• 如果这样了,并且顺利完成锻炼方向,那么就它变成习惯吧。

    If you do so and can get through the exercise without being pulled in another direction, make it a habit.


  • 社会角度来看手机公共场合打嗝一种习惯

    From a societal perspective, phone checking is less like belching in public and more like another bad habit.


  • 毕竟,个人如何运用时间说到底主要是一种习惯习惯很难改变的。

    After all, how we use (or utilize) our time is largely a matter of habit. And habits are not that easy to change.


  • 如果有任何方法能够让我赎罪,在某意义也算是一种。 沉闷不是我所能习惯的,似乎都比前更加单调乏味。

    used to; every day seemed more impossibly monotonous than the last.


  • 培养出像基督品格习惯只有一种方法必须要实行——-实行需要时间的!

    There is only one way to develop the habits of Christlike character: You must practice them - and that takes time!


  • 东西具很疗效方法如果养成了写日记的习惯。写东西可能成为之中最好事情

    There's something therapeutic about writing in a journal, and if you make it a daily habit, it can be one of the best things you do all day.


  • 那些苦恼时日里,长期以来早已中断工作中断工作正是危险不过的,这一种习惯消逝

    In the midst of his torments, and long before this, he had discontinued his work, and nothing is more dangerous than discontinued work; it is a habit which vanishes.


  • 我们在不断重复杰出不是行为习惯

    We are what we repeatedly do; excellence, then, is not an act but a habit.


  • 添加文件夹一种很好的编程习惯因为业务对象构件生成时将物理进行分组,不是文件夹中的所有其他文件混合起。

    It is good programming practice to add a folder, as on generation the business object artifacts are grouped physically in folders rather than mixed with all the other files in the root folder.


  • 这时,就没什么乐趣可言,习惯成为一种空洞自动行为,带来更多危害不是收益。

    In that moment, the fun has disappeared and the habit has become an empty, automatic practice that does more harm than good.


  • 有时候慈善出于一种不把交给收税自己来处置愿望为什么要改变习惯呢?

    Sometimes charity is rooted in a wish to deprive the taxman and decide for yourself how your money should be spent: why break the habit of a lifetime?


  • 还将使用一种自下”的方法,这方法基于良好习惯专业经验不是采取自上”的措施

    And it would use a 'bottom-up' approach, embedded in good practice and professional experience, rather than resorting to 'top-down' measures.


  • 认为应该21或者30天;还有认为要30天才能形成一种模式形成习惯更是需要90天。

    Some people argue it's more like 21 days, or 30; still others say that it takes 30 days to create a pattern and 90 days to create a habit.


  • “趋于一种饮食减肥理念意味着最终偏离饮食回到以往饮食习惯

    The idea of "going on a diet" to lose weight implies that eventually, you will "go off" the diet and return to your old eating habits.


  • 实际上并没有真正去尝试任何”阿克尔建议他的客户创造条件让积极习惯消极的习惯更容易提前20开始让坏习惯没有条件开始。

    But she didn’t really try any of them,” he says now. He advises clients to make positive habits 20 seconds easier to start and bad habits more difficult.


  • 习惯通过经验进行学习方式,是通过经验改变思维方式的一种方法。

    It's a way to learn through experience, to change your way of thinking through experience.


  • 购买汽车消费大众可以忍受偶尔召回行动丰田正在把宣告最新款产品的缺陷变成一种习惯行为。

    And while the car-buying public will tolerate occasional recalls Toyota is making a habit of advertising the defects of its latest models.


  • 运用恐惧裁决主管习惯严厉控制消极的手段,一种焦躁恐惧气氛来达到管理的目的,那么他们相信他们可以通过别的方式来获取他们所要的。

    Ruling by fear. Managers who rule through rigid control, negativity, and a climate of anxiety and fear don't trust that they can get things done any other way.


  • 运用恐惧裁决主管习惯严厉控制消极的手段,一种焦躁恐惧气氛来达到管理的目的,那么他们就不相信他们可以通过别的方式来获取他们所要的。

    Ruling by fear. Managers who rule through rigid control, negativity, and a climate of anxiety and fear don’t trust that they can get things done any other way.


  • 所以习惯算是一种学习是因为学习是基于经验发生的。

    So, this counts as learning because it happens through experience.


  • 第二个原理怎样对待所有那些杂乱无章需要存储的物品这些东西可能就是愿意保持习惯不改的信号不管这些东西是坏的,左右的时间里不用,就应该把它们处理掉。

    This may be a sign that you wish to hold onto old habits, whether they are good or not. Discard unused items that have not been used in a year or so.


  • 还有些人认为30才能形成一种模式形成习惯更是需要90天。

    Still others say that it takes 30 days to create a pattern and 90 days to create a habit.


  • 或许是因为二十世纪下半叶很多年通货膨胀率居高不下留存下来消费习惯,也可能是一种「债多不愁」的传统

    This may be a legacy of stubbornly high inflation for most of the second half of the 20th century.


  • 人们对于成功定义见仁见智失败往往只有解释:失败就是个人达到他的人生目标,不论这些目标是什么。 事实上,成功失败的最大分别,来自不同习惯

    Which two, among a thou??and wise men, will define success in the same words; yet failure is always described but one way.


  • 但是如果我们观察快乐,我们很快就发现变成一种习惯快乐的习惯被拒绝,就会不适感痛苦悲伤

    But, if we watch pleasure, we will soon see that it, too, becomes a habit, and when that habit of pleasure is denied there is discomfort, pain and sorrow.


  • 如果个可实行这些事情加入生活习惯,你开始自觉地体验一种生活积极平衡的“流动”。

    If you can work on implementing a habit of putting these things into your day, you'll start to automatically experience a positive, balanced "flow" in your life.


  • 切勿在过完之后才发现无所获热忧培养习惯习惯需要不断的补给

    Never let a day pass without devoting some time furthering your plan. You are developing enthusiasm as a habit, and habits require reinforcement.


  • 亚里士多德过,优秀种习惯不是行为说法同样适用公司

    What Aristotle said about an individual's excellence - that it is not a single act, but a habit - applies to organizations as well.


  • 亚里士多德过,优秀种习惯不是行为说法同样适用公司

    What Aristotle said about an individual's excellence - that it is not a single act, but a habit - applies to organizations as well.


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