• 不但中国而且全世界都是很流行的。

    His songs are popular not only in China but also throughout the world.


  • 马歇尔不仅美国而且在全世界从事民权工作。

    Marshall worked for that not only here in the United States, but also worldwide.


  • 伟大,不仅篮球打好,而且全世界粉丝

    He is so great, he not only plays so well, but also has the fans from all around the world.


  • 比哈尔人不仅印度而且全世界激起仇恨嫉妒

    Biharis evoke hate and lot of jealousy not only in India but around the world.


  • 只是每天倾泻环境数百万经过批准化合物中的几种不仅仅美国而且全世界各地

    These are a few of the literally millions of pounds of approved synthetic substances dumped into the environment every day, not just in the us but around the world.


  • 这些告诉孟加拉妇女们吧,全国世界穷的国家之一那里女孩也是全世界受教育最少的群体之一而且她们中的大多数十几岁便结婚了

    Tell that to the women of Bangladesh, one of the world's poorest nations, where girls are among the least educated in the world, and mostly marry while in their mid-teens.


  • 严刑逼供出来信息经常有缺陷的,而且他们美国全世界形象破坏巨大的。

    The information that such techniques produce is often tainted, and the damage that they do to America's image around the world is immense.


  • 虽然日本全世界第二经济体而且拥有一些脍炙人口消费品品牌,但日本媒体方面成功案例非常罕见

    The international success stories in media have been relatively rare, even though Japan has the world's second largest economy and has produced some of the best known consumer brands.


  • “机敏”级潜艇全世界海域中巡逻而且水面舰艇其他潜艇探测到几率非常小。

    The Astute submarines will patrol the world's oceans with minimum risk of being detected by surface ships and other submarines.


  • 它们未经加工的、原生态的、素食甜点而且正如风暴全世界流行。

    These are unprocessed, raw, vegan desserts and they are taking the world by storm.


  • 直到几千年前全世界人口还是微不足道而且在一代人之间人们时间才有几个孩子

    Because evolution is a Numbers game.The worldwide human population was tiny until a few thousand years ago, and people have few children with long periods between each generation.


  • “贝克尔斯·菲尔可能减慢智能电表安装进度——不仅仅美国而且全世界安装进度,”咨询商布拉特尔集团(Brattle Group)的阿曼德•法卢奎讲道。

    "Bakersfield is likely to slow down the installation of smart meters-not just in the United States but worldwide," says Ahmad Faruqui of the Brattle Group, a consultancy.


  • 为了验证它们之间是否任何关联Mr Lepori收集了362时间其它数据,这些交食分布于1928年之2008年之间,而且它们全世界范围内可见的。

    To test for any link, Mr Lepori collected the dates and times of all 362 lunar and solar eclipses that had been visible anywhere in the world between 1928 and 2008.


  • l利用移动计算机处理技术能够公司全世界做生意,而且也不必花大钱设立分公司

    Take advantage of mobile computing, which can allow your company to compete around the world without setting up expensive branch offices.


  • 虽然案件不同地区发生,“这类案件本身已经减少了许多,”说道而且强调全世界有四十万的主教

    Though the cases were spreading geographically, "the phenomenon itself is much reduced," he said, noting that there are 400, 000 priests worldwide.


  • 去年Apple全世界销售超过1.5千万的ipad而且今年目前为止已经销售了5百万。

    Last year Apple sold more than 15m iPads worldwide and has already sold close to five million this year.


  • 一点是众所周知根据我们的统计,自从日本人三月四日将这种游戏机投入市场以来,ps2已经全世界范围内卖掉了惊人的一亿三千五百六十二万一千六百零九台(135 621 609 ),而且持续销售,并且还卖的不错,根据我们最新的数据在全世界范围内,又销售了四万一千三百台。

    which is well known to people, because since its March 4th Japanese launch, the PS2 has sold a huge total of 135, 621, 609 (!) consoles worldwide according to our numbers...


  • l利用移动计算机处理技术,能够公司在全世界做生意,而且也不必花大钱设立分公司。

    Take advantage of mobile computing, which can allow your company.


  • 尽管如此,中国已经全世界第三经济体而且不久将来晋升世界第二位,这样地位会带来更大的责任

    And yet China is already the world's third largest economy and will become the second largest in the not-too-distant future. With that status comes a global responsibility.


  • 不安全注射操作方面数据表明在全世界,反复使用未经消毒针管针头进行注射的比率高达40%,而且某些国家比例可高达70%。

    Unsafe injection practices: Data show that worldwide up to 40% of injections are given with syringes and needles reused without sterilization and in some countries this proportion is as high as 70%.


  • 周二发布胡润白手起家富豪榜》中,全世界富有女性名都中国人,而且2011人是中国人。

    The world's three richest women are Chinese– as are 11 of the top 20, showed the Hurun List of Self-Made Women Billionaires published on Thusday.


  • 巴基斯坦短信也许大范围交流有效方式三分之二巴基斯坦拥有部手机而且短信费用全世界都是最便宜的。

    Texting is perhaps the most effective means of mass communication in Pakistan: two of every three Pakistanis have a mobile phone and the cost of sending an SMS is among the cheapest in the world.


  • 今年夏季奥运会上,中国运动员们不仅奖牌数量而且奖牌的种类上都让全世界为之惊奇

    In the latest Olympics, the Chinese athletes surprised the world not only with the number of MEDALS they won but also with the categories in which they won them.


  • 金融时报10月12日报道,周二发布胡润白手起家富豪榜》中,全世界最富有女性名都中国人而且2011人是中国人。

    According to the Finance Times of October 12, the world's three richest women are Chinese - as are 11 of the top 20, showed the Hurun List of Self-Made women Billionaires published on Thusday.


  • 而且也愿我们全世界显明,唯有那里才可以最终的真理

    And may we show the world that ultimate truth can be found in God alone.


  • 人们喜欢而且暖和天气里聚集在全世界各个海滩,盯着水面并且还会里面游泳

    Humans love water, and gather around shores all over the world in warm weather to stare at it and swim a little ways in.


  • 论坛北京建立而且全世界财富基金都可以成为其会员

    The forum is based in Beijing and counts wealth funds around the world as members.


  • 论坛北京建立而且全世界财富基金都可以成为其会员

    The forum is based in Beijing and counts wealth funds around the world as members.


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