• 而在南部城市地道的脆薄饼很知名

    In the southern city, authentic crackers and steamed rice cakes are famous.


  • 北部冬季寒冷夏季炎热南部气候则温和得多

    In the north, temperatures are cold in winter and hot in summer but are more mild in the south.


  • 内陆肥沃土地有着广阔泥炭沼泽南部却是山丘

    Inland are fertile lands, expansive peat moors, and in the south, hills.


  • 南部特别是加州帝王地区,科罗拉多灌溉着处沙漠中的整个美国冬季蔬菜供应地区。

    In its southern stretch, especially in California's Imperial County, the river irrigates deserts to produce America's winter vegetables.


  • 赫尔先前英国殖民统治索马里北部保存尤其完整而在南部意大利人则试图根除这种人们的这种习俗。

    The Xeer is most intact in the north of Somalia, which was underBritish rule; in the south, the Italians tried to eradicate it.


  • 我们乐队第一次巡演时过中国南部沿海城市厦门那里,最让感到自豪一个时刻并非出现舞台上。

    When our band did our first tour, we traveled to Xiamen on the southern coast and one of my proudest moments came far from the stage.


  • 南部学生普遍得分北部东北部各州的学生得分

    And students in the Deep South generally scored lower than their counterparts in northern and northeastern states.


  • 世纪初期棉铃象甲开始侵嗜美国南部棉花农场

    But in the early years of the century, the boll weevil began devastating the cotton farms in the south.


  • 例如美国,人们每年人均植物纤维利用量为5.94亚洲南部中心地带,每年人均利用量是1.23吨。

    For example, in the United States, each person USES 5.94 metric tons of carbon (vegetation) per year, while in South-central Asia, people use 1.23 metric tons per year.


  • 随着‘便携信息学’的实施,它每个选取了冠军芝加哥市郊—距去年冠军南部有一个小时路程MountProspect最高分

    Working with OnBoard Informatics, we chose a winner for each state, but the Chicago suburb-only an hour south of last year's winner, Mount Prospect, ill.-scored the highest.


  • 去年8月土耳其西南部萨迦索斯发现的,之前没有公开露面过

    The head was discovered only last August in Sagalassos in south-west Turkey, and it has never been seen in public before.


  • 罗马尼亚南部Chitila河边,一些巫婆聚集于此,往结冰河里投掷玉米庆祝主显节

    Yet on the Chitila River in southern Romania, other witches gathered around a fire Thursday and threw corn into an icy river to celebrate Epiphany.


  • 公司另外计划今年德克萨斯州南部EagleFord项目上开建150个新的油井2013年达到每天65,000桶原油最高产量

    The company also plans to drill 150 new oil Wells this year in its Eagle Ford project in southern Texas and anticipates hitting peak production of some 65,000 barrels per day in 2013.


  • 新疆南部部分地区天气一样糟糕如果不是更坏

    And the weather in parts of southern Xinjiang is just as bad, if not worse.


  • 2008年至2010年间美国西部结婚新人有20%是不同种族民族结合的,美国南部这一比例为14%,美国东北部为13%。

    About 20 percent of newlyweds there married someone of a different race or ethnicity between 2008 and 2010, compared with 14 percent in the South and 13 percent in the Northeast.


  • 大使馆得到的消息,昨天晚上不明身体机枪扫射居民楼突尼斯南部,也有两中国人误伤

    From the embassy I learned that last night people of unclear identity were firing machine guns into apartment buildings, and in the south of Tunisia two Chinese were accidentally injured.


  • 某些地方尤其是撒哈拉南部非洲的周边地区,因为害怕患上人们远离河流的地方。

    But in some places, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa, families have moved away from rivers because they fear catching river blindness.


  • 海盗几乎没有任何巡逻战舰索马里南部东部海湾出击

    Instead, the pirates are now virtually no patrols in southern Somalia and eastern Gulf warships attack.


  • 英格兰西南部公园里这些秋千25以前安装的。

    The swings, at a park in Wiltshire, in southwestern England, were put up 25 years ago.


  • 沿地中海边界南部阿尔梅里亚(Almeria)北部塔拉戈纳(Tarragona)90%以上的地区危险的。阿利坎特西尔地区,这个比例攀升到了100%。

    More than 90% of land bordering the Mediterranean from Almeria in the south to Tarragona in the north is considered to be at high risk. But that figure climbs to almost 100% in Alicante and Murcia.


  • 世纪初期棉铃象甲开始侵嗜美国南部棉花农场

    But in the early years of the century, the 3 boll weevil began 4 devastating the cotton farms in the south.


  • 赢得了巴黎二十个县当中十一个,法国中部西南部大块地域获胜,还获得许多郊区工薪阶层的支持。

    She came top in 11 of the 20 arrondissements of Paris, as well as in a large swathe of central and south-western France, and in many of the working-class banlieues.


  • 中部北部地区提高生产葡萄酒红葡萄酒生产主要集中该岛南部一部分

    Whereas in the central and northern parts there is a higher production of white wines, the production of red wines is mainly concentrated in the southern part of the island.


  • 中部北部地区提高生产葡萄酒红葡萄酒生产主要集中该岛南部一部分

    Whereas in the central and northern parts there is a higher production of white wines, the production of red wines is mainly concentrated in the southern part of the island.


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