• 一天假装同事身边经过实际上在跟着引起注意

    The other day I was fake foning my way past a colleague, and he was actually following me to get my attention.


  • 幸运提决定离开一个同事却被驱逐出境,回到伊拉克阿布·哈里卜监狱中度过接下来20

    Mr Siti was fortunate in only being made to leave; one of his colleagues was deported to Iraq and spent the next 20 years in Abu Ghraib prison.


  • 总的来说,有21%员工下班后会同事欢乐时光而他当中有近四分之一的人每月至少一次

    Overall, 21 percent of workers attend happy hours with co-workers and, of those, nearly a quarter go at least once a month.


  • 一些同事并不那么肯定

    Some of his colleagues are less certain.


  • 顾客同事在在一起的时候,都会一时冲动创造一些意想不到的或不那么合适环境来掩盖自己!们却认为幽默

    Spontaneous events with clients and co-workers create the surprises and uncomfortable situations which call for humor as a coping tool.


  • 齐春梅同事们所学专业五花八门,中文土木工程经过短短一个培训便能够操作机器

    Qi and her colleagues, who majored in a wide range of subjects including Chinese literature and civil engineering, were able to operate the machine after only one month's training.


  • 同事怀疑点头信号也许过去试验表明的结果更加复杂

    He and his colleagues suspected, however, that the cues for nodding were far more complicated than the past studies had indicated.


  • 早年苹果时,最细小的细节都要插手,这激怒同事批评可能刻薄甚至于羞辱性的。

    In his early years at Apple, his meddling in tiny details maddened colleagues, and his criticism could be caustic and even humiliating.


  • 很多资格同事嫉恨那种“理所当然”的飞速升职出身英国北部优良血统,这又让们无话可说。

    He is of good northern stock, which should knock the edge off any resentment his more grizzled colleagues feel at his inevitably speedy promotion.


  • 讲究细节而他这种谨小慎微有时会得罪那些急于完成交易同事

    He was a stickler for detail and that scrupulousness sometimes infuriated colleagues who were itching to make deals.


  • 同事发现黑人亚洲孩子白人孩子更高食物过敏几率更少得到相应治疗

    She and her colleagues also found that black and Asian kids had higher chances of having a food allergy than white kids - but that they were less likely to have that allergy diagnosed by a doctor.


  • 而他的最终抉择,则往往依赖同事导师众多指导手册建议以及专家学者发布排名

    They rely on advice from colleagues, mentors, and the numerous guides and rankings published by experts.


  • 也正是因此同事同时Google中键入“海蒂·克拉姆(HeidiKlum)”时,三个链接文本内容的则是该名模照片

    So when a colleague and I both plugged “Heidi Klum” into our Google search boxes recently, my first three results were text links to articles while he received photographs of the supermodel.


  • 乐观主义者认为自己在把权力下放而他们的同事则认为这是在否认令人不快现实

    Optimists think they delegate; their staffers think they deny work's unpleasant realities.


  • 们可恶优越感从未消失过,当然一些关系近同事不这样

    And the damn superiority never went away, except for some close co-workers.


  • 人生的第二大梦就是完美的人际关系,亲人、朋友同事,以及社会一般融洽相处、互动良好。我们尊敬人,而他人也爱尊敬我们。

    The second goal that we all have in common is to enjoy excellent relationships--intimate, personal or social--with the people we like and respect, and who like, love and respect us in turn.


  • 而他以前的一同事则不这样认为,中方只是交接公司掌控权罢了。

    An ex-colleague disagrees, saying the Chinese just took firm control.


  • 当然使遭受了来自同事们的一些“善意的”奚落幸灾乐祸看着这位销售天才报应

    This, of course, exposeds him to some good-natured6 ridicule from his associates, who took not-so-secret delight in seeing the sales prodigy get his comeuppance.


  • 懒惰同事并不少见并不那么容易对付

    It's not uncommon to come across a lazy co-worker, and they're not always easy to deal with.


  • 人生第二大梦就是完美的人际关系,亲人、朋友同事,以及社会一般融洽相处、互动良好。我们尊敬人,而他人也且尊敬我们。

    Thee second goal that we all have in common is to enjoy excellent relationships--intimate, personal or social--with the people we like and respect, and who like, love and respect us in turn.


  • 部分空间站蓝白色地球出现的自拍照而他同事项目专家史蒂夫·鲍文则没有出现画面里

    Part of the space station and the blue and white Earth are among the objects seen in his visor. Fellow spacewalker Steve Bowen, mission specialist, is out of frame.


  • 人生的第二大梦就是完美的人际关系,亲人、朋友同事,以及社会一般融洽相处、互动良好。我们尊敬人,而他人也爱尊敬我们。

    The second goal that we all have in common is to enjoy excellent relationshipsintimate, personal or socialwith the people we like and respect, and who like, love and respect us in turn.


  • 人生的第二大梦就是完美的人际关系,亲人、朋友同事,以及社会一般融洽相处、互动良好。我们尊敬人,而他人也爱尊敬我们。

    The second goal that we all have in common is to enjoy excellent relationshipsintimate, personal or socialwith the people we like and respect, and who like, love and respect us in turn.


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