• 因为事先根本叶利钦演讲没有收到提前预警而且之后的演讲,感到震惊愤怒因为知道是什么突然扔出这颗“炸弹”,而且也没有机会做出任何反应。

    Since I had no advance warning about Yeltsin's speech, and he spoke after I did, I was stunned and angry, because I didn't know what had set him off and because I had no opportunity to respond.


  • 而且小心不去频繁地改变住址因为项目可能突然停止(以前发生),或者便宜的旅馆

    Also, I'm cautious of fast address changes, because my project could be cut short (happened before) and/or I decide to leave that hotel for another one that is much cheaper/better.


  • 伊莎贝拉突然到来那天没有机会主人回避谈天,而且他的心情不适于讨论任何事情

    On the day succeeding Isabella's unexpected visit, I had no opportunity of speaking to my master: he shunned conversation, and was fit for discussing nothing.


  • 直到突然生病住院了,而且就是,刀口难以愈合

    Then one day I suddenly ill patient, and is a month to live, it is difficult to heal wound.


  • 陪伴了13Charlie突然得很重,而且需要医生。

    My dog, Charlie, who had been my constant companion for 13 years, suddenly became very ill and needed to see a vet on the mainland.


  • 但是突然感觉东西彻底遗失了,而且不复返的淡化

    But I suddenly felt a complete loss of this stuff, and it is gone for desalination.


  • 这里可以这样解释热潮人们突然之间某物产生了广泛热情而且这种热情持续一小时间

    Alice: Perhaps I should explain at this point that a craze or a fad is a sudden and widespread enthusiasm for something, which only lasts a short time.


  • 很多高薪人员突然之间失去工作而且就业困难,这样新闻故事读过不少

    I read many stories about people with high salary who suddenly found themselves out of work and found it difficult to get new jobs.


  • 想到一个而且突然的就死,真是难过极了!

    I can't bear to think about people dying, and dying so suddenly.


  • 昨天突然想到了一个有趣的观点不过成熟而且这个观点有些怪异哦。

    Yesterday I suddenly get a interesting idea, but it is not mature, and this idea is a little whimsy.


  • 告诉这个故事时,他不但突然出现吓坏了,而且女儿举动吓坏了。

    When he related this story to me, he said that he was not only shocked by the unexpected confrontation with the snake, but that he was just as shocked by his daughter's reaction.


  • 不过突然滑雪板却改变方向滑出斜坡一堆树冲过去,而且下来。

    But suddenly, my snowboard veered off the slope and into the trees. I couldn't stop.


  • 暴雨突然来临而且带来附近山上许多泥土没有任何警觉汽车不能通过

    The rain arrived suddenly. And it carried a lot of mud from the mountains nearby. I didn't have much warning. Cars could not pass either.


  • 这时突然发现不但有人燕窝而且还有竹竿往楼燕子,使燕子在楼道无处安身。

    At this time, I suddenly found that not only was stabbed bird's nest, but also people with a bamboo pole outside to coax Swallow, Swallow in the corridor so that no safe haven within.


  • 几天突然有了一个灵感,是否可以挑战次,26个字母关于如何学习英语的文章,而且尽量参考个人经验

    Then one night, a eureka moment came upon me- Maybe I can challenge myself again, to use the 26 letters to write an article about how to learn English, based on my personal experience.


  • 突然觉得有点尴尬因为确实外国人汉语时候而且当时确实也在

    I suddenly felt a little bit awkward, as we really can be laughing when foreigners are speaking Chinese, and I WAS smiling.


  • 他说:“如果大量摄入糖,而且突然变得过度兴奋想你判断力受到影响。”

    If you flood your body with sugars and all of a sudden you become really hyper, I think your judgement is going to be really altered.


  • 这时突然感到一种异样的感觉觉得满身灰尘的后影,刹时高大了而且愈走愈仰视

    I suddenly felt a strange feeling, think he dusty after day, tall, and heals big, must admire inspect ability to see.


  • 那次以后,突然发现记住一些英文而且还能开口说英文,无法用英文广播电视,没有办法真正理解门语言。 多么令人失望啊!

    On that occasion, I found out that I remembered something and could speak, but I was no longer able to listen to the radio or watch TV and really understand the language.


  • “犹大①背信的人!”突然叫出声来。“而且是个假冒为善的人,不是吗?存心人的骗子。”

    Judas! traitor! ' I ejaculated. 'You are a hypocrite, too, are you? A deliberate deceiver. '


  • “犹大①背信的人!”突然叫出声来。“而且是个假冒为善的人,不是吗?存心人的骗子。”

    Judas! traitor! ' I ejaculated. 'You are a hypocrite, too, are you? A deliberate deceiver. '


- 来自原声例句

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进来说说原因吧 确定