• 但是外部董事毕竟至少可以带来新的思想而且因为他们并非这种公司文化的环境中长大,所以可以去质疑事情的来龙去脉。

    But outsiders do at least bring in new ideas; and, because they have not been brought up in the company culture, are more likely to question the way things work.


  • 首席运营蒂姆·库克苹果管理团队其他人已经说服华尔街他们经营公司而且经营得好,即使乔布斯生病暂停工作期间都是如此

    COO Tim Cook and the rest of Apple's executive team have persuaded Wall Street that they can run the company - and run it well - even when Jobs is out of commission.


  • 这些特点员工提高公司业绩声誉而且他们将会使生活变得更加安逸

    Employees with these traits will improve your company's performance and reputation, and they will make life easier for you.


  • 但是总是有人这家公司大笔的,而且他们需要这么

    But someone is going to offer this company a lot of money. And they're going to need to.


  • 投资者公司发现通胀将至时,寻找一个避风港而且他们认为今天商品于明日现金

    When investors and companies see inflation coming, they seek an inflation hedge, and they reason that commodities today will be better than cash tomorrow.


  • 现在他们已经导致巨大的严重问题可能毁掉他们公司——而且可能毁掉花生工业

    Now they've caused a mammoth problem that could destroy their company - and it could destroy the peanut industry.


  • 这些法规准许几分钟之内就可以设立公司而且他们外国经营权需要缴税。

    It allows companies to be created in minutes, and to pay no taxes on their foreign operations.


  • 如果制定适当并且推行良好的话这些方案不但能够刺激取代个人需求而且能够说服消费者公司认识他们并非面临着另外一次的大萧条

    If tailored and communicated well, these programmes cannot only stimulate and replace private demand, but also convince consumers and firms that they are not in for another Depression.


  • 这些网站通过反欺诈技术保护用户资产而且这些公司他们客户登陆过于困难

    These sites protect their users' assets through anti-fraud techniques, and the companies don't want to make it too difficult for their customers to log in.


  • 现在大型软件公司开始采用敏捷团队越来越而且他们采用敏捷的方式实在是令人担忧(规模太大,速度太快)。

    Now that the bigger software companies are moving to agile, the teams are getting too big and they are adopting agile in scary ways (too big, too fast).


  • 今年,切萨皮克能源公司员工打算这个季初播种而且他们已经种了洋葱、豌豆土豆

    This year, at Chesapeake Energy, staffers will begin to plant earlier in the season, and they have already planted Onions, peas and potatoes.


  • 而且加州已经通过低碳燃料标准要求石油公司降低他们汽油中的含碳量

    And California has adopted a low-carbon fuel standard that will require oil companies to cut the carbon content of their petrol.


  • 奋斗目标雇员很强的自我激励能力,而且能够很快地适应公司文化理念,因为他们知道这里可以获得晋升的机会。

    Employees that are goal oriented tend to be highly motivated and conform well to the corporate culture as they wish to rise up in the company.


  • 他们对此兴趣,因为大量产品价格极其的低廉,而且能让他们公司相竞争

    They responded very favorably because I had a tremendous product, the price was fantastic, and it allowed them to compete with the big guys.


  • 公司不仅需要更多出口而且还需要减少工厂的数量,使得他们不得不拆掉一些很理想的工厂,这就解释了为什么日本公司要大量累计财富。

    Firms not only need to export more or build fewer factories; they may have to destroy idle ones. It is little wonder that Japanese companies hoard so much of their profit.


  • 点击付费广告最棒转变手段而且他们最好的潜在客户来自公司网站的人:搜索口碑

    PPC is the top converting tactic and their best leads are coming in from inbound: search and word of mouth.


  • 而且如果银行提防借款迪拜公司他们减少迪拜国际金融中心的露面。

    And if Banks are wary of lending to Dubai Inc, they may also reduce their presence in the DIFC.


  • 而且他们已经西方引以为傲公司组织准则发起了挑战

    They have challenged some of the West's most cherished notions of how companies ought to organise themselves.


  • 他们(指三家公司愿意选择这里是因为这里便宜而且提供税率激励政策。

    And they are likely to use it because it's cheap and offers tax incentives.


  • 2010年第三季度只有33美国公司公开募股,而且他们只募集到区区50亿美元

    During the third quarter of 2010, just thirty-three U.S. companies went public, and they raised a paltry five billion dollars.


  • 他们生来就滑动鼠标上网而且公司无聊乏味黑色笔记本电脑怎么感冒。

    They have grown up with the freewheeling Internet and do not suffer boring black corporate laptops gladly.


  • 最后设计出自openhydro,一家爱尔兰公司他们不仅设计新的涡轮而且涉及了新的水下发电机

    Finally, a design by OpenHydro, an Irish company, is not just a new kind of turbine but also a new design of underwater electric generator.


  • 一个新型投资者到来对于创业公司来说是个消息因为过去只有两种而且他们几乎不彼此发生竞争

    The arrival of a new type of investor is big news for startups, because there used to be only two and they rarely competed with one another.


  • 如果创始人能够懂得组织管理,他们公司不仅能活下来而且成长

    For those few founders who know how to build structure, their companies will not only survive; they will grow.


  • 现在这些系统在了一起,而且商业公司使用数据挖掘技术获得他们运作完整图景——“事实唯一版本”——业界乐于赋予称呼

    Now the systems are being linked, and companies are using data-mining techniques to get a complete picture of their operations - "a single version of the truth", as the industry likes to call it.


  • 现在这些系统在了一起,而且商业公司使用数据挖掘技术获得他们运作完整图景——“事实唯一版本”——业界乐于赋予称呼

    Now the systems are being linked, and companies are using data-mining techniques to get a complete picture of their operations - "a single version of the truth", as the industry likes to call it.


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