• 冬季气候干燥期间指甲干硬失去光泽入浴之后发胀就变得柔软了

    Thus in the dry climate during the winter, nails dry and hard and dull, too white bubble bath after a swollen, becomes softened.


  • 树木环绕博物馆随着树木的生长,整个夏天它们树叶遮蔽住博物馆,冬季则露出博物馆。

    Trees surround the museum; as they grow they will enshroud it with leaves in full summer and expose it in winter.


  • 其结果是被覆盖土壤夏季较凉爽冬季不会让土壤没有土的区域一样得那样严重。

    As a result, mulched soil will be cooler in the summertime. And in winter, it may not freeze as deeply as areas without mulch.


  • 植物为了减少树叶蒸腾作用消耗水分冬季落叶,就形成了常绿落叶阔叶混交林独特喀斯特森林群落

    In order to reduce transpiration which consumes water, leaves of plants here fall in winter, forming evergreen deciduous broad-leaved mingled forest that is peculiar to karst forest community.


  • 形成土壤空气之间屏障结果是,被覆盖的土壤夏季较凉爽在冬季不会让土壤没有盖土的区域一样那么深。

    Mulch forms a barrier between the soil and the air. As a result, mulched soil will be cooler in the summertime. And in winter, it may not freeze as deeply as areas without mulch.


  • 靠近表面地带变暖势头最强,里的区域――并没有关于冬季海冰好消息

    The warming is strongest near the surface and in winternot good news for winter sea ice.


  • 大多数科学家认为由于增加日照温暖温度以及丰富营养的原因,浮游植物冬季休眠春天蓬勃发展

    Most scientists think that phytoplankton are dormant in the winter and flourish in the spring because an increase of sunlight, warmer temperatures, and abundant nutrients.


  • 因为北方冬季太阳,使人觉得似乎阳光有点发蓝而在炎热夏季令人觉得阳光似乎是黄色的。

    Because in the north the sum is low during winter, the sunlight appears quite blue. Because the sun is higher during summer, the hot summer sunlight appears yellow.


  • 南部特别是加州帝王地区,科罗拉多灌溉着处沙漠中的整个美国冬季蔬菜供应地区。

    In its southern stretch, especially in California's Imperial County, the river irrigates deserts to produce America's winter vegetables.


  • 北极冰盖季节变化,严寒冬季增长夏季则会减少。

    The Arctic ice cap fluctuates with the seasons, growing in the freezing winter and shrinking over the summer.


  • 很多专家认为流感传播2009年夏末放缓冬季传播迅速

    Many experts think the spread of swine flu will slow down during the late summer of 2009, but spread more quickly again in the autumn and winter.


  • 而在寒冷冬季青海湖披上厚厚的银装

    In the cold winter, the lake will be covered with a thick layer of snow.


  • 赤道洋流无论哪个季节都穿过赤道赤道以北的南赤道洋流冬季夏季赤道以南赤道洋流夏季比冬季

    The South Equatorial Current which located in the north of the equator is stronger in winter than it is in summer, but the one in the Southern Hemisphere is strong in summer and weak in winter.


  • 因为北方冬季太阳,使人觉得似乎阳光有点发蓝而在炎热夏季太阳高一些,令人觉得阳光似乎是黄色的。

    Because in the north the sun is low during winter, the sunlight appears quite blue. Because the sun is higher during summer, the hot summer sunlight appears yellow.


  • 季节上日数冬季达到最大,夏季较少,同时重度等级的霾出现秋、冬季

    In season, haze occurs mainly in fall and winter rather than in spring and summer. In particular, the medium degree and high degree hazes are all in fall and winter.


  • 北部冬季寒冷夏季炎热南部气候则温和得多

    In the north, temperatures are cold in winter and hot in summer but are more mild in the south.


  • 种类丰富度细胞季节分布上表现为春夏季高于冬季空间分布上总体表现为湾口内湾逐渐降低。

    Temporally, the species richness and cell abundance of Chaetoceros were characterized by a typical seasonal pattern, with the highest in spring and summer and the lowest in autumn and winter.


  • 因为它深色的整装冬季是绝配,而在春天的时候和牛仔灯芯绒面料的衣服也是完美搭档哦。

    It goes perfectly with a dark suit in fall or winter and with jeans or cords in spring.


  • 因为它深色的整装冬季是绝配,而在春天的时候和牛仔灯芯绒面料的衣服也是完美搭档哦。

    It goes perfectly with a dark suit in fall or winter and with jeans or cords in spring.


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