• 可能无法控制自己任命而且到来时,每个人都会知道

    He would have little control over his appointments, and everyone would know when he was coming.


  • 一个新型投资者到来对于创业公司来说是个消息因为过去只有两种而且他们几乎不彼此发生竞争

    The arrival of a new type of investor is big news for startups, because there used to be only two and they rarely competed with one another.


  • 生活中的挑战似乎也是一一波到来的,而且我们发现自己处理棘手情况的能力正在减弱

    Challenges in life seem to come in waves and we can find our dexterity for handling tough situations waning.


  • 在那里可以星星彼此凝视而且可以第一时间去迎接曙光到来

    There the stars and I could gaze at each other, and no time was lost in greeting the dawn.


  • 弟弟到来之前一直期盼家里能多小孩——一个我认识的人都兄弟或是姊妹,而且我看到他们一起时充满了乐趣。

    Before my brother was born, I looked forward to having a baby in the house - everyone I knew had brothers and sisters and I'd seen that they could be fun.


  • 世界卫生组织已经预测肉类消耗2050年将会翻倍而且随着动物饲料成本越来越高,可能在那到来之前肉类价格飞速上涨。

    The World Health Organisation has predicted that meat consumption will double by 2050, and the increasing cost of animal feed is likely to rapidly inflate the price of meat before then.


  • 而且可以验证测试阶段早期应用这些问题,就是说,可以在翻译测试专家到来之前,在开始付出时间金钱以前解决这些问题

    And they can be applied early in the verification test phase, that is, before your translation test experts arrive, and time and money start to slip away.


  • 如果一个中断请求不断到来而且没有注册那个设备处理程序(例如所有驱动程序都返回IRQ_NONE),内核就会忽略来自那个设备的中断。

    If an interrupt keeps coming in and there is no registered handler for that device (for instance, all drivers return IRQ_NONE), then the kernel can block interrupts from that device.


  • 知道气候变化有它自然上升下降影响着这种趋势而且寒冷也会突然到来

    He knows that the climate has natural ups and downs imposed on such trends, and that cold snaps happen.


  • 可以调查案子但是很难找到个人对案件负责而且速度很快,在宣传攻势到来之前,人都已经找到了。

    You can censor cases, but it's hard to find a single person responsible and it's so quick. Before the propaganda order comes, it's done.


  • 人们对轻声细语克拉克赞誉有加,因为不仅有效应对了这场召回危机而且还领先其对手一步对公司进行改组,即将到来萧条年代做了准备

    The soft-spoken Mr Clark has won praise for his handling of that crisis and for being quicker than his rivals to start restructuring his firm in preparation for leaner years.


  • 认为巨大市场调整不可避免地到来而且我们社会保障盈余耗尽联邦预算减半之前到来

    I will suggest to you big adjustments will inevitably come, and they will come long before the Social Security surpluses disappear or even before we cut the Federal Budget in half.


  • 衰退已经到来而且在未来几个月会愈加严重

    The recession is already at hand, and will intensify in the months ahead.


  • 我会等待那个时刻到来而且认为我们已经接近那个门槛了。

    I keep waiting for that threshold and I think we are close.


  • 而且,随着移民不断到来,减缓了旧有社会问题的解决步伐,年轻人粗鲁无礼、酗酒作乐家庭功能下降等问题。

    And while new people were arriving, old problems were disappearing only slowly, including binge-drinking, crude, rude young people and dysfunctional families.


  • 通常完美的情况永远都不会到来而且(五十年)会发现一直以来都呆原地踏步。

    Often the perfect conditions never come and 5 (or 50) years later you realize you're in the same place you've always been.


  • NET 2.0已经十分接近而且我们大部分都在热切期望发布早点到来我们甚至听到发布继续越来越响的“呜”声。

    It's nearly here and many of us eagerly anticipate the release. We can already hear the hum, which will only continue to get louder until the release.


  • 但是随着ChromeOSHtml 5到来认为我们很快就会看到新的像“应用”的网站,而且站点的一小部分会触摸屏设备接纳。

    However with the arrival of Chrome OS and html5 I think we'll soon see new kinds of websites that are more "app-like" and a sub category of those will be adapted to touchscreen devices.


  • 而且xfy到来大大简化XML应用程序开发

    Also, the arrival of xfy will dramatically simplify XML application development.


  • 正如十八岁二十一岁最初到来的你时代一样,五十岁第三到来你的时代;这时,健康富有而且睿智——世界尽在你的掌握之中。

    Just as your 18th or 21st was your first coming of age, your 50th is the coming of the third age; where you are healthy, wealthy and wise - and the world is very much your oyster.


  • 希廷格尔(Hittinger博士怀疑基本形式酿造拉格(贮陈)啤酒---时间很而且还是低温发酵---确实比真贝酵母(eubayanus到来之前发生,但是这些早期的拉格啤酒质量不太好。

    Dr Hittinger suspects lagering in its basic formlengthy and cool fermentationdid precede the arrival of eubayanus, but that these early lagers were poor.


  • 早饭 ——如果忽略了早饭的话,早晨就无法达到最佳的工作状态,你因饥饿而一直期盼着午饭时间的到来而且中午的时候容易犯困,为了高的工作效率吃东西(合理的吃点东西),以保证一个顺利的开端

    You will more likely gorge yourself at lunch and have a sleepy afternoon. So eat something, anything (within reason) so you can ensure a smooth start.


  • 随着危机同时到来,不仅有巨大希望而且还有失败的可能

    With risk comes the hope of disproportionate impact, but also some probability of failure.


  • 有一个有趣而且可能区分我们两者问题是:要到什么程度我们应该欢迎可能到来工业文明崩溃

    The interesting question, and the one that probably divides us, is this: to what extent should we welcome the likely collapse of industrial civilisation?


  • 这个行业自动化时机已经成熟而且现在自动化即将到来

    A profession ripe, then, for automation. And that automation is now at hand.


  • 人才流失移民到来。他们不仅建筑行业增添了活力,而且还为爱尔兰不断衰弱的罗马天主教堂输送了新鲜血液,因为大多数移民都是波兰人

    And when the talent ran out immigrants arrived, to bring extra vim not only to the building trades but, because lots of them are Polish, to Ireland's fading Roman Catholic church.


  • 一个普通人接收环境感官信息会自然而然地将其筛选分出轻重缓急,而且能够有针对性作出反应。

    When the average person takes in sensory information from the environment, he or she intuitively filters it, prioritizes it, and responds in a purposeful way.


  • 清洁饮水已经成为稀缺资源,而且随着气候变化到来变得更加稀缺。

    Clean water has become scarce and will become even scarcer with the onset of climate change.


  • 清洁饮水已经成为稀缺资源,而且随着气候变化到来变得更加稀缺。

    Clean water has become scarce and will become even scarcer with the onset of climate change.


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