• 长者应该接受更多事物年轻应该听从父母建议

    The elder should be more accessible to new things and the younger should defer to the advisable proposals from parents.


  • 中国,京剧过去很受老年人的欢迎,而年轻人则不太喜欢。

    In China, Beijing Opera used to be popular with old people while young people didn't like it very much.


  • 在发达国家随着越来越多城市中心汽车使用量正在下降年轻倾向于选择其他出行方式

    Across the developed world, car use is in decline as more people move to city centres, while young people especially are opting for other means of travel.


  • 年轻接受西式教育精英们则整天灯红酒绿卑躬屈膝

    The young Western-educated elite cringed at the day-long banquets laced with toasts and songs, the celebrations of idleness.


  • 很多男人错误认识之一假设女人很多情感上障碍年轻女孩子没有。

    One of the mistakes older guys often make is assuming that older women have emotional hang-ups and younger women don’t.


  • 很多男人错误认识之一假设女人很多情感上障碍年轻女孩子没有

    One of the mistakes older guys often make is assuming that older women have emotional hang-ups and younger women don't.


  • 这位老人身边,把手伸进自己完美年轻美丽的心里撕下

    He walked up to the old man, reached into his perfect young and beautiful heart, and ripped a piece out.


  • 西边基斯兰奴这样的邻居是因为靠近海滩闹市区有着时髦年轻个性人欢迎的。

    Neighbourhoods on the West Side, like Kitsilano, are popular because they are near the beach, close to downtown and have a funky, youthful character.


  • 研究人员发现年轻男性恋爱现状影响更深,而年轻女性则苦恼是否沉浸爱河。

    The researchers also found that while young men are more affected by the quality of a current relationship, young women are more emotionally affected by whether or not they are in a relationship.


  • 此前已有研究表明女性面容可以反映的年龄健康状况,年轻和健康与否影响潜在生殖能力

    Previous studies have noted that a woman's face reflects her youth and health, which can affect her future reproductive abilities.


  • 上帝抵抗残酷地对待整个乌干达,不仅仅是Acholiland年轻Acholi人对此所知甚关心传统上的正义

    The LRA brutalised the entire north of Uganda, not just Acholiland, and young Acholi know little of, and care less about, traditional justice.


  • 得意自己以善于捕获年轻女士名声在外

    He is proud of his reputation as a seducer of young women.


  • 许多人喜欢熟悉权威人物不喜欢自命不凡的年轻新贵。

    Many prefer a familiar authority figure to a young upstart.


  • 感动了那些一样、年轻没有经历战争的人。

    It also moved those who, like me, are too young to have lived through the war.


  • 这些年轻担心失败激发

    These youngsters are motivated by fear of failure.


  • 没有为自己那个年轻产生影响感到不快

    She was not displeased at the effect she was having on the young man.


  • 甚至年轻的时候,我就因驾驶技术良好自豪因为必须等到辆车才能开车

    I took pride in driving well even when I was young, for I had to wait until I had a car to learn to drive.


  • 一次电视采访中鼓励年轻自己梦想努力

    In a TV interview, Yan encouraged young people to work hard for their dreams.


  • 早上的某个时间录音机会播放轻柔音乐一个年轻女孩低沉甜美声音从录音机里传来:“起床。”

    At a certain time in the morning, the tape player would play soft music with a low and sweet voice of a young girl, "Wake up, please."


  • 带着飞荡的高架秋千那个年轻优雅姿态,灵巧敏捷躯体里走出来。

    Swiftly, neatly, with the grace of the young man on the flying trapeze, he was gone from his body.


  • 越来越年轻选择时间花电子设备不是参加其他活动不论是什么类型的活动。

    More and more, young people choose spending time on their electronic devices over engaging in other activities, regardless of the type.


  • 大多数年轻男孩训练相信男人应该强壮坚强冷静超然

    Most young boys are trained to believe that men should be strong, tough, cool, and detached.


  • 看起来一个友好正直年轻

    You look like a nice upstanding young man.


  • 理想主义年轻这项事业献身

    Idealistic young people died for the cause.


  • 年轻获取这些社团兄弟会会员身份相互争夺。

    Young men compete with each other for membership in these societies and fraternities.


  • 今天青年体育环境中年轻运动员可能担心不是自己开心享受这项运动

    In today's youth sport setting, young athletes may be worrying more about who will win instead of enjoying themselves and the sport.


  • 老年人应该通过他们行为赢得年轻尊重不是因为他们的年龄

    The old should earn the respect of the young for what they have done instead of how old they are.


  • 老年人应该通过他们行为赢得年轻尊重不是因为他们的年龄

    The old should earn the respect of the young for what they have done instead of how old they are.


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