• 毫无疑问,生活很忙乱的,而且存在压力。

    No doubt life is hectic, and there will always be stressful situations.


  • 理解事物方面,其他宝宝要快而且愿意尝试事物

    She grasps on quicker than other kids and is always trying new things.


  • 诡辩往往是明码标价而且人们喜欢涉及的问题——例如存在与否。

    The Sophists usually charged for instruction and often questioned things that people didn't really want questioned like, for example, the existence of popular deities.


  • 禁令实施二十年后,最近统计数字表明存在55.5万头大象而且总数量基本稳定。

    Two decades on, the most recent figures suggest there are probably about 555,000 of the beasts, which seems to suggest the overall population is stable.


  • 禁令实施二十年后,最近统计数字表明存在55.5万头大象而且总数量基本稳定。

    Two decades on, the most recent figures suggest there are probably about 555, 000 of the beasts, which seems to suggest the overall population is stable.


  • 孩提时代求学,谋职,恋爱成家,立业,功名,财富……几乎无时不在追求而且不能满足

    People have always been pursuing for something such as education, social status, love, family and wealth even since childhood. Pursuing as we are, we are never satisfied.


  • 但因为支铅头的心中,所以阿波罗追得愈紧,戴芙妮就跑得越而且愈加感到惶恐不安!

    The faster Apollo followed the faster Daphne ran, and she grew more and more afraid all the time, for the little leaden-pointed arrow was sticking in her heart.


  • 贝尔一些买家马上拥有自己房子他们透支自己信贷而且认为只要房子涨价就可以解决一问题。

    Some buyers want to make the house their own right away, says Baehr. They overextend themselves on credit to do so, and assume the improvement will pay for itself by increasing the home's value.


  • 尽管摘除卵巢降低妇女们患卵巢癌乳腺癌风险,但是她们患上心脏病中风风险却增加了一而且死亡风险也增加了40%。

    Though the risk of ovarian and breast cancer declined after ovary removal, women's risk of heart disease and stroke nearly doubled and risk of death overall rose by 40%.


  • 轮作系统不但提高作物产量而且初级生产力、光能利用率辅助利用率分别比连作系统高17.47%、9.87%和5.0%。

    Moreover, the overall initiative productivity, light energy using rate and assistant energy using rate was increased by 17.47%, 9.87%, 5.0% respectively.


  • 假定作用力可以重复到要多少有多少次,自然,产生作用机械装置每次是以同样的方式而且同样大小的力作用于同一辆车上

    Suppose that the action of the force can be repeated as many times as desired, the mechanism of pushing acting in the same way and exerting the same force on the same cart.


  • 本文采用GE -I系列编程控制器(PLC)计数器模拟鼓形控制器,由于软件实现因此编程修改灵活方便而且步数输出点数可以满足所有场合的需要。

    GE-I Series PLC is used to simulate drum controller in this paper. Because of implement with software, it is easy to modify program, and its total steps, output points can be used in all conditions.


  • 动不动就哭而且神经紧张小宝贝担心。

    She was weepy and nervy, anxious about her baby.


  • 但是英国不仅已经制定了国家标准而且安排全国课程考试程序

    But the British already have not only national standards but also a national curriculum and national exams.


  • 65以上的选民选民四分之一还要而且投票比例也其他年龄组的人

    Voters ages 65 and older account for more than one-quarter of the electorate and vote at higher rates than other age groups.


  • 现在屏幕已经外壳在同一平面上,而且我们已经厚度压缩18毫米

    The screen is now flush with the case and we've decreased the overall thickness to about 18 mm.


  • 虽然不能一个温柔看护可是约瑟夫主人不见得我好。而且虽然我们病人病人中最麻烦、最任性的——可是起死回生了

    Though I cannot say I made a gentle nurse, and Joseph and the master were no better; and though our patient was as wearisome and headstrong as a patient could be, she weathered it through.


  • 我们确实收到相关威胁的情报——我们收到类似情报,而且不确实”,

    "We do get information about threats, all the time, but they are sketchy," he said.


  • 薪资超过给定上限球队受到惩罚性税收而且不能动用绝大部份封顶免除,这使得封顶基本上等同于一个硬性封顶。

    Teams whose payrolls exceed a given threshold would be subject to a punitive tax and prevented from taking advantage of most exceptions to the cap, making it all but equivalent to a firm ceiling.


  • 无人作战飞机寿命至少应该20而且拥有先进航空电子设备电子战能力

    The total life expectancy of the UCAV should be at least 20 years and the drone should have advanced avionics and electronic warfare capabilities.


  • 目前,该公司在中国印度其他新兴市场国家销售额销售收入的34%,而且可能2015年开始到45%的份额。

    Sales to China, India and other emerging markets now represent 34% of revenue, and could account for 45% starting in 2015.


  • 承认,以往我认为投保“水渍险”了;而且以为破碎引起种种损失包括在内

    I must confess that I was under the impression that W.P.A. insurance was quite sufficient and that losses due to breakage were covered.


  • 而且发现所谓“一个接一个的失败之后,我成功接近了。

    And I've also always found that I'm much closer to success after failing than I was before the (so-called) failure.


  • 截至2009年6月,只有美国英国韩国债务与GDP比率下降而且降幅并不大。

    As of June 2009 these ratios had fallen only in America, Britain and South Korea, and not by much at that.


  • 过去十年间中国风力发电装机容量成指数增长2000年仅有的3亿去年的423亿瓦,而且现在世界风能容量22%。

    Over the past decade, China's installed wind capacity has grown exponentially, from just 0.3gw in 2000 to 42.3gw last year, and now accounts for 22% of the world's total wind power capacity.


  • 过去十年间中国风力发电装机容量成指数增长2000年仅有的3亿去年的423亿瓦,而且现在世界风能容量22%。

    Over the past decade, China's installed wind capacity has grown exponentially, from just 0.3gw in 2000 to 42.3gw last year, and now accounts for 22% of the world's total wind power capacity.


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