• 因为悲惨遭遇时候

    Because it was her tragic experience, and when I said: I love you, at that time.


  • 因为她的悲惨遭遇,而当你,时候。

    I would have to say that it's a tragic love story.


  • “男人一结婚,他们就更少家务女性则会做得更多,”他,“们期待劳动按性别分工时,们就结婚了,这对男性有利。”

    "When men get married, they do less housework and women do more, " he says.


  • 这个:“爸爸妈妈总是教绝对不能谎话因此一点谎,即便是为了某人感到好受一点的时候,都好像错了事一样。” 今天们讲了两个黑和,也就是 black and white 有关的俗语。它们是a black sheep 和 a white lie。「美国习惯用语」第二十八讲就里。欢迎下次再一起来学习美国习惯用语。再见。

    My mother and dad taught me never to tell a lie. So I feel guilty every time I tell even a little white lie, although I do it just to make somebody feel better.


  • 某些事件允许”某些效果发生,们的意思现在已经某些效果发生的倾向,某些事件未能成功地阻止效果的发生。

    When we say that some event allows an effect, we mean that there is already some tendency for that effect to occur, and event fails to block the effect from happening.


  • 比如分手时会对伴侣一再保证“不是的问题,都是因为”,实际上的确他们的问题。

    For instance, when breaking up with a partner, we reassure them that "it's not you, it's me", when in reality it most certainly is them.


  • 叫做“普通词”时,们并不是就是人们喜欢词,只是意味着它属于大家——也就是,它是每个人词,不是某一有限数量的人们的词。

    When we call a word "popular," we do not mean that it is a favorite word, but simply that it belongs to the people as a whole that is, it is everybody's word, not the possession of a limited number.


  • 大家讨论问题时,们感兴趣的是去不是倾听

    When we get into a discussion, we're not interested in listening, but speaking.


  • 分开一天甚至不能安稳的坐在餐厅的椅子们相视笑,:“现在们怎么办?”

    I could hardly sit still in the restaurant, and when we parted that day, we just smiled at each other and you said: "Now what shall we do?


  • 高中的时候,学校里的一部分老师建议本大学,一部分却建议考阿拉巴马大学,就像我说有些决定顺其自然的。

    When I was in high school some teachers advised me to attend Auburn, other teachers advised me to attend the university of Alabama and, well, like I said some decisions are pretty obvious.


  • 惯了那些虚假理由的时候,可能也会开始相信这些谎言

    And when we say those false reasons enough, we might even start to believe them ourselves.


  • 解释:“瞬间接受大量数据时,链接处就会来跳去,思维记忆会因此变得混乱。”

    He explained: "When we take in too much data too quickly, as we do skipping between links, our working memory gets swamped."


  • 现在一起来’时,的意思是不要走神脑子里想太多——不是仿效活力的动作,”海登

    "When I say, 'be here with me now,' I mean don't zone out or get too in-your-head-instead, follow my energy, my movements," says Hayden.


  • 最终夺冠时,一些发火了,赛事总监让如此一个奇怪、由电脑设定舰队获胜,有违比赛的精神

    When we won again, some people got very angry, and the tournament directors basically said that it was not really in the spirit of the tournament to have these weird computer-designed fleets winning.


  • 奖励看着们的小孩逐渐成长为一个快乐,能进行良好自调节的-十分幸运时候,们或许还能偶尔收到一只对不起”的歪歪扭扭小猫

    Our reward is the satisfaction of watching our children develop into happy, well-adjusted peopleand, if we're very lucky, the occasional lopsided kitten saying "Sorry".


  • 因此接下来月份今年接下来的日子的情况时请允许你们感到光荣。

    And so allow me to honor you as we speak of the coming month and remaining year of 2011.


  • 正如白约翰:“满足时,也就是荣耀他时。”

    John Piper notes, "God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in him."


  • 提巴(音译)[位于班加西军事基地220日因反叛者猛攻解放],看到了血,”一个十四岁女孩儿名叫Nadia

    "When I was at the Katiba [the military base in Benghazi that rebels stormed on Feb. 20, liberating the city], I saw blood," says Nadia, a 14-year-old girl with braces.


  • 理所勉为其难,不如现在好好的散。

    The pain is behoove when we are in love, and miserable, when you say little, as we now have scattered.


  • 佛瑞德意思是吸气的时候,收紧腹部呼气的时候。则要放松腹部。吗?

    Fred: You mean I should shrink my belly while I inhale oxygen, and extend it while exhale. Am I right?


  • 而当看到他们在一起时们就足球运动员的体态猜到没有真话。

    When we saw them together we guessed from the footballer's body language that he was not telling the truth.


  • 这是重复过上百的一句话,学习与自己关系重大的事情遇到困难时,她总是这样跟的。

    I was repeating a line she had spoken to me a hundred times when I was having trouble learning or doing something important to me.


  • 如果只是小狗不是小孩亲爱的妈妈当我想吃你的里的东西时,”么?

    IF I were only a little puppy, not your baby, mother dear, would you say "No" to me if I tried to eat from your dish?


  • 不是总是取得一致的意见——简单明了道理当我们进行合作时,获得的利益大得全世界会因此获得大的利益。

    This is not to say that we will always agreebut the simple truth is that we have far more to gain, and the world has far more to gain, when we work together.


  • 因此资本沦》方法唯物辩证法时,是根本方法,不是指它所运用的一切方法。

    Therefore when we come to the conclusion that the methods of Capital are materialist dialectics, we refer to the essential methods in it, not all the methods used.


  • 如果浪费青春将不再拥有如果珍惜青春,时候,可以自己的青春岁月过得很充实

    But if we treasure it, we can say when we become old that the days of our youth have been spent to their fullest.


  • 可以此生需要东西很多到底唯一高兴很倒霉的一天里知道有人需要的时候,人们需要不是当我不存在的时候。

    There are many things I can say I need in life, but when it comes down to it, the only thing that will make me happy when I'm wanted, that people would rather have me in this world that not.


  • 一个人贴上边缘性精神病标签的时候,不是某种危险的内容潜藏的内心世界中。

    When, therefore, we label an individual "borderline psychotic," this does not mean that certain dangerous contents lie down there in him.


  • 一个人贴上边缘性精神病标签的时候,不是某种危险的内容潜藏的内心世界中。

    When, therefore, we label an individual "borderline psychotic," this does not mean that certain dangerous contents lie down there in him.


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