• 尽管大宗商品价格不断上涨,但预计它们将逐步“趋”,而且由于经济放缓制约企业给员工加薪以及提高产品售价潜在通胀得到缓解

    Though commodity prices continue to rise, he said he expects them to 'level out' and expected underlying inflation to ease as the slower economy inhibits firms from raising wages and prices.


  • 这话的确没错也承认浮云大气制造的“魔法”,它们转瞬即逝而且不断变化

    True, he acknowledges, clouds are ephemeral, "magicked into being" by the atmosphere and constantly changing.


  • 的时候游客食宿便宜而且旅途会意想不到地愉快

    The shoulder seasons bring fewer tourists, lower accommodation prices, and surprisingly pleasant trips.


  • 陈海这种生存能力更强,而且需要多大劲儿照顾

    The fish, Chen notes, are hardier and don't require as much work.


  • 因此卡尔队伍发明了纳米压电仪器它们层层树脂所隔开。就像我们隆胸手术所知道的那样,硅树脂非常柔韧而且不会引起人体排斥

    So McAlpine's team created nanoscale piezoelectric devices. They're sequestered between layers of silicone. Which, as we know from breast implants, is both flexible and biocompatible.


  • 而且,一直传言苹果公司正在研制写字板式电脑或许口袋大小的iPod Touch的超大

    Also, there are persistent rumors that Apple is working on a flat, tablet-style computerperhaps a much larger version of its iPod Touch pocket-size device.


  • 世风日下单调乏中,愿望也许更多认识到不仅伊斯坦布尔现实像是世界中心而且他们自己灵魂世界的中心。

    In shamelessly memorialising the mundane, his wish may be that more people recognise not only Istanbul's reality as the centre of the world, but their own.


  • 3月2悉尼举办新闻发布会上熊伟向澳大利亚保证中铝矿业不是要寻求矿业巨头多数股权而且中铝的管理企业战略不会改变

    At a news briefing in Sydney on March 2, Xiong assured the country that Chinalco is not seeking a majority share of the mining giant and that its management and corporate strategy would not change.


  • 结果显示不等式限制条件下最小二乘传统实际上基于分布模式下贝叶斯解,而且方差最小的意义上来讲不是优解。

    The results show that traditional solution of LSI is actually a Bayes solution based on the mode of the posterior distribution and that it is not the best solution in the sense of variance minimizing.


  • 不错是个十分严谨教练而且中国人友好

    Wang Ping: Not bad. He was a very strict coach and was very friendly to the Chinese people.


  • 如果没有两样,而且又接近栏杆最好使用苯海拉明呕威栓剂

    If you have not taken anything, and you are hanging over the railing, then the best thing is to take a suppository with diphenhydramine or metoclopramid.


  • CT增强扫描延时扫描不仅显示见,而且显示了肾脏收集系统损伤导致尿7

    Enhanced and delayed ct scan not only showed what have been presented in the plain ct scans but also demonstrated 7 cases with external fistula of urine due to injury of collecting systems.


  • 载波信号峰值功率远远大于载波系统而且随着载波个数无限增长

    The ratio of peak and average power in multi carrier system is much larger than that in single carrier system, and may grow unboundedly as the number of subcarriers grows to infinity.


  • 目前国际上举行大赛项目很多而且比赛内容更加惊险紧张激烈

    Wang Ping: At the moment, there are many events of motorcycling in the world. Furthermore, the contents of the race are more thrilling and are fiercer and tenser.


  • 最后老师行为榜样他们公正诚实。他们荣誉心而且很正直

    Finally good teachers are role models. They're fair and honest. They have honor and integrity.


  • 尽管大宗商品价格不断上涨,但预计它们将逐步“趋”,而且由于经济放缓制约企业给员工加薪以及提高产品售价潜在通胀得到缓解

    'Though commodity prices continue to rise, he said he expects them to' level out 'and expected underlying inflation to ease as the slower economy inhibits firms from raising wages and prices.


  • 真的认为许多相配,年龄只不过一个数字,而且有一些人没公开年龄”斯戴尔

    "I really think a lot of people will connect," Spindel said. "Age is just a number, and some people are unlisted."


  • 隋代相。他不仅经济法律方面作出杰出贡献而且陈之战重要作用

    Gao Jiong, the famous minister of Sui Dynasty, not only made a brilliant contribution in economy and law, but also played an important part in the Chen-suppressed battles.


  • 陈伟点一些对虾彼得喜欢吃,而且对虾又贵。

    Chen Wei and Liu Ping want some prawns, but Peter does not like them. Also they are expensive.


  • 比如基本年月日,时分秒星期功能而且还有闰年天数自动补偿

    For example the basic date, time, and every second week of features, but also the number of days flat leap automatic compensation.


  • 这话的确没错尼也承认浮云大气制造魔法”,它们转瞬即逝而且不断变化

    True, he acknowledges, clouds are ephemeral, "magicked into being" by the atmosphere and constantly changing. And, of course, they cannot actually be gathered up and stored away.


  • 书写甲虫底部()上作品,而且大小公分

    The writing would be inscribed on the base (flat side) of the scarab; sizes varied from several centimeters to several meters long.


  • 那种钱很大,很圆,而且它其实就是——一块石头

    Because it was very hard to find these stones, they were valuable.


  • 那种钱很大,很圆,而且它其实就是——一块石头

    Because it was very hard to find these stones, they were valuable.


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