• 现在考虑人口经济增长未来50年内的情况。

    Now consider population and economic growth over the next 50 years.


  • 现行制度安排公共政策制定考虑人口健康的长期社会边际成本长期社会边际收益

    Under the system in force, to formulate a public policy must consider the marginal cost and marginal profits about the health of population.


  • 考虑对于老龄化人口健康护理费用日益增长关注卡拉克认为决策者应该意识到疾病离婚风险之间关系

    Given the increasing concern about health care costs for the aging population, Karraker believes policymakers should be aware of the relationship between disease and the risk of divorce.


  • 考虑日益增长老龄化人口医疗费用Karraker认为决策者应该意识到疾病离婚风险之间的关系。

    Given the increasing concern about health care costs for the aging population, Karraker believes policymakers should be aware of the relationship between disease and risk of divorce.


  • 但是考虑人力资本人口一个特点四个国家具有读写能力的人口占比更有优势。

    Considering human capital as a characteristic of the population, however, all four countries were advantaged by the large percentages of their populations who could read and write.


  • 从各方面考虑异质性不寻常行为似乎人口规模庞大结果

    Everything considered, heterogeneity and unusual behavior seem to be outcomes of large population size.


  • 为什么应该考虑大学里人口课程呢?

    Why should you consider taking a course in demography in college?


  • 粮农组织正在推行沿海地区综合管理举措,将协调当地人口需求环境自然资源管理方面的考虑

    FAO is promoting an integrated approach to coastal area management that balances the needs of local populations with environmental and natural resource management considerations.


  • 这个数字已经考虑到了人口增长的情况,假设人均能源消费量可以下降50%。

    This takes into account the growth of America’s population and assumes that per-capita energy consumption could drop by 50 percent.


  • 荷兰这样可能基于荷兰国土面积人口较小考虑

    This is probably because of the smaller geographical area in Holland and smaller population.


  • 虽然直观导航无疑重要的,设计者考虑人口用户

    While intuitive navigation is certainly important, designers should consider the demographics of their user base.


  • 无关未来但是我们认为如果开始考虑气候变化人口增长人们应该担心

    It's not about the future, but we would argue people should be even more worried if you start to account for climate change and population growth.


  • 但是如果执行死刑最多15个国家各总人口考虑进去的话,伊朗沙特阿拉伯则中国热衷于施行死刑的国家。

    But if the populations of the 15 countries that carry out the most executions are taken into account, Iran and Saudi Arabia emerge as more zealous employers of capital punishment than China.


  • 首次利益相关方会议目标在于重新考虑商业金融模式帮助生活经济金字塔底层几亿人口安居。

    The aim of this first stakeholder meeting is to rethink business and financial models to help accommodate the billions of people living at the bottom of the economic pyramid.


  • 考虑这些早期人类遍布整个世界,科学家估计18 500的人口数量相当稀少的了。

    Their estimate of 18,500 individuals is pretty sparse considering that these early humans were spread across the Old World.


  • 另外一些指标,人均gdp考虑美国人口迅速增长,日本开始减少

    Another yardstick, GDP per head, takes account of the fact that America's population is rising rapidly, whereas Japan's has started to shrink.


  • 考虑多数贫困人口务农提高生产力至关重要。

    Given that so many poor people work in farming, improving productivity there is most important.


  • 考虑该国庞大人口随之增加粮食需求报告预计中国在农业方面研究的贡献有可能迅速扩大

    That contribution is likely to continue to rise rapidly because of the country's large population and attendant food demands.


  • 如果考虑高龄生育,会发现16个欧洲国家(2.34亿人口),现在出生率达到1.8或者更高

    If you take account of late childbearing, you find that 16 European countries, with a total population of 234m, now have fertility rates of 1.8 or more.


  • 考虑到占全国人口70%农民USDP提出了政策,宣称农民有“自己农田劳动权利拒绝了农民“拥有自己的农田”的权利。

    Regarding farmers, who constitute70 percent of the total population, the USDP promotes a policy of “the right to work on their farmlandbut denies farmers “the right to own their farmland.”


  • 境内短期劳动力之不足,欧洲决策层不得不考虑引入外来人口

    European policymakers imported people to fill short-term job shortages.


  • 英国825000名痴呆症患者,但考虑人口老化其他因素日益增加肥胖症患者这个数字在2015年超过一百万。

    Some 825, 000 people already have dementia in Britain and numbers are expected to exceed 1 million by 2015, given the ageing population and other factors such as rising obesity.


  • 人口变化方面成员国认识到尽早考虑政策稳定不可避免必要调整重要性。”

    On demographic change, members recognizedthe importance of early consideration of policies to smooth the inevitable adjustments that will need to be made.”


  • 考虑在2025年时,埃及人口预计会从现在的8100万达到1.01亿,要找到足够的食品一项令人生畏挑战

    With its population of 81 million projected to reach 101 million by 2025, finding enough food and water is a daunting challenge.


  • 该项哈里斯互动开展调查所收集数据代表美国人口总体状况,考虑到了区域、年龄性别受教育程度家庭状况、收入种族等各方面的因素。

    The survey was carried out by Harris Interactive. Datawas weighted to be representative of the total US population based onregion, age, gender, education, household, income, and race


  • 科学家估计人口数量在18500左右,考虑到我们的祖先散布世界各地,这个数字说明人类当时相当稀有的。

    Their estimate of 18, 500 individuals is pretty sparse considering that these early humans were spread across the Old World.


  • 到底为什么这些非主流组合发生考虑我们发现他们占总人口5%,并不罕见,这仍然一个值得争论的事情

    Why exactly these atypical combinations should happen - and given that we are looking at around 5 per cent of the population, they are not rare - is still a matter of some debate.


  • 德国考虑到波兰战时人口损失给予波兰投票权。

    He told Germany to give Poland voting rights to reflect her wartime population losses.


  • 应该谨慎对待这些数字——它们每年大约1%人口增长因素纳入考虑范围。

    The new Numbers should be treated with caution; they do not yet take account of population growth, which is about 1% a year.


  • 这些项目人口调查局工作年龄段人口增长预测进行综合考虑他们计算出工人供给可能变化

    By combining these projections with the Census Bureau's estimates for the growth in the working-age population, they calculate likely changes in the overall supply of workers.


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