• 先前朋友作对。

    His erstwhile friends turned against him.


  • 你家的幼儿吃饭已经变成一种权力斗争经常发现自己为了健康饮食而与他斗智斗勇。

    Getting your toddler to eat has become a power struggle and you often find yourself having to fight him to eat healthy.


  • 不必为了了解底细而与他交往6个月

    You don't have to date a guy for six months to get the lowdown on who he really is.


  • 爱情而与结婚

    She married him for love.


  • 深夜迟归引起一连串噪音起了口角

    Ben had it out with his roommate about coming back home so late and making a lot of noise.


  • 汤姆女友听了父母的话分手因为收入

    Tom's girlfriend fallows her parents' advice to break up with him, only because his paycheck is not large enough.


  • 汤姆女友听了父母的话分手因为收入

    Tom's girlfriend fallows her parents' advice to break up with him, only because his paycheck is not large enough.


  • 知道往往比说重要往往能够通过别人倾诉自己麻烦而与他交上朋友

    He learns that listening is frequently more important than talking, and that he can often make a friend by letting the other fellow tell his troubles.


  • 父母渴望根的束缚开始崭新生活不同年轻Obama似乎寻找一些不同的东西。

    And where his parents had yearned to slip free of roots and start anew, the young Obama seemed to be on a different quest.


  • 长得,一个……那个时候,我一度害怕见到朋友曾经因为承受不了那八卦朋友分手

    One that I looked not gnaw point, one says I'm fat... at that time, I was once afraid to see his friends, but also because it can not afford to have his gossip with a friend broke up, he said.


  • 所以某个周三晚上来到费伯格先生看起来有点寒酸办公室身份相同人都拥有实木墙面、镀白金洗手间的豪华办公室。

    And so on a Wednesday evening, I went to Mr. Feinberg's office, which is almost threadbare compared with most of his peers' temples of wood-paneled walls and platinum-plated bathroom fixtures.


  • 本周,破天荒地,就范上庭批评人士对质——而与作对人士,许宋(音译),位不同政见者,则成就了本人最为重要的时刻

    But this week, for the first time, he was forced to face one of his critics in court - and his antagonist, Chee Soon Juan, an opposition politician, made the most of his moment.


  • 一直都很崇拜同游亚洲后,让我产生了新的敬意不是因为高知名度因为我身上学到一个努力认真工作的榜样。

    I have always admired Leehom, but traveling with him in Asia I developed a new sense of respect for him, not because of the extent of his fame, but because of what a hard worker I learned him to be.


  • 导游把带到珠宝店购物期间,陈佑铭因不满强制购物而与导游发生激烈争执,不幸心脏病发作身亡

    Chen collapsed during the argument and died of a heart attack.


  • 为了保证其工作人员安全此同时保证阿富汗行动能够继续进行

    He says it is just looking after the safety of its workers while ensuring its operations in the country can continue.


  • 说:“我们必须避免那种困境,战术上获胜——战略上失败——由于造成了平民伤亡过度破坏民众产生隔阂”。

    We must avoid the trap of winning tactical victoriesbut suffering strategic defeatsby causing civilian casualties or excessive damage and thus alienating the people,” he says.


  • 如此大幅度提高进口关税,而与同时却仍然出售土地所得资金各州分配,错误的。

    He said it was wrong to raise the tax so high and, at the same time, continue to give the states the money from land sales.


  • 而与同时又把自身经历以及其中所暗示希望普通美国人所面临的困境联系起来。

    And yet, at the same time, he connected his personal story - and the hope that's implicit in it - to the struggles of the average American.


  • 副手之前声明矛盾的是,承认需要化疗

    But he admits that he will require chemotherapy, contradicting earlier statements by aides.


  • ,世纪佳不必争夺广告客户的注意力那些规模大得多公司竞争。

    Jiayuan doesn't have to compete for advertisers' attention 'with all these companies that are much bigger,' he said.


  • 此同时彼得利用几个小时黑暗加强阵地

    Peter, meanwhile, had used the hours of darkness to strengthen his position.


  • 然后,卡梅伦再次大放词,胡扯如何展示英国优势此同时,把归功于削减科研经费间接保证了那些胜利

    Then Cameron will blab again about how it shows British strengths, at the same time as he's slashing funding to scientific research that indirectly ensured those victories.


  • 肮脏公司合作会冒险激怒的数以万计的个人损助者

    But partnerships with grubby firms risk turning off its million-odd individual donors.


  • 一位家事法院法官批准了申请表示来,丈夫因为“妻子电视观看印地语的连续剧而与争吵不断

    Granting her application, a family court judge said the husband had been picking arguments with his wife for more than four years "on the grounds that she was seeing Hindi serials on TV channels".


  • 一位家事法院法官批准了申请表示来,丈夫因为“妻子电视观看印地语的连续剧而与争吵不断

    Granting her application, a family court judge said the husband had been picking arguments with his wife for more than four years "on the grounds that she was seeing Hindi serials on TV channels".


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