• 如果天气或者湿度太大不能在外面跑步,在跑步机上跑步或者尝试另外活动比如游泳

    If it's too hot and humid to run outside, move your runs indoors to the treadmill or try a different activity, like swimming.


  • 目的定义活动进行目标过程”则达成目的方式

    'purpose' is defined as the objective for which an activity is carried on, and 'process,' as a means of accomplishing purpose.


  • 过去十年来食物已经越来越成为活动不是家庭杂务。

    Over the past decade, food has become more of an activity than a chore.


  • 假设这样一种情况需要扩展示例报告使显示公司成立时起的销售人员历史订单不仅仅是最近两年活动订单。

    Imagine a situation in which you need to extend the example report to display salesman order history since the company inception, not just active orders from the last two years.


  • 这里证明了反应一种表现形式人们知道有人在观察活动时,他们受到激励改变行为般来说会表现得更出色

    This demonstrated a form of reactivity; when individuals know they are being watched, they are motivated to change their behavior, generally to make themselves look better.


  • 查尔斯米拉参与了一种更为热门的网路活动——写部落格

    But Charles and Camilla have yet to adopt one Internet craze - that of becoming bloggers.


  • 渐渐的,内容根据重要性不是时间戳记来显示——不仅仅浏览邮件同样是一种社交活动其他内涵

    Increasingly, content will be displayed to you based on its importance rather than its time stamp - not just when it comes to browsing email, but for social networks and other content as well.


  • 一种新的检测眼球活动不是血流的头戴式仪器允许患者活动,它无疑将会提供更好脑部测量

    A new head-mounted device that measures eye movements rather than blood flow and allows patients to move around will undoubtedly provide better brain measurements.


  • 其他研究人员试验中了另一种解释,克他药剂的功效在于能够大脑情绪部位行为活动压制功效,兰克博士没有考虑这些。

    Studies by other researchers have suggested that ketamine works by suppressing activity in areas of the brain that are associated with emotions, which Dr Franks did not look at.


  • 阅读障碍被认为是阅读困难阅读一种高度非自然活动

    Dyslexia manifests itself as a difficulty with a highly unnatural activity: reading.


  • 就拿屠夫(Slayer)乐队吉他手杰夫·汉尼曼(Jeff Hanneman)来说,就是因为诊断出患上一种噬肉-坏死性筋膜炎不得不退出澳洲庆祝活动

    Take Slayer guitarist Jeff Hanneman, who had to pull out of an Aussie festival because he'd been diagnosed with necrotising fasciitis, a flesh-eating disease.


  • 使犹豫原因就是驱使某人做某事”意义模型本身看来似乎并非主动性活动角色

    A reason that makes me hesitate is the meaning which "to make somebody move", but a model itself seemingly is not an initiative or active role.


  • 因此奥运会一种常见国际活动举行世界各地人民不是只为带动活着各地。

    So, the Olympics is a common international activity held for the people all over the world, but not only for the athletes all around the world.


  • 任务教学法师生通过共同实施完整项目工作进行的教学活动,是行动导向教学方法中的

    The task teaching method is the teaching activity through carrying on a complete project work by the teachers and students together, which is one kind of the motion guidance teaching method.


  • 模型重构保持模型中系统外部实体交互不变重新组织模型活动

    Use case model refactoring is a kind of activity to reorganize use case model while preserving the interactions between system and outside entities.


  • 倾听主要的区别在于,听是自然能力倾听是一种有感知的活动

    The primary difference between hearing and listening is that hearing is a physical ability, while listening is a cognitive action.


  • 人们通常认为语言一种约定规则系统语言交流活动之所以可能取得成功是因为参与者们共有作为约定的语言。

    Language is ordinarily taken to be a conventional systems of rules, and communication by language is then construed to be successful due to the Shared language of the participants by convention.


  • 他们推迟活动花上数小时电视的时候,他们感觉他们可以那么被动方式轻易地体验其他方式的生活

    Even as they put off other activities to spend hour after hour watching television, they fell they could easily resume living in a different, less passive style.


  • 矿产勘查活动作为系统存在

    The activities of mineral prospecting exist as a form of systematology.


  • 林业人类森林改造对象一种基础特殊实践活动方式

    Forestry is a forest for the transformation of human to an object based on the practice of special activities.


  • 人们想法认为我们脑子内部活动特别值得研究的,风俗只是中很普遍行为已。

    The inner working of our brains we feel to be uniquely worthy of investigation but custom, we have a way of thinking, is behavior at its most commonplace.


  • 学习大学生日常生活中的主要任务社会活动只能永远只是一种补充

    Study is the most important task in our daily life and social activities can only, and should always be a supplement.


  • 一种蛋白质称为M型通道虽然先前了解的它和神经元活动有关,但并不知道它感染引起的疼痛中作用。

    The other protein, called M-type potassium channel, although previously linked to neuronal activity, was not known to have a role in inflammatory pain.


  • 事实证明,爱情更多大脑活动不是一种心灵事件。

    As it turns out, love is more an activity of the brain than an affair of the heart.


  • 让我们来谈谈忠诚度商业一种始终规律活动规律性要求所有参与者都忠诚扮演他们各自角色

    Loyalty. Business is a regular and consistent activity. The regularity of operation requires the loyalty of all participants to play their consistent role.


  • 游戏古老普遍活动具有自由性开放性体验性

    Playing games is a kind of age-old and common activity and it is of the properties of freedom, openness, experience.


  • 教育作为活动本质从属于人的本质,围绕教育活动形成社会关系总和

    As a kind of human activity, the nature of education is the sum total of social relations which revolve around educational activities.


  • 班斯—奥克·斯莱法案创设了昂贵争议违宪新的协调机构规范审计公司活动不是创造一种规则改变现有的机制

    Rather than creating a regulation to change the system, Sarbanes-Oxley created an expensive and arguably unconstitutional new regulatory agency to regulate the audit firms' activities.


  • 班斯—奥克·斯莱法案创设了昂贵争议违宪新的协调机构规范审计公司活动不是创造一种规则改变现有的机制

    Rather than creating a regulation to change the system, Sarbanes-Oxley created an expensive and arguably unconstitutional new regulatory agency to regulate the audit firms' activities.


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