• 所以,我们相信微生物理论合理恶魔理论则合理。

    So we're justified in believing in germs, but not demons.


  • 艾泽拉斯基本上都已经拿武器对抗军团恶魔猎手则在这个时间一起加入了战局

    Most of Azeroth is gearing up to fight the Legion, while Demon Hunters are breaking out.


  • 如果了一狂热者恶魔召唤阵中而恶魔转过头去攻击他们那么说明能力等级不是太高

    If I run into a group of cultists summoning a demon and the demon turns on them and attacks them, that tells you something about their level of competence, which is not very high.


  • 事实上恶魔理论不能地解释疾病问题微生物理论将疾病问题分析得很透彻。

    The fact of the matter is that demon theory doesn't do a very good job of explaining the disease, while germ theory does do a good job.


  • 艾哈迈德·瓦利喀布尔兄弟那里享受着强有力的支持美国似乎已经失去了摆脱胃口可能是因为就是他们所知道那个恶魔

    But Ahmed Wali enjoys strong support from his brother in Kabul and the Americans seem to have lost their appetite for getting rid of him, perhaps on the grounds that this is the devil they know.


  • 尽管每个都知道这个恶魔完全无异于婴儿引起注意啼哭的本能

    For all one knows that demon is the same instinct that makes a baby squall for attention.


  • 旧时社论表达非洲肺结核恶魔腹泻疾病担忧直至现今,我们未根除这些疾病。

    The old editorial frets about thedemon of tuberculosisand diarrheal diseases in Africa, conditions we have yet to exorcise.


  • 莫斯携款狂奔,因为别无选择追赶持枪行凶的恶魔也同样别无选择。

    Moss scampers off with the dough because he must, and the gun-toting demons who chase him have no choice, either.


  • 事实上恶魔理论不能地解释疾病问题微生物理论将问题分析得很透彻。

    The fact of the matter is, demon theory doesn't do a very good job of explaining disease, while germ theory does do a good job.


  • 塔克特先生个高度视角俯瞰这场危机,尼古拉斯•邓巴在一个低下肮脏位置为新书描述众多细节——关于信贷衍生品市场的《恶魔的衍生品》。

    Mr Tuckett takes a lofty view of the crisis, but Nicholas Dunbar gets down-and-dirty with the details in his book, “The Devil’s Derivatives”, about the credit derivatives market.


  • 虽然有着漫长痛苦回答这个恶魔问题经历至今还未发现正确回答

    In my long, painful experience of trying to answer this fiendish question, I have yet to work out the correct response.


  • 同样地可怜你,”海丝特·白兰回答说,“因为仇恨已经一个聪明正直变成恶魔!”

    "And I thee," answered Hester Prynne, "for the hatred that has transformed a wise and just man to a fiend!"


  • 利比亚阿拉伯标准来说相对富裕开化,这个国家的怒潮尤其令人震惊卡扎菲人民显然不是看成怪人,恶魔

    The rage in Libya, a relatively affluent and well-educated state by Arab standards, has been especially shocking; Qaddafi's citizens obviously view him not as a crank but a monster.


  • 嫉妒只小恶魔耳边叽叽咕咕地念叨,折磨你的灵魂让你觉得生活那么痛苦灰暗

    Envy can be like a tiny devil on your shoulder that whisper words into your ear, gnashes on your soul and makes life into something that is often filled with suffering and much negativity.


  • 那里来恶魔临到罗身上的时候大卫,用手,扫罗便舒畅爽快,恶魔了他。

    Whenever the spirit from God came upon Saul, David would take his harp and play. Then relief would come to Saul; he would feel better, and the evil spirit would leave him.


  • 牛津美语词典韦氏大词典给出的解释都撒旦恶魔Devil),OED则写道,Lucifer这个词被“误用恶魔之意。

    While the New Oxford American Dictionary or Merriam Webster says Satan or the Devil, the OED says that Lucifer is a word misused to mean devil.


  • 年时间追踪个“恶魔”,到头来却找到一个形容枯槁的老头,深感懊悔表现人道

    I'd spent 10 years pursuing a "monster", and found instead a wizened old man who appeared to be contrite and displaying humanity.


  • 时间开端以来,阶天堂天使燃烧地狱恶魔为了统治一切存在陷入了无尽的战争,这场战争称为混乱。

    Since the beginning of time, the angels of the High Heavens and the demons of the Burning Hells have endlessly warred for dominion over all existence in what is referred to as the Great Conflict.


  • 在电影中卢西安没有被描绘成恶魔只是作为一个极为普通法国人的形象存在。

    Lucien is not presented as a monster but as a fairly average Frenchman.


  • 希兹克利夫卡门恶魔气质浓郁独特

    The "demons", Heathcliff and Carmen are distinctive for their rich disposition.


  • 再深究宁愿杰克·瑞安一样,相信矿里恶魔我们侵占领地报复我们。

    I believe I shall end by thinking, like Jack Ryan, that the evil demon of the mine revenges himself on us for having invaded his domain.


  • 哈得逊河两岸竞争今晚于新泽西继续在游骑兵恶魔队之间展开

    And then the renewal of the Hudson River rivalry gets underway as the Rangers and the Devils go at it in New Jersey.


  • 上帝耀眼明亮的光芒击打镜子恶魔身上时,镜子成了碎片

    When God beat dazzling and bright light down on the mirror and devils, the mirror broke intopieces.


  • 魔行动-(户外)找到已经成为恶魔同胞,把他们捉住作为一个恶魔,逃跑抓。

    Demon Hunt - (outdoor only) Find your compatriots that have become demons and catch them for points. As a demon, survive without being caught for points.


  • 虎画经常被挂墙上对着大门使恶魔害怕不敢进入

    Tiger paintings are often hung on the wall and are facing the door so that the fear of demons do not dare to enter.


  • 虎画经常被挂墙上对着大门使恶魔害怕不敢进入

    Tiger paintings are often hung on the wall and are facing the door so that the fear of demons do not dare to enter.


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