• 恩科西第13国际艾滋病会议主题发言人在会上鼓励艾滋病受害公开病情寻求平等治疗

    Nkosi was the keynote speaker at the 13th International AIDS Conference, where he encouraged AIDS victims to be open about the disease and to seek equal treatment.


  • 研究科科附近小镇发掘出了六个原始棚户居所的遗迹包括石器工具残片一些食物小组成员安德·鲁菲尔·贝恩透露。

    Researchers have unearthed the remains of about six camps, including fragments of stone tools and food, in an area near the town of Kokoda, said an archaeologist on the team, Andrew Fairbairn.


  • 尽管金融市场最近几周有所改善,但科恩指出有些市场依然承受压力投资信贷质量担忧仍未缓解。

    Though financial markets have improved in recent weeks, he noted that some markets are still under pressure and investors remain worried about credit quality.


  • 1997年,位于约翰内斯堡郊区梅尔维尔小学恩科西是艾滋病病毒携带身份为由拒绝接收,此时小恩科西首次引起了公众注意

    The young Nkosi Johnson first came to public attention in 1997, when a primary school in the Johannesburg suburb of Melville refused to accept him as a pupil because of his HIV-positive status.


  • 克罗地亚佩列沙茨半岛塞恩特葡萄园陡峭斜坡上当地葡萄酒生产杜布拉夫卡•塞尔·科维克说道葡萄酒永远在这里驻足了。

    Standing on the steep slopes of the Saints Hills vineyard on the Peljesac peninsula in Croatia, Dubravka Serkovic, a local producer, says wine has been made here "for ever".


  • 主持此次拍卖苏珊·科恩·洛克·菲勒说:“这一次史无前例协作。”她丈夫慈善家环保主义大卫·洛克·菲勒共同主持此次拍卖。

    "It's an unprecedented collaboration," said Susan Cohn Rockefeller, who is co-chair of the auction with husband David Rockefeller Jr., a philanthropist and environmental activist.


  • 他们顽强抢断,从而好地保护了身后的中后卫科洛·图雷索雷梅恩·巴姆巴。

    They're both tough tacklers who do a fine job of protecting center backs Kolo Toure and Sol Bamba, who have an intermittent propensity for the shambolic.


  • 科恩让持怀疑闭上了嘴11月份以来,SpotCloud市场封闭测试被启动,一直处于运行中。

    Mr Cohen has proved the sceptics wrongSpotCloud has been up and running since November in a closed trialand has already attracted a lot of supply.


  • 预计放缓在线购物增长“与我们曾经看到显著不同,”NPD集团首席行业分析师马歇尔.科恩(MarshalCohen)说道,“消费并不急于抢购”。

    The expected slowdown in online growth is "dramatically different than what we've seen, " says Marshal Cohen, chief industry analyst at NPD Group. "Consumers are not in a rush to shop."


  • 沙佩科恩斯的守门员福曼恩坐在轮椅举起奖杯这次空难的幸存但是不得不右腿一部分。

    The most emotional scene came when goalkeeper Jackson Follmann, who survived the crash but had part of his right leg amputated, lifted the trophy while seated in a wheelchair.


  • 第三段叙述一个叫做贾斯特·梅里尔的康科德道恩星球帮工守护,因被指控背叛而选择面具隐匿身份。

    A third account tells of a Journeyman Protector from Concord Dawn named Jaster Mereel who adopted the mask and guise when he was convicted of treason.


  • 沙佩科恩必须抗衡卡塔琳娜冠军,为自己继续巴西顶级赛事里征战取得一席之地,同时也要参加南美富盛名的南美解放杯。

    It must defend the Santa Catarina state championship, stay up in Brazil's top-flight division, and compete in the Copa Libertadores, South America's most prestigious tournament.


  • 1997年,位于约翰内斯堡郊区梅尔维尔小学恩科西是艾滋病病毒携带身份为由拒绝接收,此时小恩科西首次引起了公众注意

    The young Nkosi Johnson first came to public attention in 1997, when a primary school in the Johannesburg suburb of Melville refused to accept him as a pupil because of his HIV - positive status.


  • 研究人员希望继诺贝尔奖获得詹姆士华特森弗朗西斯。科里克,亚瑟科恩伯格之后DNA结构复制领域有所重大发现

    The researchers built on fundamental discoveries on the structure and replication of DNA made by Nobel laureates James Watson, Francis Crick and Arthur Kornberg.


  • 一九四一年五月二十四日英国海军少校马尔科姆。华克莱恩指挥潜艇支持号,西西里岛附近看见敌军运兵船队多艘驱逐舰护送。

    On the evening of 24 May 1941, British lieutenant commander Malcolm Wanklyn, in command of the submarine Upholder, sighted an enemy troop convoy strongly escorted by destroyers off Sicily.


  • 科恩提出这项法案之后赢得了若干支持其中包括纽约众议员查尔斯·b·兰格尔Charles B。

    Since the introduction of Mr. Cohen's bill, it has garnered a few more supporters, including Representative Charles b.


  • 科恩提出这项法案之后赢得了若干支持其中包括纽约众议员查尔斯·b·兰格尔Charles B。

    Since the introduction of Mr. Cohen's bill, it has garnered a few more supporters, including Representative Charles b.


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