• 增强了灵魂游走者魔法免疫能力抗性皮肤)。

    Spiritwalkers now have the passive Resistant Skin ability.


  • 但是狐狸魔法违背自然宇宙秩序这一秩序给予了力量至高无上的地位,并且侵占这种必不可少低下对立力量。

    The fox's magic, however, ran against the natural cosmic order, which gave supremacy to the Yang force and appropriated the Yin as an indispensable but inferior opposite. '8.


  • 告发指出鸡蛋非常宝贵魔法混合药剂并且大家都知道撒旦曾经雇佣巫婆孵化这些

    The prosecutor pointed out that roosters' eggs were very valuable for mixing magic potions, and that Satan was known to employ witches for brooding these eggs.


  • 与此同时攻击也许不会老用复杂的技术魔法劫持电脑而是寻找聪明方法欺骗作出错误的决定

    At the same time, an attacker may not alwaysuse sophisticated technical wizardry to hijack your computer, but could insteadfind clever ways to trick you into making a bad decision.


  • 非常喜欢PHP设计这么想法这些魔法方法包含语言中,这样我们才能编写代码

    I love that the designers of PHP have been thoughtful enough to include these magic methods in the language so that we can write precisely this type of code.


  • 自由市场魔法鼓吹们开始退缩

    Proponents of the magic of free markets are in retreat.


  • 哈利·波特可能会魔法学校学到如何对抗邪恶势力,面对这本英国出版史上促销力度最大,J·K·罗琳追随却无计可施

    Harry Potter might receive lessons in defense against the dark arts, but fans of J. K. Rowling's books will be helpless in the face of the most powerfully marketed book in British publishing history.


  • 数百年来目击已经多次报道过,他们曾短暂相遇大小约高尔夫乒乓球相似魔法球。

    For hundreds of years eyewitnesses have reported brief encounters with the golf ball - to tennis ball-size orbs of electricity.


  • 哈利·波特可能会魔法学校学到如何对抗邪恶势力,面对这本英国出版史上促销力度最大,J·K·罗琳的追随却无计可施

    Harry Potter might receive lessons in defense against the dark arts, but fans of J.K.Rowling's books will be helpless in the face of the most powerfully marketed book in British publishing history.


  • 根据惊奇漫画设计师布赖恩·迈尔·本迪斯的采访灵怪博士失去至尊魔法师的位子,因为我们复仇新年版#2》看到的那样,使用黑暗魔法

    According to interview with Marvel architectBrian Michael Bendis, Dr. Strange is to lose his role as SorcerorSupreme as a response to using dark magic as seen in New AvengersAnnual #2.


  • 伟大的人员管理看似职工身上停留段时间,也许他们拥有天生感觉关于世界正在发生的事,也许他们拥有一个魔法告诉他们答案

    The great people managers, those that seem to have a pulse on their people, may have an innate sense of what's going on in the world or a Magic 8-Ball that tells them the answers.


  • 这部传奇冒险电视剧中,年轻魔法梅林扮演ColinMorgan说:今年,能客串明星们一起工作感到非常高兴。

    Colin Morgan, who plays the young sorcerer in the fantasy adventure series, says he was thrilled to work with some of the guest actors appearing this year.


  • 心智灵活(特异):这项能力可以灵能游荡那些控制强迫魔法效果挣脱出来。

    Slippery Mind (Ex) : This ability represents the psychic rogue's ability to wriggle free from magical or psionic effects that would otherwise control or compel him.


  • 法师攻击性的、多用途的施法,擅长魔法

    Mages are offensive, multipurpose magic users with an emphasis on fire and frost magic.


  • 传统宗派对抗科技联盟以保护魔法防范劫夺灭世掠夺而战。

    The Traditions fight to preserve magic against the Technocracy, and to defend against the depredations of Marauders and Nephandi.


  • 施放其他生物物品地点(施法身上)的法术将可以由驱散魔法消除。

    Spells cast on other creatures, objects, or locations (not on you) are vulnerable to dispel magic as normal.


  • 劫掠以为托瓦尼一家会使用魔法,认为星际飞船的动力源神秘的力量

    The Marauders were under the mistaken impression that the Towanis possessed magical power, misinterpreting their starship power source as something mystical.


  • 两个著名的奥施法进行一场魔法决斗。

    Someone is using enchantment spells to induce others to commit various crimes.


  • 但是过了一段时间,守成为了议会傀儡失去了中心目地。守护成为了所有那些精通魔法守护人。

    But over time, the Guardian became a puppet of the Order, and the focus was lost. The Guardian became a warden on all who practiced magic.


  • 邪恶施法威胁商人农民如果他们按月支付什一税,就会遭遇魔法造成厄运

    A gang of evil spell casters threatens merchants and farmers with magical doom if they don't pay a monthly tithe.


  • 片大地上蕴藏着无数的冒险还有魔法数以千计的秘密引诱着探险梦想家。

    There is adventure to be had in this land, and magic enough to lure seekers and dreamers with a thousand secrets.


  • 咒语药、魔杖魔咒这是所有经典精灵传说中魔法装饰

    In each there are spells and potions and wands and spell books, all the trappings of classic fairy tale magic.


  • 觉醒: 涵盖所有超自然存在术语包括魔法

    Awakened, The: Blanket term for supernatural entities, including mages.


  • 就像西方魔法休习那样治疗触摸来自体验体验宇宙万物最终连接一体

    Like Western magical practitioners, Therapeutic Touch operates out of the experience that, ultimately all things in the Universe are connected.


  • 作为从事魔法艺术研究施法,能够自动缓慢获得经验所以可以需要他们冒然加入战斗

    Casters gain experience slowly automatically, so there is no need to risk them in combat as they pursue their studies in the mystical arts.


  • 提高所有抗性80能将下一个魔法反弹施法身上,持续120

    Increases all resistances by 80 and reflects an incoming spell back at its caster ever 120 seconds.


  • 拥有属性魔法物品可以帮穿戴抵消每次攻击3酸液伤害

    This property absorbs the first 3 points of acid damage per attack that the wearer would normally take.


  • 卢娜父亲魔法的支持实在令人难以置信,而且,帐篷里其他人似乎认出那个如尼文般的三角形标志。

    It seemed incredibly unlikely that Luna's father was a supporter of the Dark Arts, and nobody else in the tent seemed to have recognized the triangular, runelike shape.


  • 卢娜父亲魔法的支持实在令人难以置信,而且,帐篷里其他人似乎认出那个如尼文般的三角形标志。

    It seemed incredibly unlikely that Luna's father was a supporter of the Dark Arts, and nobody else in the tent seemed to have recognized the triangular, runelike shape.


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