• 即使他们可以做到,SimpliSafe声称系统一直在升级,而且各系统之间细微差别,意味着,存在通用神奇公式可以破解系统。

    Even if they could, SimpliSafe claims that its system is always evolving, and that it varies slightly from system to system, which means there wouldn't be a universal magic formula for cracking it.


  • 现在欧元区即使面临危机,尝试自身进行重组,而且每个国家思考到底是出手相助还是明哲保身

    Now the euro zone is trying to re-design itself even as it sinks-and every country is wondering whether to help others or save itself.


  • 而且知道即使泳池人们展示认为理想卫生习惯一些这样化合物将要出现在泳池里。

    And, you know, even if people displayed what I would consider to be ideal hygiene practices in swimming pools, there's still going to be some of these compounds that are going to end up in pools.


  • 相对于光面显示屏个人更喜欢亚光显示屏这两显示屏的笔记本电脑我都而且发现光面显示屏即使不算最佳选择的话,起码也是可以接受的。

    I personally prefer matte screens to glossy ones, but own laptops with both types and find the glossy ones acceptable, if not optimal.


  • 即使LCROSS探测器不能做到这点本次太空任务仍然新的突破——不仅仅是因为独一无二目标而且也是因为其独特整体实施方式

    But even if it does not, the mission has already broken new ground - not simply because of its unique objective, but also in the way it was put together.


  • 不管怎样,过去生活就是这个样子而且这样的生活里面开心(即使我一直在让自己懂得感恩并且留心于生活,抑或采取一些激发自己幸福感的方法这些都无济于事)。

    Anyway, that was the type of day I was having and I was not happy (in spite of the constant practice of gratitude, mindfulness and other happiness-boosting techniques.)


  • 与之极为相似,果敢地表达自己的疑欧主义观点,成了很多保守党议员人生的一个重大跨越。本周保守党的古怪行为,即使按照他们自己的标准,也算得上自我放任过度:这些做法可以说无目标、生编硬造而且充满风险

    But even by the Tory party’s standards, this week’s antics were staggeringly self-indulgent: pointless, confected—and dangerous.


  • 起了社会科学而且深爱它们即使这样,我和它们仍然无法感受到我和文学之间曾有的那种亲密

    I took up social science and I love them, yet I cannot feel that intimacy as I felt in literature.


  • 然而即使石油巨头企业模式遭到了质疑,而且这种质疑也合情合理,并不意味就此退出历史舞台。

    But just because the big Oil's big business model is being questionedand rightfully so — doesn't mean it's going anywhere.


  • 紧接着开始抱怨英国的天气了,因为即使那时夏季雨总是下个不停而且经常得厉害

    Almost immediately he began to complain about the weather, for even though it was still summer, it rained continually and it was often bitterly cold.


  • 大多数细胞透明的——换话说,它们易于反射吸收光线所以显微镜观察细胞需要一些技巧这些技巧往往会杀死细胞,而且即使某些方法能够观察活细胞,也只能看到其切片图,而非三维全貌。

    MOST cells are transparent—in other words, they are not very good at reflecting or absorbing light. To look at them under a microscope thus requires trickery.


  • 即使史前洞翻译公司人类伸出只手只是打击而且借鉴

    But even in a prehistoric cave, mankind stretched out a hand not just to eat, drink or fight, but also to draw.


  • 现实绝大多数高血压患者需要服用五种药物而且很多药物需要每天多次服用保证疗效持续,即使如此,一天之内只有大约一半时间能达到较好的疗效

    In fact, most patients with high blood pressure have to take three to five medicines, many of them multiple times a day, to be effective, and it's still only effective about half the time.


  • 紧接着开始抱怨那里的天气了。因为即使那时夏季雨总是下个不停而且常常得厉害

    Almost immediately he began to complain about the weather, for even though it was still summer, it rained continually and it was often bitterly cold.


  • 另外一个肯定后果则是,一旦汽车碰上即使最小或者一点冰导致致命而且不必要事故

    But another certain consequence would be a deadly - and unnecessary - accident if the car hit even the tiniest pothole or sliver of ice.


  • 另外一个肯定后果则是,一旦汽车碰上即使最小或者一点冰导致致命而且不必要事故

    But another certain consequence would be a deadly - and unnecessary - accident if the car hit even the tiniest pothole or sliver of ice.


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