• 划分工作时,常常考虑资源时间表交付使用的成果所以根据应用领域考察设计比较合理的。

    Resources, timetables, and deliverables are usually accounted for in divisions, and so it is practical to look at the design along those lines.


  • 本文的一部分通过考察研究近年来民事诉讼理论研究成果认为民事诉讼模式民事审判方式两个不同概念但是二者具有内在联系

    On the first part, through the research achievements, it definites that civil litigation pattern and civil trial form are the two different concepts, but there is inner connection between them.


  • 研究成果无论是考察角度、考辨方法上,还是在学术结论上,均后世研究者具有重要的启迪示范作用。

    His achievements has influenced later researchers deeply, not only by the study Angle but also by the methods and conclusions.


  • 经过考察研究并借鉴国内外研究成果基础确定采用模拟焊接试验研究孔等离子温度

    It is determined to adopt simulation experimentation to study the plasma temperature inside the keyhole on the base of studying the achievement at home and abroad.


  • 考察简单多边形构成方面性质结合已有成果提出一种简单多边形核的算法

    This paper inspects the properties in constitution of kernel of simple polygon, and a new algorithm for calculating the kernel of a simple polygon is proposed combined with the existing achievement.


  • 国内对于汉语学习者词汇学习情况考察比较少,集中对学习策略以及影响因素调查方面出现非常多的成果

    Inland the research about productive vocabulary of Chinese learners 'learning strategies and influencing factors, and so on. And there are many achievement on this aspect.


  • 年前笔者项目进行考察考察结果认为双语教学成果较好,它在保护侗族传统文化方面有效形式

    A year ago, the author inspected the project and thought that the bilingual teaching is an effective form to protect the traditional culture of Dong Nation.


  • 分析目前企业联盟现状全面考察了国内外研究成果提出运用博弈论研究企业联盟的相关问题研究意义

    After analyzing current situation of alliance, surveying the current results of the corporation alliance, this thesis puts forward some issues that will be researched and significance of research.


  • 本文前人研究成果基础考察现代汉语心理动词内部一系列差异性

    On the foundation of predecessors Studies, the paper investigates a series of Internal difference of Psychological verbs in modern Chinese.


  • 一份全球大学拥有影像显著的研究成果的数量成绩本月第一考察结果显示,影响力50个成果当中美国大学占了40个

    A league table, generated for the first time this month, looked at the global universities with research making the greatest impact - with US universities taking 40 out of the top 50 places.


  • 现有研究成果整体情况而言考察宋代女性社会地位文章和论文有不少,但研究宋代妇女民事法律地位的文章和论文就不多了。

    As for as the present research findings as a whole were concerned, articles about female social status in Song Dynasty were so few, not to say articles on women's civil law status.


  • 本文考察、辨析了历代注家关于“井”之释义,结合出土文献最新研究成果,重新诠释“井”卦所含蕴人文价值

    This paper examines the variety of interpretations of different times, together with the help of the latest excavated literature, and re-interprets the humanistic value conceived in the hexagram.


  • 本文细致考察历史现状适当借鉴西方发达国家领域研究成果,结合我国目前形势进行有针对性研究。

    Through careful study of history and current situation, appropriately refers to the research of this field in the western developed countries, conducts a targeted research with the current situation.


  • 本文考察以前现有污泥减量化技术工艺研究成果基础重点研究了剩余污泥减量化解偶代谢数学模型和好氧—沉淀—缺氧(OSA)工艺

    This paper emphasized the research on the uncoupled metabolism model of excess sludge reduction and OSA process on the review of the technical and the theory of sludge reduction of past and present.


  • 本文通过收集已有研究成果博物馆考察以及民俗文化的研究进行论述。

    This thesis goes on the basis of collection of research achievement, expedition on museums and research on folk culture.


  • 文章运用实证分析方法考察我国上市公司经理人报酬业绩关联性,验证公司性质、业绩的差异该关联性的影响,以期对已有研究成果做一些有益的补充。

    Using empirical analysis method, the paper surveys the executive pay-performance correlation in our listed companies, and studies the impact of companies' nature and performance on the correlation.


  • 研究方法分为五个部分第一文献资料考察——了解前人对相关课题研究状况汇集有关研究成果

    Research methods are divided into five parts: firstly, literature research-in order to find out the predecessors' research state of relevant topics, and collect relevant research achievements;


  • 汉学研究成果建立深刻比较文学思想以及注重翻译实践民俗考察的基础上。

    His research in sinology is based on his deep insight of Comparative Literature and his careful attention to the study of translation and folkways.


  • 他们共同工作成果学会理事会最终由学会成员们考察批准

    The results of their combined efforts were then considered and approved by the Council of the Institute and finally by the membership of the Institute.


  • 本文采用实地考察与参阅前人研究成果相结合方法,对姚名的生平思想目录学上的贡献史学上的贡献三个方面进行论述。

    The content consists of three parts: a summary of Yao's life and his thought, his contribution to Bibliography, and his study on history science.


  • 接下来国内外相关文献进行了梳理应用弹性理论应用其他方法两种角度考察了国外的主要研究成果

    Firstly, this paper reviews relevant classic theories, especially introduces the Elasticity Approach and the Imperfect Substitute Approach. Then the relevant literature on the domestic is sorted out.


  • 接下来国内外相关文献进行了梳理应用弹性理论应用其他方法两种角度考察了国外的主要研究成果

    Firstly, this paper reviews relevant classic theories, especially introduces the Elasticity Approach and the Imperfect Substitute Approach. Then the relevant literature on the domestic is sorted out.


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