• 而且美国做得越多,结果越糟

    There's not much the U.S. can do, and the more the U.S. does, the worse it gets.


  • 而且美国艾滋病毒感染比例荷兰倍。

    S. and the rate of HIV infection in America is three times higher than in the Netherlands.


  • 而且美国艾滋病毒感染比例荷兰倍。

    S.And the rate of HIV infection in America is three times higher than in the Netherlands.


  • 这些只是简单演习而且美国从中并没得到什么。

    But these were simple manoeuvres and the Americans learned little from them.


  • 而且美国银行是否美林剩下不良资产清晰的处理蓝图尚清除

    And it is not clear if BofA has a clear picture of Merrill's remaining troubled assets.


  • 而且美国还远没有足够铁路基础设施来使铁路广泛运用

    There is also not enough railway infrastructure in the U. S. to make travel by train widely used.


  • 而且美国各地价格各不相同,大概预计平均全年在数百美元样子。

    While utility prices vary widely across the U.S., you can expect to pay hundreds of dollars for these services throughout the year.


  • 然而,银行监管协议缺乏实际可行的措施,而且美国欧洲监管形式的看法存在本质区别。

    However, the agreement on regulation lacks any real teeth, and there are still substantial differences between the US and Europe on the exact form that new regulation should take.


  • 如果找到需要东西,而且美国价格中国,我应该会试试使用这项服务

    If I find something I need on the list, and the price is much lower in the U. S. than in China, Imay try the service.


  • 而且美国各地,有数十万新的私营部门的人们正在通过修路修桥以及修铁路等工作重建我们社会

    And throughout America, communities are being rebuilt by people working in hundreds of thousands of new private sector jobs repairing our roads, Bridges, and railways.


  • 白宫证实这些审判将会使他们英国情报局情报分享复杂化而且美国当局必须把英国情报局纳入决策方。

    The White House confirmed that the judgment “will complicate the confidentiality of our intelligence-sharing relationship with the UK, and it will have to factor into our decision-making”.


  • 今天的珍珠港更加强大,美国海军依然统治太平洋地区,而且美国亚洲联盟安全问题一直依赖美国不是自行解决。

    From Pearl Harbour today, the US Navy dominates the Pacific, and America's Asian Allies still communicate on security matters through the United States rather than with each other.


  • 认为巴基斯坦知道如果他们不采取行动美国就可能开始增加单边行动,而且美国实际上也已经这么做了。

    I think Pakistan knows that unless they start acting the U.S. might start acting more unilaterally, and has indeed started acting somewhat more unilaterally, "he said."


  • 美国大多数欧洲国家更好增长前景而且美国还有将债务转移到国际储备货币上的“过分特权”,使成本降低

    The US has better growth prospects than most European nations and has the "exorbitant privilege" of issuing debt in the world's reserve currency, which keeps the cost down.


  • 虽然关于这个问题实质还存在分歧,但是,俄罗斯官员美国看得出俄罗斯理由担心而且美国已经提出建议消除减少俄罗斯的担心。

    Despite disagreement on the substance of this issue, the Russian official says the United States recognizes that Russia has legitimate concerns and has offered proposals to eliminate or allay them.


  • 美国名高级官员日内瓦举行会议美国俄罗斯谈判人员接近重要的削减核军备条约达成一项协议,而且美国参议院很可能批准这项条约

    A senior U.S. official says American and Russian negotiators meeting in Geneva are closing in on a deal for a key nuclear disarmament treaty, and the United States Senate would likely ratify it.


  • 这块「非洲角」外海海盗问题,千头万绪迥异西非的海盗问题,而且美国已经在那里忙得不可开交参见《[西非] 几内亚湾的海盗:明显而立即的危险》)。

    Piracy off the Horn of Africa is of a different order from other maritime troubles, for example along the coast of west Africa where America is also busy (see article).


  • 而且通过推动墨西哥加拿大美国经济繁荣将会帮助我们解决与我们大家有关的问题取得进展

    And by boosting economic prosperity in Mexico, Canada and the United States, it will help us move forward on issues that concern all of us.


  • 主席清楚而且不含糊地陈述美国立场

    The president said that she had stated the U.S. position very clearly and unambiguously.


  • 认为一个伟大的爱国者不仅因为卡通赞扬美国而且,在第二次世界大战期间,他的工作室美国士兵制作训练电影

    He was also regarded as a great patriot because not only did his cartoons praise America, but, during World War II, his studios made training films for American soldiers.


  • 美国我们很多私立大学而且认为它们也是庞大的官僚机构。

    In the United States we have many private universities, and I think they are large bureaucracies also.


  • 它们漂亮,而且提供了一些美国手机没有特殊功能。”CNN的一篇文章曾经这样评价中国智能手机

    "They are beautiful and offer something special that American phones don't have," an article on CNN once said about Chinese smartphones.


  • 它们漂亮,而且提供了一些美国手机没有特殊功能。”CNN的一篇文章曾经这样评价中国智能手机

    "They are beautiful and offer something special that American phones don't have," an article on CNN once said about Chinese smartphones.


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