• 上世纪80年代,这样前景债权国敲响了警钟当时的国家放债真实利率也发生了暴涨(坏人注:似乎可以理解为一种相对利率)。

    That prospect did alarm creditors in the 1980s when the real yields on government debt shot up.


  • 社会仅仅一种精神概念存在真实世界只有个体存在。

    Society exists only as a mental concept; in the real world there are only individuals.


  • 那些大学特别是声称“提供教育培训”的大学其实学生一种伤害他们没有看到当今这个领域真实情况

    I think universities, especially those who provide an "education not training" do their students a disservice if they ignore the reality of what is currently in the field.


  • 些照片中,如加油站就餐者公墓等发现了一种,这非常简单平常通常人们所忽视,非常真实很少为人所认知

    In his photographs of gas stations, diners and cemeteries he found a beauty so simple but commonplace it was often overlooked, so unspeakably true but poignant it was rarely acknowledged.


  • 黑色围墙内日积月累霉味使得地点笼罩在一种可怕忧郁之中死亡在此展示了真实写照

    An accumulation of bad taste among the black fencings allows a dreadful melancholy to rise from this spot where death shows her true likeness.


  • 虚无一种我们觉得难以置信的东西存在的虚无是不真实的;真实的虚无是不存在的。

    Emptiness is a thing man cannot bring himself to believe in; that which is not, is untrue; that which is untrue, is not.


  • 我们每个心中都深藏无声真实渴望一种创造辉煌人生的渴望

    There lies in the heart of every man and woman a quiet hunger: a longing for an earth shaking significance.


  • 激增资产只是一种幻想激增的债务非常真实

    The surge in asset values had been an illusionbut the surge in debt had been all too real.


  • 真实地反映一种罕见人类艾滋病上,这艾滋病是HIV - 2型病毒引发的。

    That is also true in a rarer form of human AIDS caused by a virus called HIV-2.


  • 情况下羞耻就是武器:“真实压力必须通过压力的意识加诸其上变得有压力,必须通过公开羞耻来使羞耻变得更加羞耻。”

    In such a situation, shame is a weapon: ‘The actual pressure must be made more pressing by adding to it consciousness of pressure, the shame must be made more shameful by publicising it.’


  • 认为十八声音一种现在可能真的嫉妒的傲慢真实的语调。

    I think it was the voice of my 18-year-old self: there was an arrogance and sureness of tone the present me can only envy.


  • {2}德国研究机构正在研制一种虚拟生活教练教练手机发送信息帮助实现目标花费仅是真实教练费用部分。

    A German research institute is working on a virtual life coach which sends messages to your cell phone to help you achieve your goals at a fraction of the cost of the real thing.


  • 包含必然性自由或者没有自由的单纯必然性,只是抽象真实的观点。

    A freedom involving no necessity, and mere necessity without freedom, are abstract and in this way untrue formulae of thought.


  • 因为现实生活中,只是虚言妄语,放弃却是一种真实存在。

    Because in real life, not just a false statement lie abandoned, but it is a real give up.


  • 我们每个心中都深藏无声真实渴望一种创造辉煌人生的的渴望。

    There lies in the heart of every man and woman a quiet hunger: a longing for an earth shaking significance from love.


  • 潇洒点。过真实生活不是无尽追求次又次的提升丰厚薪水,更大的房子

    Get a life. A real life, not a manic pursuit of the next promotion, the bigger paycheck, the larger house.


  • 有用,因为可以提供一种更加准确的反馈,看看其他人能力真实反应不是他们自己汇报

    This is useful as it can provide a more accurate reflection of how other people truly perceive your strengths, rather their self-reported perception.


  • 影响次联谊活动Jeff进行了交谈接下来的兴趣就是发明真实、有触感反应技术,咖啡桌上通过移动纸牌演示了他的想法,他的目标使电脑用户界面更加便于操作,就应用日用品样,不是制造一种新型的设备。

    Impact: I spoke with Jeff at an evening event, and his next focus was on creating real tactile responses. He was explaining this to me as he was moving and flipping cards on a coffee table.


  • 真实存在苏格兰方言随着最后母语者的逝去消亡了

    An actual Scots dialect dies with the passing of the last native speaker.


  • 所有切都美好真实了,也是一种难以抑制情感

    Yet it is hard to suppress a feeling that all this is too good to be true.


  • 早餐后,拾阶,穿上雪场提供的雪板融入滑雪行列,进入真实一种体验

    After the breakfast, you step down, join the skiers with skis from the ski course and face another real test.


  • 现有预算激励方案中,真实导向型激励计划计算颇为复杂方法预算中的讨价还价”完全是视为一种不利因素试图消除

    In the existing incentive scheme, the truth-inducing pay scheme is complex of calculation, regard bargaining which take place in budgeting process as adverse factor and try to get rid of it.


  • 现有预算激励方案中,真实导向型激励计划计算颇为复杂方法预算中的讨价还价”完全是视为一种不利因素试图消除

    In the existing incentive scheme, the truth-inducing pay scheme is complex of calculation, regard bargaining which take place in budgeting process as adverse factor and try to get rid of it.


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