• 已经打来电话正在考虑选择

    He has phoned in to say he is thinking over his options.


  • 当被问及职业选择时,高中的时候,考虑过去医学院学习,后来才电气工程专业

    Asked about his choice of career, he says at high school he considered medical school before switching to electrical engineering.


  • 意思如果考虑一对,您就拥有评估第一第二选择

    What he means is that if you consider each pair of values, you have the choice of valuing the first value over the second, or not.


  • 现在使用个人优势之一选择活动可能已经最喜欢的活动列表当中了,或者可以考虑新的方式来发挥你的优势。

    Now pick an activity that USES one of your signature strengths. It may already be on your favorite activity list, or you may want to think of a new way to use a strength.


  • 我们知道,如果当时有些教授站台会不会只是站在那里考虑,要是换做约翰·斯图尔特·密尔,怎样分析这些选择呢?

    We wonder if, had some professors been on the platform, would they have paused to ponder how John Stuart Mill might have parsed the choices?


  • 课程设计作出选择第二考虑因素,主要考虑因素是把自己置于那里商业气氛里。

    He says the curriculum was a secondary consideration in his choice; his top priority was immersing himself in the business climate there.


  • 这位曾经中场天才很早的时候就结束了职业生涯,因为认为考虑自己心理状况最好选择

    The once promising midfielder had ended his career at an early stage, because he thought that all things considering this was the best thing for his mental health.


  • 星期布什夫人女儿考虑白宫举行婚礼但是后来选择德州牧场

    Mrs. Bush said this week, her daughter briefly considered a White House wedding, but chose their ranch in Texas instead.


  • 尽管欧盟官员坚称所有选择都仍考虑,但陈德铭周四表示WTO稀土案中可能作出的裁定并不担心

    While EU officials insist all options remain on the table, Mr Chen said on Thursday that he was “not worriedabout a possible WTO ruling on rare earths.


  • 虽然坚持会员选择考虑是否有趣不仅仅财富大部分来自美国申请人都强调了净资产

    While he insists members will be chosen for being 'interesting,' rather than just wealthy, he says most of the applications from the U.S. highlight net worth.


  • 审视生活中诱发病因各个方面并非仅仅为了治病从全盘考虑选择条切实可行道路

    He chose a holistic path that made sense to him looking at all the areas of his life that were contributing to his illness, not just treating the symptoms.


  • 我们应该仔细考虑可能粮价环境问题造成影响并且确保我们能对我们支持的东西(生物能源)拥有更多的选择方案,”

    "We need to look more closely at the impact on food prices and the environment of different production methods and to ensure we are more selective in our support (for biofuels)," he said.


  • 作为佛罗里达众议院议长,也是举足轻重的人物,但是都不在参议员约翰·麦凯恩选择竞选搭档的考虑范围内。

    As speaker of the Florida House of Representatives, he was hardly a nobody, but he was not in the same league as a man whom Senator John McCain considered making his running-mate.


  • 礼品至少说明了送礼人考虑到了收礼可能平时喜欢消费场所并且购买上的选择

    He says they show that someone is at least trying to think of the type of establishment a gift recipient might shop at and giving them a choice of what they want to buy there.


  • 现在考虑选择

    He's looking at all of his options right now.


  • 金里奇正在考虑明年参选。他选择谈论信仰

    Gingrich is exploring a presidential run next year, and chose to talk about his faith at the Iowa event.


  • 时候,阿克斯·罗德考虑选择

    At the time, Axelrod was still thinking over his choices.


  • 现在正是重新考虑选择什么专业的时候了。

    It's time that he reconsidered what he should choose as his major.


  • 认为更聪明值得炫耀零食选择考虑什么燃烧我们摄入卡路里。

    And he thinks that to make smarter, more splurge-worthy snacking choices we should consider what it would take to burn off the calories we take in.


  • 尽管事先选择一个很有趣话题,做过仔细研究非常认真地练习过,没有考虑非言语交际的重要性

    Even though he had chosen an interesting topic, researched the speech with care, and practiced it faithfully, he did not take into account the importance of nonverbal communication.


  • 考虑疾病认为小狗做出正确选择

    Thinking about the illness, he thought he made the right choice for the dog.


  • 还有另外一个选择,即放弃自己的“霸王条款”,好好考虑自己在哪打球,在哪生活

    His only other option is to relax his no-trade clause and consider where else he might want to play (and live).


  • 拒绝考虑不切实际选择

    He ruled out the impractical option.


  • 如果选择正确的,那么卢瑟福将“考虑职位

    If his choice is correct, then Rutherford will "consider" him for the post.


  • 相信如果我们选择需要立即禁止少数农药的化,我们应当优先考虑2,4 - D草甘膦

    He believes, if we have to select just a handful of pesticides that should be that should be removed immediately, we might kick our 2, 4-d and Glyphosate.


  • 相信如果我们选择需要立即禁止少数农药的化,我们应当优先考虑2,4 - D草甘膦

    He believes, if we have to select just a handful of pesticides that should be that should be removed immediately, we might kick our 2, 4-d and Glyphosate.


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