• 我们需要思考卫生保健如何合理应用不是执着于讨论定量配给问题。

    We need to think about the rational use of health care and stop talking about the rationing of health care.


  • 父母应该孩子独立思考如何解决他们遇到问题不是开始帮助他们

    Instead of helping them from the very beginning, parents should leave their children to think independently about how to deal with the problems they encounter.


  • 如,《圣诞颂歌》就是为了让每个读者思考他们如何能对社会做出改变写的。

    A Christmas Carol, for example, was written to make every reader think about how they could make a difference to their society.


  • 可能会同意其中某些观点同意另外一些观点。但是应该明确的是,一定要深入地思考如何自己应用程序使用XML

    You might agree with some of these points, and disagree with others, but you should definitely think more deeply about how you use XML in your own applications.


  • 学会如何选择积极肯定不是自我或狭隘想法养成积极乐观思考习惯

    If we learn how to replace self-limiting thoughts with affirmations, we develop habit of positive thinking.


  • 录像事件使得每个人努力地思考如何促进不同种族间更加和谐这个问题。

    The video incident has made everyone think harderabout how to promote greater harmony.


  • 其中的思考的是为什么我们需要保持良好人际关系(一般性高层次的),一组则关注如何保持良好的人际关系(具体,低层次的)。

    One group thought about why we need to maintain good relationships (abstract, high-level) while the other focused on how we maintain good relationships (concrete, low-level).


  • 这个决定影响如何行为不是如何思考

    The decision is in how to act, not in how to think.


  • 这会减慢未来程序员使用代码因为必须思考这段代码如何不是顺着条件去看

    It slows down the next programmer in the code, as they have to think instead of just flowing through the conditional, if that makes sense.


  • 本书我们展示如何成为能为我们大家带来美的艺术家如果我们愿意时间思考我们将要做什么不是机械地编写程序的话。

    It also shows us how to become artists that bring that beauty out if we will just take the time to think about what we're doing instead of trying to mechanically write a program.


  • 但是我们如何描述机器所作所为包括是否使用思考”这个更多的取决于我们如何看待自己不是机器。

    But the words we use to describe what machines do, including whether we use the word "think," has more to do with how we view ourselves than it does with the actual capabilities of the machines.


  • 企业必须思考如何才能尽责满足消费者的需求

    And business must work out how to cater responsibly to an individual's desires.


  • 思考如何有效不是试图变得有效率如何做出影响事?你一生真正的是什么

    Instead of trying to be efficient, think about being efficient. How can you make a difference in the world? What would you really love to do with your life?


  • 因此思考一下如何设置一个合适的过期日期,不要随意设置

    So think about what would be a good period to set the expiration date to instead of arbitrarily setting it to some value.


  • 基于链接优化我们可以思考如何搜索引擎更加深入全面了解我们网站

    The link-based optimization, we can think how to make search engines more in-depth, comprehensive understanding of our website.


  • 每年一月一号似乎悄悄地来临,每年的开始我们都会非常努力下决心做一些事情思考如何新的年中完成这些事情

    January 1st seems to sneak up on us every year, and every year we madly try to figure out what our resolutions will be and what we're going to accomplish in the coming year.


  • 接受了不完美,你才能更多思考如何提高不是思考哪里出了问题,并且此以往你自己很大的压力,让你自己抑郁

    When you embrace your imperfections you're more likely to think about how to improve, rather than what's 'wrong' with you, which over a long period of time, can lead to stress and depression.


  • 一直思考我究竟该如何告诉合理营养饮食建议他们所有人都发现自己本身都没有遵守这些时她还会信服我吗?

    How on earth, I was thinking, am I supposed to give sound nutritional advice when all they have to do is look at me to see that I don't follow it very well myself?


  • 用来冥想教你如何思考不是思考

    The Purpose of a book of meditation is to teach you how to think and not to do your thinking for you.


  • 事实思考这个问题如何回答,他貌似平静大脑在高速运转。

    What is happening is that, while he is thinking about the question and how to answer it, he appears calm but his brain is seething.


  • 乐意静下心来开动脑筋思考如何这些心理学手段运用你的销售演示中,即使你每天只能用上一个,你也不泄气,因为知道一定能给你带来更多的销售量以及随之涨的利润

    psychological devices to your sales presentations, even if only applying one device a day, because you know it’ll bring your more sales, and consequently, profits.


  • 我们曾经仰望星空思考我们宇宙中的位置现在我们着头,担心如何土地上活下去。

    We used to look up at the sky and wonder at our place in the stars, now we just look down and worry about our place in the dirt.


  • 比如大量学术人员工程人员正在思考如何制造出这样晶体管,使得量子隧道成为一种特色不是一种缺陷

    A number of groups of academics and engineers, for example, are pondering how to make transistors in which quantum tunnelling is a feature rather than a bug.


  • 一直努力不是显示我们如何改进我们系统思考这些问题

    I have tried instead to show how we might improver our systematic thinking about these questions.


  • 关键同学们学习如何思考不是问题本身

    Students will be taught how to think, not just given information.


  • 库珀我们曾经仰望星空思考我们宇宙中的位置现在我们着头,担心如何土地上活下去。

    Cooper: : we used to look up at the sky and wonder at our place in the stars, now we just look down and worry about our place in the dirt.


  • 库珀我们曾经仰望星空思考我们宇宙中的位置现在我们着头,担心如何土地上活下去。

    Cooper: : we used to look up at the sky and wonder at our place in the stars, now we just look down and worry about our place in the dirt.


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