• 电影业奇特封闭方式运作。

    Its film industry operates in its own curiously hermetic way.


  • 有些道路积雪封闭

    Some roads are closed because of drifting.


  • 条路下雪而封闭

    The road is closed because of the snow.


  • 有些道路积雪而封闭

    Snow banked all along the road.


  • 开放式意味着接收知道封闭的意味着你将是匿名的。

    That is, whether the recipient can find out who you are (open) or you remain anonymous (closed).


  • 一个而封闭场地非常利于杜宾保持良好的状态。

    A large FENCED YARD is critical to the well being of your Doberman.


  • 巴图·克瓦大约3,700座房屋被毁90条主要道路洪水淹没而封闭

    The provincial government said some 3,700 houses were destroyed and more than 90 main roads were closed after being submerged.


  • 阿拉伯世界历史出路——贫瘠而封闭处通往充满艰难重要的选择的世界。

    This is the Arab world's exit into history -- an exit from a sterile, walled-off place into a land of painful and consequential choices.


  • 近年来关于封闭社区研究日渐增多,而封闭社区给城市社区带来的影响引起学者关注

    Recently, great interest has been aroused in research on gated community, whose effects on city community also attract a lot of attentions of researchers.


  • 尚未流经缆绳前,研究团队无法确定,融化的水会流入粒中,还是会聚积在钻头周围如果是后者,将使凿因冻结封闭

    Until water flowed through the tether, the team could not tell if the meltwater was draining into the firn or accumulating around the drill, which could freeze the borehole shut.


  • 然后要考虑如何采取行动自己生活和自己真正价值、自己想要的生活保持一致。不是仅仅因为它们是负面的而封闭或否认自己的烦恼。

    And then consider how you can take action to align your life a little more with what you truly value and who you really want to be.


  • 乔布斯控制狂著称批评的人埋怨设计产品系统打着提高用户体验旗号封闭缺乏灵活性。

    Jobs had a reputation as a control freak, and his critics complained that the products and systems he designed were closed and inflexible, in the name of greater ease of use.


  • 久以前,人们还无法想象一种病毒能使众多国家封闭安全网被证明是如此灾难性地缺乏灵活性。

    Not very long ago, it was also unthinkable that a virus would shut down nations and that safety nets would be proven so disastrously lacking in flexibility.


  • GZIP为了通过压缩数据提高较慢网络速度专门设计的,GZIP高速网络封闭网络的影响很小

    Designed specifically to improve the speed of slower networks by compressing the data, GZIP has little impact on high speed or closed networks.


  • 3系统一个封闭循环传感器负责为控制系统提供数据,控制系统则驱动着环境中因素变化

    The system shown in Figure 3 is that of a closed loop, with sensors feeding the control system that drive changes in the environment.


  • 设计上,大学希望成为封闭的组织。需要你居住一个校园之中似乎住个城市里

    By design, the university wants to be an enclosed institution, so you're required to live on campus, which means that you're not living in the city.


  • 但是如果世界最大经济体停滞不前,第二大经济体保持货币处于汇率封闭资本账户,那僵化货币体系必将走向腐朽

    But if the world's biggest economy stagnates and the second-biggest keeps its currency cheap and its capital account closed, a rigid monetary system will eventually buckle.


  • 假定对方做了某件坏事”部分陈述的,这样就把问题封闭了一个框架中,如此,他们就只能回答不能否定假设。

    By framing the question as closed, the other person is thus expected to answer only yes or no and cannot deny the assumption.


  • 如果拥有封闭的时间型曲线时空里,和谐一致情况可能存在的。

    Consistent stories are possible, even in space-times with closed timelike curves.


  • 这些过程可以移动画笔(pen),最终创建路径(path),路径可以边,可以渐变方式颜色进行填充(如果封闭的)。

    These procedures move the pen, which ultimately creates the path that can then be stroked or filled (when it is closed) with gradients and colors.


  • 一个术语形容那些因为害怕想法不敢自己显露它们人:“封闭的思想。”

    There's a term for people who don't expose themselves to ideas because they are afraid of them: "closed-minded."


  • 并非由于Office一种糟糕产品(并非如此)封闭源代码(确实如此),只是因为不进退的道理。

    That's not because Office is a bad product (it isn't) or because it's closed source (it is) but simply because it has nowhere to go but down.


  • 那些封闭系统虽然对我们有着重要的作用他们社会影响力万维网不可同日语,远远有万维网普及和深入。

    Those closed systems perform valuable functions as well, but their impact in society is different and less pervasive.


  • 来自于Mozlilla平台包括XUL)的、开源的、有庞大充满热情的社区维护的Firefox添加封闭零散移动平台上,为整个世界呈现一个真正好的东西。

    Bringing Firefox add-ons, the Mozillaplatform (including XUL), open source, and a large and passionatecommunity to the closed and fragmented mobile platform will do theworld some serious good.


  • 来自于Mozlilla平台包括XUL)的、开源的、有庞大充满热情的社区维护的Firefox添加封闭零散移动平台上,为整个世界呈现一个真正好的东西。

    Bringing Firefox add-ons, the Mozillaplatform (including XUL), open source, and a large and passionatecommunity to the closed and fragmented mobile platform will do theworld some serious good.


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