• 善良聪明的好姑娘,”,“确实是一骄傲愚蠢癞蛤蟆。”

    "You are a good, kind, clever girl," he said, "and I am indeed a proud and a stupid toad."


  • 巴丁一个人不能不考虑这些其他属性考虑音乐演化

    Patin said one cannot consider the evolution of music wire without looking at these other properties.


  • 如果我们关注怎样做好一件事不在意其中碍脚石,那我们永远都不可能完成此事,”布朗

    "If we focus on how to do something, without looking at what gets in the way, we will never get there," Brown says.


  • 就是我们谈自己了解的,不是我们认为我们了解

    That means we can talk about what we know, instead of what we think we know.


  • 但是还是忍不住会想起某位著名经济学家的话宁愿预测数字或者一个日期不是同时预言二者,因为那样的话,容易出错

    But I can't help recalling the words of the eminent economist who said he was willing to forecast a number or a datebut not bothbecause it made it too easy to prove him wrong.


  • 虽然低卡路里甜味佐料打开了一个急于通过减肥更好人群巨大市场与健康有关这不具有同样市场潜力

    While low-calorie sweeteners opened a huge market of people eager to look better by losing weight, he said, salt is only a health concern, which does not have the same market potential.


  • 幼儿没有被找到专家他们可能已经因为紧张脱水死亡

    The two babies were not found, and experts say they will probably have died of stress and dehydration.


  • 这个ISO文件包含应用程序包含数据——就是可能不得不重新自定义设置了。

    The ISO contains only the applications, no data -- which means you might have to recreate any custom settings again.


  • 调查引发热烈讨论:名会员拥有一海龟条狗另一个想要兔子,第三不能宠物,因为她老是频繁休假

    The survey sparked a lively thread: One member owned turtles and a dog, another wanted a rabbit, and a third argued she couldn't have pets because she vacations so frequently.


  • 他们并未怪罪于新医生缺乏经验由于医院颇感迷惑他们有可能由于人员变动,新医入院一周,医院接受严重的病例

    They do not blame the doctors' inexperience or confusion in the hospital and say it is also possible that only the severest cases are admitted in that week, because of the changeover.


  • 一定数量被控制着均匀同一方向移动测试被要求简单的认为这些点的移动方向是向左还是向右。

    A controlled number of these dots are purposely moving uniformly in the same direction, and the test subject simply has to say whether he believes those dots are moving to the left or right.


  • 可能希望尽可能关注健康不是纠缠体重,”夏尔博士,“肥胖管理并非关乎体重上的数值,它关系到如何改善健康。”

    "You might want to focus on being as healthy as you can and not obsess about your weight," Dr. Sharma said. "Obesity management is not about treating Numbers on a scale."


  • 明星教练大卫基尔:“曾有客户准备参加奥斯卡颁奖礼,她每天饭,每顿饭两个鸡蛋!”

    Celebrity trainer David Kirsch says: "I had a client who was getting ready for the Oscars and all she ate was one meal a day - of two boiled eggs!"


  • 古尔德比如一些星系拥有类似地球行星没有气态巨行星。

    For instance, some systems could house only Earthlike planets and no gas giants, Gould said.


  • 本地人保护野生动物执法联系,”法萨那解释,“农民因为砍伐森林逮捕,他们不能养活家人。”

    "Local people only associated wildlife protection with law enforcement," Vathana explains. "When farmers were arrested for clearing the forest, they could no longer feed their families."


  • 到了2002年,《华尔街日报》描述了一个不一样世界会计们不再是监管人他们变成了客户的宠物,他们爱听的话。

    But by 2002 the Wall Street Journal was describing a different world, in which accountants had gone from "watchdogs to lapdogs," telling clients whatever they wanted to hear.


  • 她们她们考糟糕透顶,是因为她们盯着自己的那一点地方,不是做对地方。

    They say that they have done horribly badly, because they focus on the bit they got wrong rather than the bit they got right.


  • 帮助这些企业成长创造就业成本效益极高方式霍桑第一决赛选手刚开始一共雇佣了330现在他们雇佣500多人。

    Helping such firms grow is an extremely cost-effective way to create jobs, argues Mr Harthorne; the first class of finalists have already hired over 500 more people than the 330 they began with.


  • 方式,“蝴蝶效应没有宣称蝴蝶扇动翅膀导致改变仅仅是那扇动造成了局部条件的一个无法察觉变化

    Stated another way, the "butterfly Effect" does not propose that a butterfly flapping its wings causes the change, merely that the flapping results in an imperceptible change in local conditions.


  • 极力使关乎思想政策不是个人,”

    "I tried to keep it about ideas and policies, not to make it personal," he says.


  • 配额数量鲸者捕杀到七头,且找不到卖鲸市场

    But the quota was for nine whales, and whalers killed just seven and could not find a market for the meat, he said.


  • 儿子父亲看作偶然事件人们应该因此畏惧海洋,他最终还会回到海里

    His son said he viewed his father's death as a random event that should not make people fear the water, and said he would eventually go back into the sea.


  • 儿子父亲看作偶然事件人们应该因此畏惧海洋,他最终还会回到海里

    His son said he viewed his father's death as a random event that should not make people fear the water, and said he would eventually go back into the sea.


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