• 午餐,一家巴林靠近坐在游泳池边丈夫孩子穿着游泳衣妻子包裹得严严实实

    After lunch, at the pool, the Bahraini family was again sitting near me, the husband and children in swimming costumes, but the wife still completely covered.


  • 事实上,就现在说事来讲不是很喜欢虚拟这个因为一说到“虚拟空间好像在说真实,不重要,只有实实在在的物理空间才是唯一真实的世界。

    Actually, I don't like the term "virtual" in this context, for it suggests that virtual space is somehow secondary or unreal and that physical space is the only real and true one.


  • 顺便要说的是,有些美伊特先生任命表示赞扬,原因是至少代表一个实实在在做事公司不是另外一家唯利是图金融公司。

    By the way, some have praised Mr. Immelt's appointment on the grounds that at least he represents a company that actually makes things, rather than being yet another financial wheeler-dealer.


  • 可以销售大量泡沫资产,从取得实实在在收益泡沫破灭时,受损失投资者不是卖家

    It can sell a lot of the bubbling asset for substantial gains, and when the bubble bursts, it is the investors who lose out, not the seller.


  • 杨先生电影也能好点子”,现在他还在梦想着制作光亮军刀,“但是工程制作实实在在的有用产品过程不是仅仅作为一个好莱坞电影的道具。”

    "Movies may spark an idea," says Yang, who still dreams of making a light saber. "But engineering is the process of making a real product that is useful, not just as a Hollywood prop.


  • 布朗退出引来具有大量低等级竞争者少真力派特点的竞赛

    Mr Brown’s exit will bring a contest featuring plenty of unpalatable contenders but no obvious front-runner.


  • 天使需要遵守道德规范所以鲁利那样,总是老老实实的掏钱衣服不是像克鲁利那样无中生有的把衣服编出来。

    Angels had certain moral standards to maintain and so, unlike Crowley, he preferred to buy his clothes rather than wish them into being from raw firmament.


  • 两口子之间争执个人的。就讲得了:那些个激烈争执基本上不是关于实实在在的内容,通常是关于其他的事儿。

    Fights between couples are personal. So it makes sense that the passionate ones are rarely about the actual content but rather are typically about something else entirely.


  • 每一个方案都实实在在证明识字生活环境迥异(从乡村环境移民城市社区)的妇女产生的深远积极影响

    Each is tangible proof of literacy's profound and positive influence on women living in very different circumstances -from rural environments to immigrant urban communities.


  • 现在实实在在地荷兰发生了

    Now it's happened here in the Netherlands.


  • 从根本上改变顾客价值认识能够实实在在地投入市场整个行业都为此产品倾倒。

    It fundamentally alters the customer's perception of value, and can literally turn markets and entire industries upside down.


  • 亲戚曾经送一本材料,里面各种各样的,马尾巴就是真真实实马尾书本身就是用马皮做的。

    A relative gave him a textile book with pictures of horses where the tail was horse hair and the body real hide.


  • 一些北京记者同行的处境我更糟,他们甚至因为受到实实在在的死亡威胁不得不搬迁了他们的办公地点

    Fellow foreign correspondents in Beijing have received much worse, including death threats credible enough to prompt some of them to move offices.


  • 男人下腰确确实实感到了那种疼痛

    The man doubles over and actually feels pain.


  • 工厂大都上了上锁门却只能内开。逃命工人蜂涌至,严严实实堵上门。

    Most of the doors were locked and those that were not locked only opened inwards and were effectively held shut by the onrush of workers escaping the fire.


  • 摩尔定律没有废止只是越来越多享受一定律带来的实实在在的“”上好处,并非处理器性能的不断提升。

    Moore's law has not been repealed, but more people are taking the dividend it provides in cash, rather than processor cycles.


  • 很明显企业资助人必须音乐节建立起长期关系,才有机会得到实实在在票务配额票务分配的过程堪称暗箱操作。

    Sponsors must foster a long-term relationship to have a solid chance of ticket quotas, apparently. The process is far from transparent.


  • 这样显示客户事情来说重要,并且也表明了你确确实实解决问题努力。

    This shows the customer that his/her business is important to you and you're actively working towards getting things fixed。


  • 实际上Katayev文件证明苏联骑士确确实实正死盔甲之中,苏联的导弹远没有西方国家想象那么精确

    But Katayev's papers suggest the Soviet knight was indeed dying inside his armor. The Soviet missiles were not as accurate as the West had thought.


  • 如果我们真的再尝试一次的话,我们需要政策制定者能够说服我们(我是说确确实实的说服我们),并保证我们不会无功

    If we're going to try again, policymakers need to convince us-really convince us-that we won't end up flat on our backs.


  • Wilhelmsen毛线替代了数字实现了用新的实实在在的实物形态来将无形的时间可视化,这种实物形态随着日子一天天过去发生变化——它一织出一条2长的围巾

    Wilhelmsen swapped Numbers for wool yarns to visualize time in a new physical form that changes and develops as days pass - the clock will knit a 2 meter long scarf over the course of a year.


  • 病之间由于相互作用产生意义期望可以实实在在地作用于身体不仅仅主观

    The meanings and expectations created by the interactions of doctors and patients matter physically, not just subjectively. "10."


  • 个讲述都市传说人更加依赖于他叙事的技巧不是实实在在证据,并且会提及一些故事来源比如是从朋友的朋友那里听说的”)支撑故事的真实性

    In lieu of evidence, the teller of an urban legend relies on narrativeskill and reference to allegedly trustworthy sources (e.g., "I heardthis from a friend of a friend") to bolster its credibility.


  • 觉得幕特别有意思可能就是实实在在对二者有着切肤体会(酗酒他们生活同时他们酗酒减少痛苦)。

    And those who find it particularly funny might be those who've actually experienced both claims (booze wreaks havoc in their lives, but they also drink to ease their pain).


  • 诗人不只停留爱护自然切切实实地强调人类自然一部分。

    The poet calls on people to be part of nature more than to love nature.


  • 等到事情有所变化,但是事实上发生什么变化,现在确确实实知道,我这些年的感觉才是真真切切的。

    And that things would change, but they never have, not really, and now I know for sure that what I've been feeling all these years is actually the right thing.


  • 不是必须发生一切却发生在这样一个如此年轻如此承诺的人的身上这个在是个极大的扭曲

    The fact it didn't have to happen and it happens to one so young and so full of promise is a powerful twist.


  • 不是必须发生一切却发生在这样一个如此年轻如此承诺的人的身上这个在是个极大的扭曲

    The fact it didn't have to happen and it happens to one so young and so full of promise is a powerful twist.


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