• 维生素E相互协作,提高氧化能力防止减缓老年化,通过氧化作用防止减缓身体组织老化变硬。

    Selenium works synergistically with vitamin E to boost antioxidant power and prevent or slow signs of aging and hardening of tissues through oxidation.


  • 虽然通过一个健康平衡饮食可以补充身体所需多数营养物质,但是,对于女性尤其是老年女性来说,服用好的综合维生素试剂受益良多。

    Although most nutritional needs can be met through a healthy, well-balanced diet, many women, especially older women, can benefit from a good multivitamin.


  • 伴随着年龄的增长,老年对钙维生素需求逐渐增加,但许多人无法获得足量的营养物质。

    They need more calcium and vitamins with advancing age, and many do not get them.


  • 芝加哥大学的研究者发现维生素B3就是俗称烟酸,能够对抗老年进行性精神功能衰退疾病—阿尔茨海默症以及老年认知功能减退。

    Vitamin B3, commonly known as niacin, may protect against Alzheimer's disease and aging.


  • 这项研究报告的主要作者剑桥大学研究助理大卫埃林说:“老年痴呆症的原因不是维生素D缺乏

    “The cause of dementia is not vitamin D deficiency, ” said David Llewellyn, a research associate at Cambridge University and the study’s lead author.


  • 科学家每日服用维生素b可以推迟老年痴呆症发作

    Taking daily supplements of B vitamins may delay the onset of Alzheimer's disease, scientists have claimed.


  • 研究者发现经常补充维生素老年女性肿瘤几率高出20%。

    Researchers found middle-aged and older women who regularly took supplements were almost 20 per cent more likely to develop a tumour.


  • 出于这样缘故医生护理职员就必需保证老年人们饮食健康并且主动增补维生素D保护和强健他们的骨骼

    For this reason, it is crucial doctors and carers ensure they have a nutritious diet and are given vitamin D supplements to protect their bones, it adds.


  • 主持过多项研究,把老年维生素b12状态认知损伤贫血骨髓密度骨质疏松联系了起来。

    He has conducted many of the studies linking B12 status in the elderly with cognitive impairment, anemia, and bone marrow density and osteoporosis.


  • 然而研究显示老年可能需要某些关键营养物质维生素b系列

    Yet research shows that older people may need more of certain key nutrients, such as B vitamins and calcium.


  • 老年居住日照较少北方的人维生素的生成量减少

    Production also decreases in older people and those living in northern areas that get less sunlight.


  • 一些研究发现补充剂可能消化不良维生素膳食摄入不良老年有益

    Some research has found that supplements might be beneficial in seniors with poor dietary intake of vitamins due to digestion difficulties.


  • 关于老年骨骼健康担忧日趋加重,因为缺乏维生素d他们的骨骼变得越来越脆弱,这样很轻易诱发泛起骨折的情况。

    There are fears that rising Numbers of elderly people are suffering fractures because their bones have become weak due to a lack of vitamin d.


  • 年龄9 - 18青少年女孩可能低于每天推荐摄入水平并且一些老年可能钙和维生素d摄入充分。

    Some adolescent girls aged 9-18 May fall below the daily recommended level of calcium intake, and some elderly people may have an inadequate intake of calcium and vitamin d.


  • 菜花维生素c来源可以提高情绪维生素k让你老年保持思维敏捷

    Cauliflower is a great source of vitamin c, which may elevate your mood, and vitamin k, which can keep your mind sharp in your older years.


  • 有膳食调查显示许多美国人不论年轻人还是老年,都缺乏维生素矿物质其他营养元素

    Many Americans, young and old, fall short on vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients, dietary surveys show.


  • 比来项试验发现,“萎缩”,岁首呆有关服用剂量维生素搜罗维生素b12老年人中获灯揭捉缓

    A recent trial found that "brain shrinkage", which has been associated with Alzheimer's, was slowed in older people taking high doses of vitamins, including B12.


  • 为探讨老年白内障SC)的病因,测定了SC患者血清维生素E水平正常对照组进行了比较。

    The serum vitamin E(VE)levels in patients with senile cataract(SC)and in normal subjects were determined and compared.


  • 菜花维生素c来源可以提高情绪维生素k让你老年保持思维敏捷

    Cauliflower % is a great source of vitamin c, which may elevate your mood, and vitamin k, which can keep your mind sharp in your older years.


  • 结果显示8年内常规服用维生素EC添加剂老年男性发生白内障风险不比服用安慰剂的

    The results showed that older men who took vitamin E or C supplements regularly for eight years had no lower risk of developing cataracts than those who took placebo pills.


  • 底线是:“如果诊断患有老年黄斑变性,可以医生讨论,你是否可以联合抗氧化维生素治疗。”

    Bottom line "If you have already been diagnosed with AMD, talk to your doctor about whether you should consider taking a combination of zinc and antioxidant vitamins. '".


  • 推荐老年每天补充800~1000U普通维生素D骨质疏松患者肥胖缺乏日照吸收不良可酌情增加至2000 U。

    The recommended dosage is 800~1000 U/d of plain vitamin D for healthy old people and up to 2000 U/d for people with osteoporosis, obesity, poor sun exposure, and malabsorption.


  • 研究人员发现维生素B12水平摩尔增加老年阿尔茨海默氏风险2%下降关联

    Researchers found that each picomolar increase in blood vitamin B12 level was associated with a 2% reduction in the risk of Alzheimer's disease among the elderly.


  • 更多老年患者这项研究史中作为一个补充的结果,维生素D缺乏使老年病人年轻的病人的情况危险

    More of the older patients in this study had a history of taking supplements, and as a result, they had less risk for vitamin D deficiency than younger patients.


  • 一发现在生物学上看似有道理因为老年这些B维生素需求增加的。

    The finding is biologically plausible because elderly individuals have increased requirements for these B vitamins, " the authors write."


  • 最近项研究认为老年减少骨折危险最好办法就是每天服用双倍推荐用量维生素d和钙。

    A recent study concludes that the most effective way to reduce the risk of fractures in later life is to take twice the recommended dose of vitamin Dand calcium daily.


  • 最近项研究认为老年减少骨折危险最好办法就是每天服用双倍推荐用量维生素d和钙。

    A recent study concludes that the most effective way to reduce the risk of fractures in later life is to take twice the recommended dose of vitamin Dand calcium daily.


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