• 上述老十可能看过再加新的。

    These about right, and you can read more about each "secret" in the original article. There are two things I'd add.


  • 街上电动三轮小摩托们嗡嗡作响,载着消瘦实际年龄看起来要的前矿工们。

    The high street whirrs with electric three-wheeled scooters, carrying stick-thin ex-miners looking a decade older than their years.


  • 但令沮丧的是,这位女士马上摘下帽子:“不想顶摘下来便使立刻显得岁的帽子。”

    To his dismay, the lady took off her hat at once and said: "I don't want a hat that makes me look ten years older as soon as I take it off."


  • 人们分惊讶的是,强烈的地震过后,那栋建筑还在那里。

    To people's great surprise, the old building still remained after the strong earthquake.


  • 未来探险不会依靠过去年里将我们送上月球技术

    Thefuture of exploration should not rely on the decades old technology thatpowered us to the moon.


  • 那天晚上,当成字路口停下来时候,一个乞丐向伸出了双手。

    When he stopped at an intersection that night, an old beggar put his hands in front of Chenayya.


  • 两个图书馆顾客们欣然接受这个机会

    Dozens of library patrons in both towns jumped at the opportunity.


  • 虽然当今许多系统数量级年前那些复杂但是大多数组织仍旧使用适合那些系统的开发实践

    Although many of today's systems are orders of magnitude more complex than those of a decade ago, most organizations are still using development practices geared to those older systems.


  • 然后出现视线中,分显眼因为他是涌动人流中唯一一个站着不的人,唯一一个摆弄着厚望远镜的人,唯一一个监视着那些在河边凝望的人。

    And then Mr. Chen came into view conspicuous for being the only still point in that sea of motion…and the only one sporting a pair of clunky binoculars the only one watching the watchers of the river.


  • 可怜孩子年以后的,依旧很年轻

    My poor girl, in ten years I shall be old, and you will be still young.


  • 可能阅读,它让我仿佛回到过去,见了邻居,发现有的东西从未改变,一些则面目全非。

    Reading it for maybe the tenth time in my life was like returning to an old neighbourhood, some things look the same and some things look very different.


  • 建议方法减少过去年让企业饱受其害的那些经典问题

    The proposed approach will also alleviate the classical legacy issues that have been plaguing enterprises over the past several decades.


  • 但是有件事萦绕心上:鸟类的孩子是幸运因为它们父母傍晚不用点燃烛。

    But I cannot help feeling how fortunate the little birds are that their parents cannot light lamps of an evening.


  • 然而过去年里,一系列研究质疑一个观点。

    Over the past few decades, however, a series of studies has called these stereotypes into question.


  • 年来,日本清楚地知道自己正在

    Japan has known for decades that it was getting older.


  • 系统被创建年代——即使不是以前——这些应用程序时常掌握较3gl4gl语言的IT人员开发

    Created yearsif not decades agothese applications were oftentimes customized by an IT staff trained in older 3gl and 4gl languages.


  • 那些对抗细菌最为有效武器还是弗莱明同龄人们熟悉年历史的,只一点让人颇为惊讶

    Perhaps surprisingly, many of the best weapons in the armoury are still decades-old drugs that would have been familiar to Fleming and his contemporaries.


  • 到访卢安瓜的行程中,数次来到马诺营地采访,请了巡防队员了对马克·欧文斯的印象。

    On my three trips to North Luangwa I made several visits to the Mano camp and interviewed a dozen veteran scouts about Mark Owens.


  • 到访卢安瓜的行程中,数次来到马诺营地采访,请了巡防队员了对马克欧文斯的印象。

    On my three trips to North Luangwa, I made several visits to the Mano camp and interviewed a dozen veteran scouts about Mark Owens.


  • 这种假设年前开发主框架程序方法差异巨大。

    This assumption is in sharp contrast to the decades-old traditional methods of developing mainframe applications.


  • 因此食物制造商开始修改几年的食谱去掉用于番茄酱薄脆饼干等甜食玉米糖浆甜菜蔗糖取而代之

    As a result, food makers are reworking decades-old recipes, eliminating the corn syrup used to sweeten foods like ketchup and crackers, and replacing it with beet or cane sugar.


  • 尼亚.涅托先生鳏夫,而他新任妻子是一位著名的电视连续剧明星墨西哥人中有九个都知道她,其中更有四分之三的人是他妻子的粉丝。

    Mr Peña Nieto, a widower who recently married a telenovela star, is known by nine out of ten Mexicans and liked by three-quarters of them.


  • 明显可以看出,很久以前楼梯塌了,楼梯井足足有英尺高,底下地窖地板上摞着堆不知道多少年了木头在一起。

    Apparently, the stairwell had collapsed into the cellar long ago, leaving only a yawning opening 10 feet above a tangled pile of old timbers on the cellar floor below.


  • 几个星期佩佩到了英里以外,约翰女儿不得不这样做因为只有那样才能家里照顾这只狗。

    Pepper had to be taken away a few weeks ago so she could be taken care of by John's daughter, who lived 10 miles away.


  • 年来,RalphMorse一直是生活杂志摄影师,他的作品很多,1944年巴黎解放的演出到太空行走。

    Ralph Morse worked as a photographer for LIFE for decades, covering everything from the liberation of Paris in 1944 to Broadway shows and the Space Race.


  • 公司每周当地传送几个小时电视节目(像米奇俱乐部(MickeyMouse Clubhouse)),他的剧组在其他演出巡回演出《狮子王》。

    The company delivers about a dozen hours of television programming (" Mickey Mouse Clubhouse ") to local stations each week, and its Broadway unit has toured "the Lion King," among other shows.


  • 我们相信‘罗’号火箭有可能已经爆炸了,”告诉记者说,“没实现人民期待,我们感到分抱歉。”

    "We believe that the Naro rocket is likely to have exploded, " he told reporters. "We are sorry for failing to live up to people's expectations."


  • 一些美食八零后的童年记忆坚称黑莓秋季水果,八月少见

    Many older foraging books, and my childhood memories of the 1980's, insist that blackberries are an autumnal fruit rarely seen before the end of August.


  • 一些美食八零后的童年记忆坚称黑莓秋季水果,八月少见

    Many older foraging books, and my childhood memories of the 1980's, insist that blackberries are an autumnal fruit rarely seen before the end of August.


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