• 附录列出了许多入侵西班牙法军所截获编码文件,这些文件的秘密是由英国总部一名军官乔治·斯维尔的工作揭露的。

    It listed many documents in code that had been captured from the French army of Spain, and whose secrets had been revealed by the work of one George Scovell, an officer in British headquarters.


  • 英国公共档案馆研究维尔文件时,发现留下大量关于半岛工作日记笔记

    Studying Scovell's papers at the Public Record Office, London, I found that he had left an extensive journal and copious notes about his work in the peninsula.


  • 随着对斯维尔故事进一步研究,我还发现了情报工作之外更多有趣的东西。

    As I researched Scovell's story I found more of interest besides his intelligence work.


  • 救援队英国的罗瑟拉出发状况百出飞行往返3000英里,接南极美国阿蒙森-斯特站的工作人员

    In a chaotic two days of flying, the rescue team flew 3,000 miles round-trip from the British station Rothera to pick up the workers in the U.S. Amundsen-Scott Station at the South Pole.


  • 已退休黑人谐星比尔斯比走访全国各地呼吁黑人群体注重自我进取:努力学习、勤奋工作——尤其——要摆脱笼罩贫民区那种抛弃希望的文化传统。

    Bill Cosby, a veteran comedian, Tours the country urging blacks to concentrate on improving themselves: to study hard, to work hard and-especially-to shun the culture of despair that grips the ghetto.


  • 萨拉·金斯觉得如果他们搬到城里好点埃尔默兄弟超市里工作自己则可以面包店

    Sarah Coggins thinks it would be better if they moved to the city. Elmer could get a job working in his brother's supermarket, and she could open a bakery.


  • MovieMouth流行电影外语公司瑞·莱德巴西工作时候得到这个点子

    Corey Wride came up with the idea for Movie Mouth, a company that uses popular films to teach foreign languages, when he was working in Brazil.


  • 或许可以解释为什么斯基最近一直克里姆林宫工作使其放心,他甚至还提出俄罗斯将来也可能成为北约

    This may explain why Mr Sikorski has been working hard to reassure the Kremlin of late, even suggesting that Russia could one day become a member of NATO.


  • 1986年,马,惠普夫曼计算机实验工作证明这些观点

    These ideas have been shown to work in computer experiments in 1986, by Farmer, Packard and Kauffman.


  • 之后拯救会”紧挨着工作堕胎诊所了一套房子他们开始谈话她示好,并给她提供午餐。

    Then Operation Rescue took out a lease on the house next door to the abortion clinic where McCorvey worked. They began talking to her, befriending her, offering her lunch.


  • 滚石杂志》的文章威尔将军否认手下的工作人员曾经试图使用心理战小组影响到访者

    Rolling Stone says a spokesman for General Caldwell denyed that he or his staff ever used a psychological operations team to try to influence visitors.


  • 研究者发现正在努力寻找工作搭档好试接受手术的人之中,那些花费更多时间去享受美好幻想的表现的更差

    The researchers found that when trying to get a job, find a partner, pass an exam or get through surgery, those who spent more time entertaining positive fantasies did worse.


  • 即使商业中心好好工作你带来不可控制的压力。

    Even in an economic downtown, the pros and cons of a job that gives you unmanageable amounts of stress have to be weighed.


  • 对于10个工作以上收到退申请我们可以返还生500元人民币

    For requests received at least 10 working days before the test date, we will refund 500 RMB.


  • 梅丽莎众议员共和党研究委员会找到一个实习工作然后了麦特的办公室工作

    Melissa landed an internship at the House Republican Study Committee and then moved to McCotter’s office.


  • 掌管高盛集团时,迫于工作需要,他总是金口紧闭,然而,或许尼兹本来是个天生的自夸自耀者。

    Mr Corzine, perhaps because of the need to be tight-lipped hen he ran Goldman Sachs, is not a natural braggart.


  • 宇航员特蕾西·威尔·戴森启动程序,关闭工作中的机器,同时同伴道格拉斯·惠洛克安装跨接电缆保持所有房间有较低温度

    Astronaut Tracy Caldwell Dyson set in motion equipment shutdown procedures and, with crewmate Douglas Wheelock, installed a jumper cable to keep all the rooms cool.


  • 普莱斯答复说:“批评报纸生产工人而非新闻工作者是默克多报纸典型特征

    Prescott replied: "Typical of Murdoch newspaper to blame a production worker, not the journalist.


  • 特森学会(智囊团)盖里弗鲍尔杰弗里·斯认为他们只能创造9000个工作岗位,与此同时如果进行报复将可能造成潜在的大损失。

    Gary Hufbauer and Jeffrey Schott of the Peterson Institute, a think tank, think they would create just 9, 000 jobs while potentially costing far more through retaliation.


  • 然后好的大学学习经贸,然后就工作一个很高的工资。

    I wanted to go to a good university, learn business and then work for a sound salary.


  • 书中提到的,汽车产业创造了上百亿工作岗位但是Facebook只需要2000个雇员Twitter 300个,eBay大约也只需要17000人。

    As Cowen notes in his book, the automobile industry produced millions of jobs, but Facebook employs about 2, 000, Twitter 300 and eBay about 17, 000.


  • 书中提到的,汽车产业创造了上百亿工作岗位但是Facebook只需要2000个雇员Twitter 300个,eBay大约也只需要17000人。

    As Cowen notes in his book, the automobile industry produced millions of jobs, but Facebook employs about 2,000, Twitter 300 and eBay about 17,000.


  • 喜剧演员比尔·斯比,各地演说敦促黑人父母节制制度愤怒”,教育他们孩子重视学习工作,和睦解决相互之间的争执

    Bill Cosby, a comedian, Tours the country urging black parents to "rein in their anger" against the system and bring up their children to study, work and solve disputes amicably.


  • 食物这个元素来源于在墨尔本菲尔德快餐外卖店的工作

    The food element came about because I was working at Tuckshop Takeaway, Caulfield (Melbourne).


  • 一直虑这件决定基于他们所有工作当然还有斯。

    It was always something, and my decision was made on the whole work they have been doing, plus the Cosworth.


  • 现年50岁的拉塞尔BBC文垂沃里克之声工作之前长期病假最近才刚返回工作岗位。 。

    Mr Joslin, 50, had been on long-term sick leave from his radio job at BBC Coventry and Warwickshire but recently returned to work.


  • 现年50岁的拉塞尔BBC文垂沃里克之声工作之前长期病假最近才刚返回工作岗位。 。

    Mr Joslin, 50, had been on long-term sick leave from his radio job at BBC Coventry and Warwickshire but recently returned to work.


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