• 仅可以选择自己的学习方式,且可以在家里学习而不去学校。

    Students can not only choose their own ways to study, but also can study at home without going to school.


  • 这样的话认为存储过程触发器可选强迫的,因此我可以自由选择它们

    As far as I am concerned the use of stored procedures, database triggers and foreign key restraints is OPTIONAL, not MANDATORY, therefore I am free to exercise my option not to use them.


  • 男性可以选择调整工作安排孩子放学可以选择工作而不接孩子,然后又为此感到内疚。

    Men have the choice to arrange their schedules so they can pick up the kids from school twice a week. And they have the choice not to, and then to feel guilty about this choice.


  • 那天选择在家工作办公室是个助理员

    Bonnie worked at home that day rather than going into her office, where she held a position as an office assistant.


  • 大多数企业应用程序可能选择完全避免使用Web服务花这份心思

    Most enterprise applications would probably chose to avoid web services altogether rather than go through this amount of effort.


  • 就是祖先自始至终抵抗选择中,三地危害,直到你进入疾病

    It has been in the choice not to fight back that one has been compromised again and again throughout one's ancestry into disease.


  • 员工可以选择时间作为假日工作他们经常这些时间旅行或者家人呆在一起

    Vacation days are days where the employee can elect not to go to work for an extended period, and are quite often used to travel or spend time with the family.


  • 决定也是决定——做决定,生活帮你做决定。讽刺的是,太多由于不去选择做出了决定。

    Not Making a Choice is a Choice - When you don't choose for yourself, life will choose for you. Ironically, too many people make their decisions by not choosing.


  • 一些情况下幸福的人懂得什么时候达到足够过分追求完美或者要做出完美选择

    In some situations, the happier course is to know when good enough is good enough and not to worry about perfection or making the perfect choice.


  • 讽刺的是太多由于去选择做出了决定。

    Ironically, too many people make their decisions by not choosing.


  • 西班牙网球名将拉菲尔•纳达尔本周二表示,豪华酒店选择为了“深入体会”会气氛

    Spanish tennis ace Rafael Nadal said Tuesday that he chose to stay in the Olympic Village in Beijing rather than in a luxury hotel in order to "live the atmosphere" of the Olympic Games.


  • 目前世界已经没有选择而不寻求高产作物满足日益增长的食物畜牧需求缓解贫穷保护自然资源

    The world has no alternative to pursuing Sustainable Crop Production Intensification to meet the growing food and feed demand, to alleviate poverty and to protect its natural resources.


  • 你为什么选择韩国留学不去别的国家起初本想英国之后发现,走街上有点自在,一眼看出我外国人

    At first, I intended to study in the United Kingdom. However, after I went there, I found myself quite uncomfortable walking on the street. People noticed that I am a foreigner right away.


  • 你为什么选择韩国留学不去别的国家起初本想英国之后发现,走街上有点自在,一眼看出我外国人

    At first, I intended to study in the United Kingdom. However, after I went there, I found myself quite uncomfortable walking on the street. People noticed that I am a foreigner right away.


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