• 建筑自然通风系统由于动力的不同分为风压通风系统热压通风系统。

    Natural ventilation system of the building can be divided into wind pressure and thermal pressure ventilation systems by driving forces.


  • abo血型分类法:一种人类血型分类方法红细胞有无ab两种抗原分为血型。

    Abo system: a classification system for human blood that identifies four major blood types based on the presence or absence of two antigens a and bon red blood cells.


  • 我们项目团队因为项目特性分为车展团队、促销团队机动团队,分别由不同总监负责

    Our project team is divided into three parts, the auto show, promotion and the mobile based on the characters of the projects. 3 Directors are leading the teams.


  • 民事权利、民事义务、民事责任三者是对立统一地存在于同一民事法律关系之中,民事法律关系因此而分为权利义务型法律关系权利责任型法律关系。

    Civil rights, civil duty, civil liability co-exist adversely and uniformly in the same civil legal relationship. So there are two types of legal relationships: rights-obligation and rights-liability.


  • 白天和黑夜分为均等数量部分所以除去昼夜平分点,白天和黑夜时间不等的;当然这些时长季节变化变化。

    Day and night were divided into the same number of parts, so that except at the equinoxes, days and night hours were unequal; and then of course the length of these hours varied with the seasons.


  • 科目分为科学数学英语我们为了方便事情

    Dividing subjects into science, maths, English, etc. is something we do for convenience.


  • 因此他们第一个日历系统自然分为三个季节每个季节都是根据河流变化划分:淹没期下沉期丰水期

    So, naturally, their first calendar was divided up into three seasons, each based on the river's changes: inundation, subsidence and harvest.


  • 许多公司中,角色分为两个负责硬件操作系统另一个负责管理应用程序

    In many companies, this is split into two roles: one responsible for hardware and operating systems and another responsible for administering applications.


  • 饱和脂肪进一步分为不饱和脂肪与多不饱和脂肪,这类脂肪不会大幅提升胆固醇水平饱和脂肪则恰恰相反。

    Unsaturated fats can be further classified as either monounsaturated or polyunsaturated fats, which can provide a much lower cholesterol level than consuming a diet rich in saturated fats.


  • 左边长条显示当前的“时”,右边的长条分为其中一段显示位上的分钟数,一端显示个位上的分钟数。

    The bars on the left show the current hour, while the bars on the right display appear to be split into two sections, one which displays tens of minutes and the other which shows individual minutes.


  • 接受美国加拿大经济分类体系经济分为750个不同领域不是之前362个。

    It adopts the economic classification system Shared by the United States and Canada, breaking the economy down into 750 different activities, rather than 362 as before.


  • 需求因素财政资源分为部分可用现金可用信贷总量

    And the demand factor, expressed in the financial resources of the world, divides itself into two parts: the aggregate of cash available and the credit available.


  • 单个模型位于单个的文件(.emx)之中;一个逻辑性的模型则分为物理上分开但是逻辑上有关单元中。

    A single model resides in a single file (.emx); whereas, a logical model is divided into subunits that are physically separated but logically related.


  • 精神错乱人们分为

    People with mental disorders, divided into people with.


  • 43个发达国家中(参评国家分为比较发达,比较不发达最不发达),美国排到了31位挪威跻身NO . 1。

    Out of the 43 developed countries (rankings were separated into "more developed," "less developed" and "least developed"), the U. S. came in at 31, while Norway came out on top.


  • 确定执行建模过程涉及到角色人员之后,可以进一步流程三个关联活动阶段

    After establishing the roles and people involved in the modeling for execution process, you can further break up the process into three phases with associated activities.


  • 即使这样较小质量下,鉴于恒星行星诞生环境不同许多天文学家依然质量恒星不是行星

    Even at this smaller mass, however, many astronomers would still classify it as a low mass star rather than a planet, since the circumstances of birth for stars and planets differ.


  • 公路隧道恰恰就打广场街的地下,靠近伊甸山。 尽管公路的工程设计非常巧妙,仍然大广场街分为公路的两边也变得荒凉不堪

    It was tunneled right under the Concourse, near Mount Eden, in some marvel of engineering, but it still cut the Concourse in two and created desolation on both sides of its path.


  • 分数分为三个档次:优,及格。良代表扎实学术能力及格表示掌握部分知识

    Scores are translated into three levels: advanced, proficient and basic. Proficient represents solid academic performance, while basic shows partial mastery of skills.


  • 理解一方法,我们首先要清楚美国大学分为三类-公立,私立非盈利型;私立学校为了利润经营

    To understand this, it helps to know that America has three types of university-public ones; private, not-for-profit institutions; and private schools run for profit.


  • 通过这种方式得到单一简化中介,其中的中介策略可根据情况具体应用不是根据不同目标分为多个分支

    In this way, you can have a single, simplified mediation flow, with mediation policies applied conditionally, rather than multiple flows or branches servicing the different targets.


  • 由于不是顿饭像是一顿傍晚分为避免饥饿食用的小吃,因此摆放的食物通常都是可以用拿着的。

    Since this wasn't a meal, but rather like a late afernoon snack meant to stave off hunger, finger foods were the common fare.


  • 脑中所想原封不动地出现在纸上可以使了解应付日常生活起来自己

    Letting words flow out of your brain unedited can introduce you to a part of yourself you'd been censoring from yourself to cope with everyday life.


  • 今年这些讨论学院年度颁奖晚会后召开常规总结性分析会议一部分,一般分为进行大制片方的参与,另一次就没有。

    The academy's discussions this year were part of a regular post-show analysis it conducts, usually in two sessions, one with the producers and one without.


  • 客运服务家公司货运服务则被划归一个专业单位

    The passenger services were split into six companies and freight services were handed over to a dedicated unit.


  • 唱片拍卖这个“音乐标志”分为结束

    The auction to find a buyer for EMI concluded with the music label being split in two.


  • 当天深夜,德国图林根州小镇施玛卡尔登个居民区附近突然出现一个弹坑状深坑,道路分为二,且吞噬了一辆汽车另一辆选在深坑边缘摇摇欲

    An enormous crater-like hole had appeared in the German town of Schmalkalden overnight, splitting the road in two and taking with itswallowing a car.Another car dangled precariously over the edge.


  • 当天深夜,德国图林根州小镇施玛卡尔登个居民区附近突然出现一个弹坑状深坑,道路分为二,且吞噬了一辆汽车另一辆选在深坑边缘摇摇欲

    An enormous crater-like hole had appeared in the German town of Schmalkalden overnight, splitting the road in two and taking with itswallowing a car.Another car dangled precariously over the edge.


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