• 私下因为忠实而受过感谢吗?

    Have you ever been personally thanked for your loyalty?


  • 女孩子多上一年学,收入能力提高10% - 20%,受过中学教育回报更高

    Every year of schooling increases a girl's individual earning power by 10 to 20 percent, and the return on secondary education is even higher.


  • 伪善者不是目前要劝诫尽管可能为了使自己看起来道德而受过优良美德教育

    With the hypocrite, it is not at present my intention to expostulate, though even he might be taught the excellency of virtue, by the necessity of seeming to be virtuous;


  • 之中虚伪色彩,就像再关上马厩一样——而受过良好教育正骑那些骏马上。

    There is a heavy note of hypocrisy in this, a case of closing the barn door after the horses have escaped-with the educated themselves riding on them.


  • 可是这里一个两难的问题:学校声称他们无法找到合格教师受过良好培训的教师却不知道该到哪里

    There is a dilemma here: the schools claim that they could not find the qualified teachers who can take the Chinese course, but the well trained teachers do not know where to go.


  • 而受过专业训练顶级厨师会上等的19件德国套装刀具精细地完成一道工序——切开生鸡香瓜

    Top Chefs-in-training come correct with a classy 19-piece assemblage of German steel suited for every task—from carving the bird to balling the melon.


  • 作为个深受启蒙思想影响人、一个理性主义者无神论者,确信自己不会因为一个陌生人的死亡而受影响

    As a child of the enlightenment, a rationalist and an atheist, I was sure I wouldn't be unduly affected by the death of a person unknown.


  • 即使在今天贫穷没有受过教育黑人并非得到富裕受过良好教育的人可以得到同等公正待遇

    However, even today, poor, uneducated blacks do not always receive the same degree of justice that the more affluent and better educated can expect.


  • 运转常常因受过培训员工人数不够受到限制

    Its operations were hampered at every turn by inadequate numbers of trained staff.


  • 有助于这些家庭痛苦度过这次旱灾。

    This would help the families to survive the drought without undue suffering.


  • 这种说法带有浓重虚伪色彩,就像跑了再关上马厩一样——在马背上的受过良好教育

    There is heavy note of hypocrisy in this, a case of closing the barn door after the horses have escaped—with the educated themselves riding on them.


  • 按照传统观点,这些大学里学习法律一直被看作律师专门工作,不是一个受过良好教育所必须具备的知识素养。

    Traditionally, legal learning has been viewed in such institutions as the special preserve of lawyers, rather than a necessary part of the intellectual equipment of an educated person.


  • 另一些人则因为受过高中校园欺凌缺乏自信

    Others lack confidence because of the high school bully factor.


  • 一组的人是音乐家,第二组的人没有受过音乐训练。

    The people in the first group were musicians, while those in the second group had no musical training.


  • 这个士兵由于受过跛足

    The soldier is lame from an old wound.


  • 可能他们有些现在逮捕了,有些监狱里的人接记者采访他们不是因为这个判刑的。

    Maybe the people who have been arrested now and they are in prisons have had some interviews with reporters, but that is not the real crime they’ve been charged with.


  • 他们受过良好教育,阅读消费者报告克莱斯勒东西往往在报告名单榜末。

    They're highly educated. They read consumer reports and Chrysler products are generally the bottom of the list.


  • Ashrafi情况就是典型例子:因为没有条件,只能在家分娩助产只有一个没受过正规培训的接生婆

    Ashrafi's case was typical: She tried to deliver at home with the help of an untrained birth attendant.


  • 海豚体验网站在那些海豚疗法自闭症儿童中,有95%的人感觉治疗效果长达年之久

    The website for the Living From the Heart dolphin Experience says that 95% of autistic children who receive dolphin therapy enjoy benefits that last up to two years.


  • 设计师不是为了这项工作他们中的绝大多数人受过视觉盛宴式的训练不是可用性。

    Not for this kind of work. A good majority of them are trained for eye candy - not usability.


  • 他正许多受过教育以色列自由人士莫衷于是感到困扰

    He is troubled, he says, by the apathy in which many educated Israeli liberals choose to wrap themselves.


  • 过去,很多大型制药公司裁减成千上万高学历受过良好训练科学家美国没有及时提供足够岗位承载这些天才们。

    The past three years have seen big pharmaceutical companies laying off tens of thousands of highly educated, trained scientists and the U.S. is not creating jobs fast enough to absorb the talent.


  • 关于这座雕塑争议的,因为这座雕塑似乎描绘了一个未受割礼男性毋庸置疑大卫王受过割礼的。

    There was controversy over the statue’s supposed Biblical reference, since the statue seemed to portray an uncircumcised male, whereas the historical King David was undoubtedly circumcised.


  • 关于这座雕塑争议的,因为这座雕塑似乎描绘了一个未受割礼男性毋庸置疑大卫王受过割礼的。

    There was controversy over the statue’s supposed Biblical reference, since the statue seemed to portray an uncircumcised male, whereas the historical King David was undoubtedly circumcised.


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