一半

    Which I designed the equipment transformer factory planning ranked first in class and I spent most of the time and half of the students.


  • 所有时间精力投入到方面的业务还是了。

    I'm putting all my time and energy into this business, and I'm still scraping by.


  • 原来可以格·丽特是不是在家但是很可能否定答复宁愿多猜疑几分钟因为猜疑时候还是存在线希望

    I could have asked him if Marguerite was at home. But he might have replied that she wasn't, and I preferred to keep my doubts for another two minutes. While there was doubt there was hope.


  • 还是选择完成业力结束舞蹈可以再生提升创造一个支持提升的相和新关系呢?

    Or will I choose to complete the karma and end the dance so that I may regenerate and ascend, creating a new reality and new relationships that are more supportive instead?


  • 现在选择反恐特警未婚夫选择明明是要忍受孤独无助失落但是我还是选择了。

    I now choose to do special police anti-terrorism fiance and I chose him, and obviously have to put up with loneliness, helplessness, loss, but I chose.


  • 现在选择反恐特警未婚夫选择明明是要忍受孤独无助失落但是我还是选择了。

    I now choose to do special police anti-terrorism fiance and I chose him, and obviously have to put up with loneliness, helplessness, loss, but I chose.


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