• 资深的官员则要求退休——且立即获得公共机构私人基金会的高薪闲职。

    A gaggle of even more senior ones were asked to retire-and immediately won cushy, lucrative jobs at quasi-public agencies and private foundations.


  • 华氏451度设想了书籍禁止烧毁未来一群通过默记他们延续下去。

    Fahrenheit 451 imagines a future in which books are banned and burned, and a group of people memorize them to carry them on.


  • 产奶的小山羊母牛组织网上赠礼价格是120美元,而一20美元。

    A dairy goat in Heifer's online gift catalog costs $120; a flock of chicks or ducklings costs just $20.


  • 而一人数更多、但成员不断变化局外人”则下手晚,在高点买进低点卖出,随后带伤离去。

    A larger, changing group of outsiders comes in late, buys high and sells low, before retiring hurt.


  • 这些发现暗示多巴胺能神经元奖赏机制特异地激活非多巴胺能神经元会被令人厌恶刺激激活。

    These findings suggest that dopamine neurons are specifically excited by reward and that a population of nondopamine neurons is excited by aversive stimuli.


  • 席地妇女偏偏《绿袖子》。

    One group of women, sitting on the ground, was singing, of all things, "Greensleeves."


  • 由于人数越来越多,死亡人数增加——2000年有18434名百岁老人死亡2014年有25914人死亡。

    Because this population is getting larger, the number of deaths in this group is also increasing—18,434 centenarians died in 2000, whereas 25,914 died in 2014.


  • 快乐金钱读者显然享有特权的体,他们担心成就不是饥饿

    Readers of Happy Money are clearly a privileged lot, anxious about fulfilment, not hunger.


  • 一群马来西亚音乐家为支持中国抗击新型冠状病毒创作的歌曲的歌词。

    These are the lyrics of a song created by a group of musicians in Malaysia to support China in its battle against the novel coronavirus.


  • 毕竟他们不是颁奖颗星球上最好作家只是合乎资格候选人颁发奖项

    After all, they were not awarding the Best Author on the Planet prize, but an award for which a select group of people were eligible.


  • 对于每个曾经存在的不公正总是人为结束这种不公正奋争。

    For every injustice that has ever existed, there has always been a group of people fighting to end that injustice.


  • 需要休息时,我乐于独处另外两个人起,不是和待在

    When I need to rest, I prefer to spend time alone or with one or two other people rather than with a group.


  • 喜欢几个特别铁的朋友分享某个特别时刻不是和

    I like to share special occasions with just one person, or a few close friends, rather than a large group of people.


  • 僵尸企业夜间大行其道,少量阳光企业则在清晨舞步蹁跹

    A mob of zombies will stalk the night, and a handful of zesty firms will dance at dawn.


  • 家伙打的根本不是团队篮球,每天工作工作家伙。

    These guys never played as a team. This was a group of men showing up to work everyday.


  • 科学家另外孟加拉播放同样的叫声,他们同样生气事实上只鸟都是如此

    The scientists tried playing the same sound sample again with another group, and they got pissed, too -- virtually every finch that heard it, in fact.


  • 那时,麦考维他们称之为“贪婪成性秃鹫”,现在却喜欢他们叫做“拯救者”。

    At the time, she called them a "pack of vultures". Now she prefers to see them as "rescuers".


  • 些人则觉得陌生人同在空间里,并且感知彼此存在,会舒服

    For others there will be something quite comforting about going into a space like this full of strangers, yet being aware of each other.


  • 莱思莉说:“公园碰到孩子,生活因此改变,他们渐渐变成家里份子。”

    "You meet some kids in the park," says Leslie, "and life unfolds, and they become part of your family."


  • 拉文纳因马赛克闻名于世;游客教堂来到教堂,伸出脖子看高处布满灰尘穹窿微小多彩的有色玻璃昏暗光泽

    Ravenna is famous for its mosaics; hordes of tourists move from one church to another, craning their necks to glimpse the dim lustre of tiny multicolored smalti high up under dusky vaults.


  • 这个星球为了繁育饲养男人战士所统治的么?

    Is the planet ruled by a race of warrior women who keep men for breeding purposes only?


  • 游击女郎性别种族平等战斗匿名女性艺术家

    The Guerilla Girls are a group of anonymous women activists fighting for gender and racial equality.


  • 大量争论主要集中程序层面,驳回戴维斯先生各种上述的法官声称重审案件需要大量新的证据不是乱嚷嚷善变证人

    Much of the debate is over procedure: judges who have ruled against Mr Davis’s various appeals argue that you need lots of new evidence to revisit a case, not a gaggle of shifty witnesses.


  • 这个国家正为财务困境中自救烦躁时,美国人我们所有他们诚挚道歉

    As the country frets about extricating itself from the financial mess, there is one group of Americans to whom the rest of us owe the most sincere words of apology.


  • (穿越(时空)就是超自然现象通过超自然手段不是技术进行时间穿梭。

    A time slip (also called a timeslip) is an alleged paranormal phenomenon in which a person, or group of people, travel through time through supernatural (rather than technological) means.


  • 显然伊顿公学男生们被猎犬追得落荒逃时,这种游戏让得到了满足

    Apparently, she adored a game where Eton boys were chased by a pack of hounds for her pleasure.


  • 制宪会议上的问题复杂得多,一群疯子在议会内意见出示证据呢?

    In a constitutional convention, the questions will be complex and large. Who would present the evidence, if not the same loonies who cannot agree in the legislature?


  • 但是作为内向的人,恐怖的事就是人面前知道说什么

    But, as a reformed introvert, I can say that the worst feeling is standing in a group of people and having nothing to say.


  • 但是作为内向的人,恐怖的事就是人面前知道说什么

    But, as a reformed introvert, I can say that the worst feeling is standing in a group of people and having nothing to say.


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