• 另外,主办方邀请棋手参加亚洲少年挑战锦标赛,与亚洲少年赛组别相同

    In addition to the Invitational Championships, the Organiser invites participants for the Asian Youth Challengers Championships - based on the same age-groups.


  • 现在,一些国家的身体灵活的截肢各自组成足球队参加11月18日加纳举行锦标赛

    The nimblest in several nations have banded together in football teams and will play each other at a continent-wide tournament in Ghana from November 18th.


  • 所以目标当作积极的信号我们愿望改进剔除错误使我们变成更强锦标赛竞争

    So I regard that objective as a positive: it’s our desire to improve and to eliminate mistakes from the operation that will make us stronger championship contenders.


  • 车队现在别无退路,只有着手筹备赛事,一项能体现参与合作方价值锦标赛

    These teams, therefore, have no alternative other than to commence the preparation for a new championship which reflects the values of its participants and partners.


  • 2008年,获得顶级南美俱乐部锦标赛冠军南美解放杯,差点击败当年世界杯冠军曼联队

    In 2008 it won the Copa Libertadores, the top South Amcan club tournament, and nearly beat Manchester United in that year's FIFA club World Cup.


  • 世界拼图锦标赛世界数独锦标赛匈牙利激荡参赛脑力

    The World Puzzle Championship and the World Sudoku Championship will tease assembled brains in Hungary.


  • 美国网球公开赛前身,美国全国锦标赛参赛仅限于美国公民

    The forerunner of the US Open, National Champinoship was restricted to American residents only.


  • 造钱克里斯先生一路前行最终赢得锦标赛

    Mr Moneymaker went on to win the tournament.


  • 意大利SalsomaggioreTerme城镇,第20届披萨世界锦标赛一位日本参赛面团

    During the freestyle event of the 20th Pizza World Championships in the Italian town of Salsomaggiore Terme, a Japanese competitor spins his dough.


  • 世界记忆锦标赛(最近一次是2007年9月巴林举行的)参赛分钟一般可以按顺序回忆出几百数字

    Contestants at the World Memory Championships (most recently held in Bahrain in September 2007) often recall hundreds of digits in order after only five minutes.


  • 赌场运营商和世界扑克锦标赛举办Harrahs日前聘请NASCAR执行官杰弗里·波拉克,力图打造平民化形象招徕合作资金

    Harrah's, the casino operator that runs the WSOP, has brought in Jeffrey Pollack, a former NASCAR executive, to smooth its image and entice in corporate money.


  • 首先进行的半决赛路易斯维尔大学红队对阵本届锦标赛的黑马球队威奇塔州立大学割麦队。

    The semifinal games start with the Louisville Cardinals taking on the tournament's cinderella team the Wichita State Shockers.


  • 一位棒球队所有应该知道,曾经赢得锦标赛球队通常会小球

    A former pro baseball team owner should know that squads have won World Series titles playing small ball.


  • 日内瓦洲际酒店内,会议成员不得不上百前来这里观看花样滑冰世界锦标赛爱好们共处一堂,但是,他们的思虑似乎并没有因此而变得轻松

    Having to share Geneva's intercontinental hotel with hundreds of ice-skating enthusiasts in town for the world championships did not seem to make their deliberation any easier.


  • 如果一个真正钓鱼爱好那么应该参加这个非常盛大的世界钓鱼锦标赛

    If you are a true lover of fishing, then you should necessarily take part in this very grand World Championship for fishing!


  • 2003年世界锦标赛铜牌获得刘翔,参加雅典比赛中,中国获得了110第一金牌

    Going into Athens, Liu, a bronze medallist at the 2003 World Championships, got the first gold medal for China in the 110m hurdles.


  • 南非可能波兰乌克兰得更好,后共同举办2012年欧洲足球锦标赛,乌克兰指准备不充分。

    South Africa is likely to do better than Poland and Ukraine, which will jointly host football's European Championship in 2012; Ukraine's preparations have been singled out as shoddy.


  • 那些在2004欧洲杯(欧洲重大足球锦标赛)上的忠实追随足球到底有狂热呢?去问问他们配偶吧

    How fanatical over 'footie' are the true-blue followers who are now glued to Euro 2004, Europe's all important soccer championship? Ask their spouses.


  • 原来,这里正在举行一年一度全美野生火鸡叫声锦标赛。比赛现场,150名参赛一展喉咙,看看到底谁像火鸡。

    Instead, about 150 men, women and children are doing their best imitations at the championship of Turkey calling, the annual Grand National Wild Turkey calling championships.


  • 这个拥有如画般风景地中海岛屿已经阔别世界汽车拉力锦标赛年了,期间组织得以对意大利赛道进行修复。

    It's been two years since the picturesque Mediterranean island has graced the WRC trail and organisers have used the short break to revamp the route of Italy's world championship counter.


  • 每年都有很多魔方比赛世界各地举行其中包括源于布达佩斯(发明家乡)国际魔方锦标赛

    Every year dozens of Rubik's cube-solving contests are held, including the International Rubik's Championships that originated in Budapest, the creator's hometown.


  • 芬兰世界空中吉他锦标赛日本选手击败了其他参赛,赢得一个价值3.400美元的定制,非常真实的电子吉他。

    At the Air guitar World Championships in Finland, a Japanese man outplayed other contestants, receiving a custom-made and very real electric guitar worth 3,400 dollars.


  • 期间探戈沙龙第七探戈舞世界锦标赛布宜诺斯艾利斯竞争2009年8月29日最后一轮比赛

    Dancers perform during the final round of the Tango Salon competition during the VII Tango Dance World Championship in Buenos Aires on August 29, 2009.


  • 等待探戈舞第七届世界锦标赛沙龙布宜诺斯艾利斯类别决赛星期六,2009年8月29日。

    A dancer waits for the finals of the Salon category of the 7th Tango dance World Championship in Buenos Aires, Saturday, Aug. 29, 2009.


  • 适用于口红之前在第七届世界锦标赛探戈舞沙龙布宜诺斯艾利斯决赛星期六,2009年8月29日。

    A dancer applies lipstick before the finals of the Salon category of the 7th Tango dance World Championship in Buenos Aires, Saturday, Aug. 29, 2009.


  • 执行2009年世界锦标赛探戈布宜诺斯艾利斯就职星期天2009年8月23日。

    A dancer performs during the inauguration of the 2009 Tango World Championship in Buenos Aires, Sunday Aug. 23, 2009.


  • 穿着第7次探戈舞世界锦标赛预选赛布宜诺斯艾利斯星期二,2009年825日两比赛网球

    A dancer wears her tennis shoes after competing at the qualifying rounds of the 7th Tango Dance World Championship in Buenos Aires, Tuesday, Aug. 25, 2009.


  • 穿着第7次探戈舞世界锦标赛预选赛布宜诺斯艾利斯星期二,2009年825日两比赛网球

    A dancer wears her tennis shoes after competing at the qualifying rounds of the 7th Tango Dance World Championship in Buenos Aires, Tuesday, Aug. 25, 2009.


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