• 拉纳莎士比亚亨利世》的荧幕改编获了

    Branagh won two awards for his screen adaptation of Shakespeare's Henry the Fifth.


  • 这个团队为了全球太平洋行动准备工作加速运转。这行动中,全球鹰在太平洋和北极地区上空连续执行五次科研飞行

    The team is gearing up for the Global Hawk Pacific campaign, a series of four or five scientific research flights that will take the Global Hawk over the Pacific Ocean and Arctic regions.


  • 个中也许获得面试机会没有一个想象的一样好。

    Of those five, you might get two or three interviews, none of which will go as seamlessly as you think.


  • 也许我很难解释为什么我会选择听从的直觉。知道今天,我仍然得不到答案,但是史蒂文第一不到分钟面试,我我应该放弃我的担心头脑中的逻辑加盟苹果公司

    It's hard to know why I listened, I'm not even sure I know today, but no more than five minutes into my initial interview with Steve, I wanted to throw caution and logic to the wind and join Apple.


  • 例如个被睡眠剥夺晚上,携带变异基因大约平均醒来携带变异基因的人是

    For example, during the fifth night of sleep deprivation, those with the gene variant woke up, on average, almost four times, while those without the variant woke up, on average, twice.


  • 本周进行了成功的开机点火试验,第一碰撞秋季进行,到时设备围绕时间问题功率负载运转实验。

    A successful test-firing was held on Friday and the first nuclear collisions will take place in the autumn, building up to full power around the time of the millennium.


  • 现在每年只得三四鼻窦感染像以前那样至少五次鼻窦感染。

    Now she has three or four sinus infections a year instead of five or more.


  • 我们觉得,好象因信仰惩罚,”艾蕾兹。奥马尔说,名被开除的司机,一天祈祷

    "We feel like we're being punished for what we believe in," Ileys Omar, one fired driver who prays five. times a day.


  • 可能我遇到第二或者第三因为大雪休假了。” 单位过去好像有问过类似的选择题。

    She said this wasmaybe the second or third timeher employer had an optional snow day in the last five years.


  • ,《不扩散核武器条约成员国的条约修订聚首是他们几年绘制新的核能路线图绝好机会。

    During the month of May the NPT's members, gathered for the treaty's five-yearly review, have the best opportunity in years to chart a new path.


  • 点球大赛时,加纳再失误,乌拉圭侥幸了下来,命中,最终在周晚上1:1的平局之后以4:2取胜。

    And not two more tries in the shootout as Uruguay, suddenly still alive, made four kicks and won the match 4-2 Friday night after a 1-1 draw.


  • 跟踪20个城市的住房价格形成标准普尔住房价格指数月份略微回升,这也是34个月以来第一房价上升。

    The S&P/Case-Shiller index, which tracks home prices in 20 cities, ticked up slightly in May, its first gain in 34 months.


  • 段影片长大分钟,截图秒钟进行一,充分显示了脑部80多个不同区域活动变化

    The five-how activity changes across 80 separate regions of the brain in snapshots taken every two seconds.


  • 1970年代,变成了一个周期;1980年代,则年一个周期,到了 1990年代,我们几乎年就有一干旱

    In the 1970s we started having droughts every seven years; in the 1980s they came about every five years and in the 1990s we were getting droughts and dry spells almost every two or three years.


  • 出名丰田公司的一家制动阀供应商1997年毁于一场大火丰田公司居然在天内就恢复了生产

    Toyota famously resumed production within five days after a fire destroyed a brake valve supplier in 1997.


  • 大学生承认进行社会交流,他们就要说社会每进行交流,就会谎。

    College students admit to lying in about one in every three social interactions and people in the community about one in every five interactions.34.


  • 上个月,二十二年来最为猛烈的洪水水城的水位比往年上升超过英尺迫使观光者逗留旅馆内,店主们也不得不在门外设置沙袋以阻挡洪水。

    Last month, the worst flooding in 22 years caused the lagoon to rise more than 5 feet above normal, forcing tourists to bunker down in hotels and shopkeepers to put up sandbag barricades.


  • 婚姻离婚结束。遭遇过一任丈夫殴打第四丈夫是美国黑豹”组织首领斯托克利·卡迈克尔

    Five marriages, four ending in divorce, the first with a man who beat her and the fourth, in 1968, with Stokely Carmichael, the leader of America's Black Panthers.


  • 两人分开后,奥尼尔帮助热火赢得总冠军,布莱恩特在湖人已经戴上了第四个个总冠军戒指。

    Since their split, o 'neal has won one more, with the Heat, and Bryant now has his fourth and fifth as a Laker.


  • 调整时间非常的引人注目:人民银行最近一提升基准利率四月,利率往往是随法定准备的上调上调。

    The timing makes sense: The People’s Bank last raised its benchmark interest rate on April 5 and the bank frequently follows an interest rate increase with a bump to the reserve requirements.


  • 据国外媒体报道,关于黑莓平板电脑上市传言已经持续数月上周罗德曼&伦肖公司(Rodman &Renshaw)分析师肖克·库马尔(Ashok Kumar)发布了声明透露出的更为准确的消息让该传言又一死灰复燃

    Rumors of a BlackBerry tablet have been circulating for months, and statements from Rodman &Renshaw analyst Ashok Kumar on Friday have rekindled the discussion with a little bit more accuracy.


  • 据国外媒体报道,关于黑莓平板电脑上市传言已经持续数月,上周罗德曼&伦肖公司(Rodman&Renshaw分析师肖克·库马尔(Ashok Kumar)发布了声明透露出的更为准确的消息让该传言又一死灰复燃

    Rumors of a BlackBerry tablet have been circulating for months, and statements from Rodman & Renshaw analyst Ashok Kumar on Friday have rekindled the discussion with a little bit more accuracy.


  • 五次温网冠军信心正在丧失,塞雷娜发球依然完美无缺,将Ace改写12个取得5 - 2的领先

    The confidence appeared to be draining out of the five-time champion, while Serena continued to serve faultlessly, taking her tally of ACES to 12 and opening up a 5-2 lead.


  • 此时,凯尔特人59-54落后,阿伦隆多已经回到正轨,阿伦最终获得24,隆多9助攻,先发虎得分全部

    That set Allen and Rondo on track -- the former to finish with 24 points, the latter with nine assists as every Boston starter scored in double figures.


  • 六月份男性失业率为10.6%,女性则为8.3%,两者间2.3%的差距月份的2.5%有所缩小,2.5%1948年首记录此项数据以来的最大差距。

    The 2.3-percentage-point gap between men's June unemployment rate of 10.6% and women's 8.3% rate was just below May's 2.5-point gap, the largest since records started being kept in 1948.


  • 也许(幸运的话)位雇主那里得到消息个中,你也许获得面试机会没有一个想象一样好。

    Maybe (if you're lucky) you'll hear back from five employers. Of those five, you might get two or three interviews, none of which will go as seamlessly as you think.


  • 这样尽可能地好地赶上进度,不会分钟就打扰

    This way, you can catch up on things as quickly and efficiently as possible, without being bothered every five minutes.


  • 虽然为了本文学小说进行一营销活动似乎做作,可其实那时上一年前作者退出本书响应

    Although a marketing campaign to sell a literary novel seems contrived, it's actually in response to the last time the author released a book, five years ago.


  • 因为赛车故障退出,他都处于领先位置现在他将明白赢得冠军

    He broke down five times, and he was always in the lead. So now he must understand this is the time to win the title.


  • 终于震动不通办法,想尽各种办法,还是无功返。

    Finally the fifth shock: car is illogical, couldn't find you, by all means, or nothing.


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